I think she might
Could She Pull It Off?
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We can't let this frog get the nuclear codes!
Le Pen is more qualified then any of the rest o the candidates.
Moral of the story: A good leaf is a dead leaf
>implying that fag isnt an america using a proxy
probably paid by an american jew
If France pulls this off, they're no longer a cucked country
With trump and le pen we will be /1776/ again
vive le France!
If France pulls this off, no more European Cuckold Union. God bless
Le Pen is 100x better then Trump, Trump is cucked
Pull off the destruction of France with her socialist policies? Sure, it could happen.
I read an analysis that said it's closer than they're letting on based on the fact that the frogs are already starting to hype the russian angle, bigly; they're hedging their bets and looking for a post election course of action all in one
I'm starting to think that any candidate with an inkling of nationalism in the West will be smeared as a Russian agent
Who the fuck is behind these disinfo campaigns?
All she needs is 90% turnout and Macron/Fillon to get 70% turnout and she would win
She's polling below macron right now.
She can and she will.
Again, if Macron voters turnout 20% less, she will win
>Who the fuck is behind these disinfo campaigns?
the (((Russians)))
Combo breaker.
No anglo train of 200 posts about France.
Don Fillon ftw.
It bothers me that she has literally no chest
only if I get two numbers in a row at the end of my post
Dat perfectly sculpted jawline.
kek wills it