Stop living for others.
Stop living for others
Don't tell me what to do
>Stop living for others
>Stop living
Damn she beat me to it
The core principle of Collectivism is the forced altruistic sacrifice of the Individual in the name of the greater good.
is Atlas a good book?
Spooks are spooks. Intuition is the basis of moral reality.
>I will fuck who I want, whenever I want!!
>How dare you fuck around on me!?
I had to read it in high school, it was long and rambly, like most of Rand's writing. Stick to Milton Friedman if you want to learn about libertarianism, and Nietzsche if you want to learn about egoism.
are you a ghost
>Stop being selfish.
words mean nothing
Was a total bitch for the final 20 year, during the government for welfare
>Edgy kids still read her book
>greater good
Nice ghost story
Probably the most lame shitlib attack on Rand, posted by none other than an aussie shitposter.
You are forced to pay into social security your whole lifetime; why wouldn't she take a return off her forced investment.
I hate Rand, but this just isn't true. Social security is something you pay into for your entire life. If there was evidence she didn't actually pay her taxes, then this might be a relevant point, but it isn't
I liked it, but it's one of those that you want to read when you're super comfy and know you don't have to get up. Like in a bath with snacks.
Stop living off of others.
What a weird looking cow.
>no income
>no house
>no car
Yep. No real reason to pay taxes then.
Do they really make you read that in American high schools? I liked it, but there's not denying it is a heavily politicized text that shouldn't be pushed on impressionable students. This seems as bad as forcing students to read Das Kapital.
Stop being a soulless kike
>if you hate Rand you're a liberal
Found the redditor
Stop being Jewish and destroying the community
I doubt it. The book is long as fuck, and there's no way the average high schooler would read it. Plus, I guarantee you a liberal mother would hear about the POSSIBILITY of the book being within a mile of a school, and immediately call for a ban on it, and the resignation of the principal.
Stop compensating for ugliness.
This. Schools these days can barely get away with assigning fucking Mark Twain. There's no way they'd risk assigning such a controversial book
It was the only book I read for the semester, though the specific teacher I had was conservative, and it was an unusual case.
I was also required to read "Anthem", which is far more commonly assigned in American schools.
Name a more redpilled (in the past) band
Free market capitalism and Marxist socialism/communism are two sides of the same Semitic coin.
Why else would the heroes of libertarianism (Rothbard, Rand, Friedman, etc.) and Marxism (Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Goldman, Luxembourg etc.) all be kikes?
Atlas Shrugged is genuinely a fucking terrible book. And if you want I will explain why, but just know that it is absolute garbage. People literally only recommend it because they believe in muh objectivism and Ayn Rand wrote it.
If you want a good Ayn Rand book that is about objectivist philosophy but is ACTUALLY READABLE AND ENJOYABLE, read The Fountainhead. Far more compelling, focused, and structured.
I never read any of her books. The only thing I know about Ayn Rand is she wants men to be alpha uncaring ingenious constructive superchads. The same shit you find in every piece of woman literature: "men should have all the qualities that women find attractive but should do so by following their own wishes (by rewiring their brain???) so that women don't feel judgemental or forceful". Also known as "why don't you try being successful". Am I getting this right?
Own a construction business, only claim what I deposit in checks, get creative writing off expenses. Made $45k last year, paid less than $500 in taxes. Get bent, ya goof.
Found the worthy oldfag with genuine knowledge
stop taking advice from jews.
Stop being a jewish whore
But I live for MY PEOPLE