Keep chasing asian women

Keep chasing asian women.

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well someone gotta pick up your slack.

Keep electing women.

the ultimate blue pill is to white knight a woman you don't find attractive at all, and don't want to fuck. get all that fever that you can't control out of your system when there are no stakes at all and then just fuck bimbos.

once your head is clear, spend the rest of your time helping man transcend its biological limitations and become one with the universe

fucking praise

Can you really blame us user? What do we have over here? It's garbage. I don't want to be like niggers to asian males, but fuck man you don't know how disgusting white women are



Good goy! The Earth is round! Don't try to settle anywhere else beyond our provided map!

Have surrogate children, Hapas are extremely mentally ill useless shits who aren't important.

I could never get over this from Sup Forums
>Complain about anti-white shit in the media and white displacement
>Muh Asian waifu

I'm holding out for the genetically modified fox-girls.

Oh dear, someone overdosed

There's a Filipina chick who wants my dick hard, should I fuck and chuck her? And if so, condom or not? She's a virgin

asian women chase white men, not the other way around
no, don't
man i love chuckling lizards

They'll never let that happen unless they're all raised to be SJWs from birth.

I think more likely they'd try to ban them, seeing them as competition for men. The power of boners can't be stopped by such mere SJW's however.

i will make beautiful hapa babies with a nipponese qt3.14, idc what Sup Forums thinks

Take the Amazon pill.

They'll be strong physically, redpilled by not being societies image of a pretty little girl removing SJW hivemjnd, remove manlet genes probabilities from your genepool, and give you snu snu that will blow your mind.

They are also loyal to you for liking them for who they are (tall women usually are overlooked a lot for shorter ones)

Just have a white surrogate child, it's not worth it to raise hapas.

White women are the best. You're just an anime-watching weeaboo with no game.

How about produce white offspring instead of making useless mongrels? Having Interracial babies should be illegal.

For you my blue-pilled friend.

I hate anime lol my girlfriend is asian. White women are shit garbage tier, and if you actually believe anything otherwise, you must be a girl larping as a guy.

Hello sarah.

So you don't care about America turning less an less white? You want to raise rootless cosmopolitans?

At least have children through surrogacy, never fall for the hapa meme. You will deeply regret bringing another unstable mongrel into this world.

Keep caring what other men stick their dick in

I doubt that will happen, it's just a meme.

>85% of hapas have a type of mental problem

Enjoy making our country into a shithole buddy.

that happens with all race mixing, it will happen regardless. And it's already a shit hole, and that's due to white women almost exclusively who are disgustingly ugly and worthless. I would rather die than sacrifice my happiness for
>muh race

You want America to become less white. You can't complain about coalburning, etc., when you do shit like this. When America is no longer white, it stops being an America. You want to raise deracinated people

Enjoy having fucked up kids mate

Asians are the second best race behind whites.

>Sacrifice my happiness
>implying raising non-whites who look nothing like you is happiness

Gee you sure are a massive fag.

>Muh mixing two best races together works

It doesn't, your child still doesn't look like you, it's bound to have mental problems. Not to mention it will even have a lower IQ. Hapas despise their white parents no matter how you raise the little mongrel. Surrogacy is much better as that prevents the suffering of bringing another useless mongrel into the world.

I don't care about coalburners lol, they always die in the end and ALWAYS have a miserable ending regardless. Single mothers, junkies, poverty, rape, STD's, or at least being beaten.

What I care about is that white women are disgusting defilers of my country (I couldn't care less about white women, I care about my ancestors and their memory, which white women defile and stain).

America already isn't white, it's something like 50% white and the majority of that "hispanic whites" or just straight up full ooga booga nigger.

>caring about america being less white
when was it ever white to begin with? America has always been ~60% white except for a few years when america took in half of europe. America should be a strict meritocracy, if a nigger can pull white sluts while you wank to cartoon, then they deserve it.

If you show anything other than pure disgust toward white women, then you're a degenerate and are probably into scat porn and vomitting or bestiality or other fucked up shit.

I literally can't see any other way you would actually pursue such utter garbage (which every single white woman in existence is, don't fool yourself user)

>I care about my ancestors and their memory, which white women defile and stain

The ironing

>Being this bluepilled

When whites become the minority the new majority always tries to genocide them. Look at Brazil and South Africa, Its best we keep America a white majority country. Hapas and other interracial abominations are failed science experiments that have no love in them. If I was the president I would outright ban interracial relationships and interracial births.

>Muh IQ
There's no way to measure human intelligence. You either have a child with brain dysfunction or not. Everything left is up to your parenting and his (child's) desire to educate himself. If he chose to become a junkie, there's nothing you can do. I'm tired of people thinking that you somehow can pass your IQ to your offspring, this shit confronts common sense and biology.

>when was it ever white to begin with?

When it was at its apex?

Why bring more of this into existence?

how is that ironic user?

Ask latinos. I thought we are talking about east asian-white marriage

if they become the minority than it is there fault, they could have prevented it

>but da joos

if whites are that easily controlled by a small population, when why are they worth saving?

>hapas and other interracial abominations are failed science experiments that have no love in them
have you even met a halfbreed?

>If I was the president I would outright ban interracial relationships and interracial births.
then go to law school, study hard, climb the political ladder and run, you can literally do anything you want in america, no one is holding you back

it wasnt even 25% white in 1776

>Some white people are degenerate
>Therefore they deserve to be minorites in the countries they founded.

The only way gooks can appear remotely attractive is by trying to mimic the white women that you so passionately hate.


Anyone feeling sleepy? I'm feeling a bit sleepy myself. Sleep's good. If you're tired, just lay down in bed.

Who took the picture?

>it wasnt even 25% white in 1776

The 13 colonies or the land mass we call America today?

LOL wuz white women n' sheeeeit?

They're trying to mimic anime girls for the sake of their anime obsessed kinsmen you fucking idiot.
They don't look like white girls at all in the aftermath, they're trying to look like the little cartoon bitches that nerds fap to...
believe me no one is trying to be like white girls haha...

>east asian-white marriage

That's exactly what Elliot was
>Inb4 Jew father
No evidence of that

I want an intelligent, well read, university educated (STEM or Business), skinny, blue eyed brunette. She needs to be into hunting and be at least 5 foot 8 inches tall. She must have no health or mental disorders and be willing to have 10+ children. She must workout and stay fit and have a healthy low carb diet like paleo. She needs to also be able to play games like dota and get along with my friends. But she cant be too stuckup for a barbecue and a six pack with friends and associates. She needs to be earning 6 figures and not be technically illiterate. Her sexual history doesnt matter because until i meet her i am just going to fuck around on tinder.

Do asian girls meet that criteria user?

No, but neither do white "girls"

>Have you ever met a halfbreed

Yes and they're ugly as shit, why even bother having mongrels who look nothing like you and have no personality other than being psychopaths with relationship and identity problems?

>Durr whites aren't worth saving

Whites are one of the only races who have contributed to civilization, them dying off along with the Japanese who you shouldn't mix with. The world will become a giant shithole that will have no importance. Arabs could've had great civilizations as well if they ditched Islam.

This is one of the first times in quite a long time that whites are finally waking up for this bullshit. Why die off now?

Here's a half Japanese woman, notice how she still looks akward as hell like most Asian-white mongrels?

>t. obese micro penis nerd that thinks he deserves a 12/10 for his greasy unwashed penis.

White men on pol are fucking retarded. Hurrrr durrr superior white genetics. Muh Asian waifu

I will never respect a WMAF couple unless its authentic love

i meet my own criteria it isnt hard.
clone me as a female and i would be good.

Ok, I will.

99.5% of it isn't true love at all, it's a bunch of men who were too lazy to find non-city whores and instead married shitty Asians with no purpose but to suck dick and raise useless mongrels.

what possesses aussies to say shit like this


Don't need to, got a hunting rifle

nah, she fine

Anime itself imitates white people, so these gook women who try to look like anime girls are at the same time mimicing white girls, can't you see that?

Take your pink fucking ID and fuck off you yellow fever moron, you deserve to have deranged kids if you're stupid enough to mix with one of these sliteyes.

a massive ego
>implying you wouldnt fuck a female version of yourseld

That pic is legitimately so hot. Little up curve in the lip, fucking awesome.
They're cute, you sound like a mad white bitch with no teeth.

Sure sure, stay mad salty inbred

He is probably just bitter he can't get a white woman. Sour grapes and all that

かなり無名だと言っていただきありがとうございます、私は本当に幸せそう :D

Yeah I bet you're proud of yourselves for wanting this.

I may be the one who will have Happa children, but you're the one who's going to have Tyrone's DNA in your autistic shit tier ADHD negro child.
Enjoy fucking used goods with no respect for themselves, total feminist white female trash bruh

I took the blackpill

>Pic related
>White female without makeup
>literal 10/10 supermodel according to most people
>In reality is 2/10 ugly shit tier garbage alien greasy freak

your picture is literally more attractive than most white super models unironically.

I've seen uglier white girls.

Most mixed Asian-White women I've seen irl are the kind of women most guys would have no chance with.

Unless you're using surrogacy for children, Great job wanting to bring more niglets into the world. Take that shit to south america.

>Complaining about race-mixing

Top kek

literally nothing wrong with 1, 3, and 7

White girls except Slavic ones are crazy whores without a pinch of honor wtf are you hilly billys talking about?

those lips.
that jap/belg girl may look more attractive because shes younger which is literally what catches the eye of men.

I'm not complaining man lol
You're the one trying to shame me for having an asian girlfriend, meanwhile you're fucking literal white females lol.
Just pointing out the hypocrisy, there is nothing more trash than white women, even negresses are a better genetic option.

Lol because all asians look like the people on the left and all white people look like the guy on the right? Come on

Autism is correlated with age of the parents more than anything else it seems, wat

t. incel

>This much damage control all because he's killing american whites


>You're the one trying to shame me for having an asian girlfriend, meanwhile you're fucking literal white females lol.

Yes, I want to have kids that look like me lol. You want deracinated mongrels

Well, the more (((diverse))) the dudes a woman has slept with, the more incompatability the genes have when forming the fetus (all men she has ever slept with's dna is involved in the formation of the child, whilst the cells from the mother herself are scarce, meaning the child shares less relation with his own mother than he does with all of her previous sexual partners) and the combination of these incompatible genes are what causes so many modern mental and physical deficiencies

>dad why can't I get a girlfriend, This blond hair blue eyed kid is dating my high school crush

This is going to happen with your hapa mongrels and you know it. kek

I literally just told you i'm dating and fucking an asian girl for the past 5 months.
The only virgin here is you white girl loving retard

She's still pretty tbqh

>the more (((diverse))) the dudes a woman has slept with, the more incompatability the genes have when forming the fetus (all men she has ever slept with's dna is involved in the formation of the child, whilst the cells from the mother herself are scarce, meaning the child shares less relation with his own mother than he does with all of her previous sexual partners) and the combination of these incompatible genes are what causes so many modern mental and physical deficiencies

Race-mixer makes a great argument against race-mixing

Looks like an alien.

His loss, he'll be sorry when he has little supreme gentlemen.

Whatever ricecooking cunt.

White women have the highest count of sexual partners of any race of women in the entire world, ESPECIALLY in the west, and race mix the most, meaning they have the most sick offspring.

White women's wombs are disgusting, infected and totally unfit for giving birth to anything even remotely healthy or human, it is literally better to race mix with an asian than it is to reproduce with a white female, all things considered.

>all men she has ever slept with's dna is involved in the formation of the child

wtf lmao



I don't approve of plastic surgery but if the top left is a legit before/after then maybe I can make an exception

Is this the Sup Forums alien that made this site crash? I can see why.

>Feed me daddy
>Pure white genes
>Aryan warrior princess confirmed

underrated fpbp

Are these cancerous threads the new version of white bois can't compete ?

>thinking that is unattractive
What are you, a faggot?