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We need a complete rundown of wiregate.
quick rundown:
>russia installed their own leader in usa, basically doing what the us has done to numerous countries in the last decades
>usa is now trying to undo the damage
Shit my money was on Clapper.
Fuck him too.
>literal who
are you actually autistic
wtf i hate niggers now
It's Friday night, we all should be out on the town having a good time. So let's all just close this thread, call up some friends, and head out to the bar. Am I right?
You wanna bet nothing will happen because Trump is a weak retard?
>implying Merkel, the literal communist, isn't a Soviet asset
Man. I'm tired. Think I'm gonna call it an early night guys. Yawwwwnnnn
Would be very interesting if true.
But look at him.
Here's his entire defense, and how he's going to get away scott free:
>I din do nuffin. It was all LEGAL. You can't prove it wasn't.
I think I'm just gonna chug some Nyquil, watch Fraser and hit the sack early, and not worry about any of this trivial politics stuff.
goodnight, and thanks for all the bumps
>tfw there is no proof
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Both of these folks have the right idea. Life's too short to worry about this kind of stuff.
For the Inauguration of Donald Trump Johnson was chosen as the designated survivor, and would have become the next president if a disaster or attack had occurred.[8]
sauce now or else
>literally who
Fake news
I'm feeling so sleepy... anyone else? Let's all go to sleep and wake up with a fresh mind!
nice proxy kim
Obviously it wouldn't be the guys at the very top who actually do the unmasking.
They may have decided it.
But you get a patsy to actually do the dirty work.
Basic shit here, user.
Agreed. And going to the bar is also a dumb idea. It's better to just sleep. I'm getting really sleepy. Maybe I should take a break from all the politics and catch up on napping. I love napping. Good night pals
How does anyone get this far without sleeping? You must be exhausted. It's time for some sleep. Let's go to sleep.
>implying I'm not going out later to get drunk and try to talk to girls without urging them the reject degeneracy, support the President and preserve the nation
Yup, sleepy time.
retard here
what does unmasked in this context?
he a gud boi
he dindu nuffin
Trump can PARDON Obama and seem magnanimous and merciful. Trump can PARDON Obama for crimes even if Obama did NO crimes. THAT would be fucking hilarious. It would destroy Obama's legacy (more than it already has been destroyed) because he'd have a pardon like Nixon.
Is this real?
The former Director of Romeland Security and Obama were illegally wiretapping Trump and releasing the secret data illegally?
From today?
The digits hint that it might be real.
>and try to talk to girls
I bet you will try to fuck them too, faggot.
Go eat dog Korea.
Mine is Brennan
Good luck user! Just wear your tie straight, your spats right, and remember that it's never a good time to talk about politics, and I'm sure you'll do just fine.
youre right, altho thats not relevant to the point i just made
Surveillance of foreign officials sometimes results in your own citizens being recorded. Federal rules dictate that any incidental recording of your own citizens be erased unless there is some imminent threat present on the recording, like them being a spy or planning a coup. Until that decision is made to erase them from the recording, their identity is to be kept private, or "masked."
"Unmasking" means revealing the name of the person on the recording to the intelligence community generally, which all of maybe 2 dozen federal officials would have access to while they are still "masked".
anything other than some random twitter faggot?
Can someone please explain who was under surveillance, in what way were they she willed? For what purpose? Why were they masked if they were being surveilled? What did they say in the leaked surveillance?
This is all convoluted as fuck. Nobody is actually saying anything.
Satan confirms.
DHS were also trying to hack into state voting offices or something like that, I remember. Jeh Johnson is a piece of shit.
I think it's time we did a little unmasking of our own. Am I right, gang?
Yes. Adam Housley broke it on Fox without naming names, but yes. Name will be out shortly.
Adam's twitter feed is filled with the details.
>Scandal isn't existential presidency-ending conflagration
They sure got their money's worth on that english degree. I'd have written
>Scandal isn't such a big deal
Oh I know about that. I'm asking if maddy said that today.
Trump is fucked, but nice try.
small fucking potatoes. Some Dems are going down hard for this. It's not going to be pretty.
One: slowly, calmly, allowing yourself to go into a deep comfortable sleep.
Two: each muscle and nerve in your body is loose and limp and relaxed, and you feel wonderfully good.
Three: from head to toe, you are feeling perfect in every way. Physically perfect, mentally perfect, emotionally calm, happy and serene.
On the number four, you are going into a deeper and deeper relaxing sleep.
Number five: You’re relaxing completely and allowing yourself to go even deeper into that wonderful deep, deep, sleep now…
Awakening in the morning at the correct time, feeling fully rested, refreshed, relaxed, invigorated, full of energy and happy….
And having a good… night… deep sleep.
Shit. Sorry user. I'll double check but I think she said that last night.
>USA today
>gannet publishing
Great source you got there. Surprised you didn't quote mother jones.
underrated jebposting
Reminder that Jeh Johnson was the nigger muslim in charge of Homeland Security.
Oh boy that would be hilarious and a genius troll move.
omfg, nobody spied on trumps little hands lol
time for a nap :D
Wet dreams for sad retards
I will, I suppose.
I need to venture in to the lion's den and extract one to gradually redpill
>went to a bar with a big dance floor last week
>wanted to stay in a place where conversation is possible but got outvoted by females in group
>huge landwhales on stage, shaking enormous asses at the room
>black dudes putting their hands on their chin approvingly
>pretty young college girls acting like drunken whores
>nice young girls working up the courage to act like whores too
>friend who has girlfriend making out with another friend's sister
>pic related is mfw
lol after the tax debacle that shit aint happenin
kek confirms
They're priming their base for the big letdown.
The only thing going down hard is your mom behind Costco.
Trump laundered money for the russian mob and is going down like a prom date.
niggah GO GOOGLE IT. He was the Secretary of Homeland security under Obama.
I believe that this is the direction that The President is taking us
Fucking pleb. He was Obama's nsa Chief knucklefuck shariablue bull prepper
Bumb. Pay no attention to the slide threads.
Gimme a better source than some nobody on twitter
Too late for that shit.
Hope they have fun getting all their incumbents primaried for actual lunatics.
LOL some guy in a MAGA hat is not a source
Twitface is Literally fucking LARPing.
Its Brennan you fucks.
It's rainy and shitty outside; so I'm about to pour myself some whiskey and stay right here.
He got btfo by Cruz once, some congressional hearing about why DHS didn't acknowledge Islamic terrorism. He sat there like an uppity nigger while Cruz ripped him a new one.
who the fuck is josh cornett
Not gonna lie, Trump supporter here, it's been fun watching him win and win and win, but in all seriousness it's time we get some much needed sleep.
Old man Shekelstein!
Sharered here
Feeling very high energy lets keep posting
checked Adam Housley's twitter. Don't see any details. Only thing he's done today was publish an article about someone high up who did the unmasking. Did not name names though.
Stop cock teasing us OP.
>chug some Nyquil
Muh nigga
Holy fuck you shills are bad. None of us have friends. That's why we are on Sup Forums on a Friday night.
I don't doubt Obama's DHS guy is ultimately involved but this is just a random faggot on Twitter claiming it
Trump will die in prison.