For all struggling with their weight, wondering how they will fight for their race if they can't simply shed their excess fat, you must do it. This is not a time that we can hesitate. You must push yourself to limits you never believed possible, solely to fight for your people. I have done it, you can too. Come, brother. Fight for yourself, your people, your god. Push yourself.
For all struggling with their weight...
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You could also just give up your faggot nationalist politics and google bookchin
Anything less that ethno-nationalism will result in the end of the white race. Stand up, you coward.
Push yourself. Stop spending 12 hours a day on the internet. Go outside. Cultivate relationships with whites. Cultivate strategic allies with non white Americans with a white state of mind. Don't fall for the nu pol meme of alienating all minorities. That's low IQ.
It's time to be high IQ, boys.
Ok let's say USA is 62% white right now.
Let's also say Trump builds the wall.
Let's also say Trump manages to reform the immigration system to a merit based system. (thus naturally prioritizing more whites)
What else does he need to do?
In one speech during the elections he also mentioned reverting immigration back before the 1965 act.
Pro life. (disproportionately increases blacks)
Nothing more can be done by the president. It is up to the whites themselves to decide to start breeding faster than the other races that reside in our land.
Also he is supporting family based policies like the shit Ivanka is pushing. Rewarding whites who are working with the ability to create families will also help.
Tbh the major metropolitan cities should be pro abortion and not helped at all, and he should only help the rural counties.That would save us a lot of trouble.
I just bought some apple cider vinegar today, it's not much, but it's something. I probably already have beetus though.
What's the breeding rates by the different races right now?
Trump already suspended prioritized H1B visas. That news got buried but it happened. So pajeets will remain at 1.25% of population. So whites mainly have to outbreed blacks and Mexicans, do I have that right?
Such a great pic. Reminds me of this video:
Oy vey
Correct, perhaps this helps. Outbreeding 2 races seems to be a trying task.
Nazis were a terrible example for nationalism and you are just playing nazis because it is the cool new meme.There I said it
This is what I keep trying to tell those assholes who insist I procreate rampantly to preserve the white race. I'm all for fighting for my race if shit hits the fan; 'scuse me for not being delusional enough to think we can outfuck the brownskins to victory. We can't and most of us wouldn't want to because we aren't fucking cattle.
At any rate, it is a bad time to have kids anyway. If shit hits the fan, you don't want to have to drag around toddlers in wasteland America.
How do you figure something that has been around for close to 90 years is the "cool new meme"? "Nazis" or National Socialists see what the jew is doing to the white countries of God's earth and want to put and end to it. Some day you will see the light, my friend.
But doesn't it seem a great gamble, to risk your blood to try and save your heritage, your culture, and your ancestor's work? Struggle is an integral part of success, my brother.
How many immigrants get in each year under prioritized H1B visas?
Also there are between 26 and 35 million non-citizens currently in the country including illegals, as well as 7 million anchor babies under the age of 18. If Trump goes all the way the USA could go back to where it was in 2000 in terms of howaitoness.
>is retarded
>calls other people assholes
That chart is only valid for a situation in which the president refuses to deport illegals and refuses to push for cuts to immigration and tax incentives for white middle class couples to have kids remain poor. Basically if Hillary had won.
Because internet nazis lack continuity with Nazi Germany even more than internet commies lack continuity with the USSR
And you solve that problem by going on genocidal rampages?How about gated ethnocommunities?
My opinion is if you can't fight, breed. The goys who can't bench half their body weight or who are obese and don't know how to shoot wouldn't be very useful in for the Reich on the front line but they can replace some of the casualties.
You expect something 90 years apart to be identical? Things change. You must be joking.
No. We use force to remove any and all non-Whites from White countries by force.We don't genocide them. We don't need to. We kill those who try to resist. We build walls that will last for generations. We do not invade their countries and stick to our own business.
Things have changed in the world a lot. Not necessarily in our favor.
Whites literally don't need to breed faster. White Americans are dying off at a rate in between those of European whites and Russian whites, and breeding at a rate in between European whites and Russian whites.
Trump talks about the heroin crisis because whites are 70-90% of the deaths each year from opiate abuses. Additionally the high suicide rate among working class white people is obviously a result of disappearing opportunities for them in a country without a socialist safety net.
Trump wants to fix that, Trump is more redpilled than you on the issues killing white people.
White births are affected directly by the economy- they've been going down as the number of non-citizens have been going up. From 1982 to 2000 the average number of births was about 2,540,000 white kids. Now the average number of (actual) white births for the period from 2000-present is only about 2,100,000.
Competition with immigrants for jobs forces whites to wait longer to have kids. Trump's policies will, again, fix that.
Additionally Senator Cotton wants to slash immigration and Trump stated in 2012 he wanted 90% white immigration. Trump is unlikely to be full 14/88 but he knows where the Republican party's bread is buttered and wants to go down in history as the man who made America great again. And that means making whites great again.
I'm saying the party proper and the state proper were destroyed, the same with the USSR. The modern surviving offshoots like the NDP are no longer able to truly lead the national socialist movement and are a far cry from the heyday of nazi germany.
See they tried that in South Africa and now it looks like the niggers want to go on a genocidal rampage instead. Being outnumbered and trying to live in peace will never work.
Remember- the excess death among whites due to suicide and drug abuse is the real redpill regarding American demographics. If we had the same death rates and the same maternity policies as Europe the white American population would be in a good place demographically speaking. Cuckservatives who want their own constituencies to "bootstrap" their way to prosperity while refusing to slash welfare subsidies to niggers are the problem.
National Socialism is THE purest and most natural ideology in the world.
We do not require any creed. No indoctrination by desperate old men. All we need is the world to be as it is. You cannot destroy something that is natural.
>merit based
You mean a (((H1B))) visa system? Immigration should be abolished entirely
The healthier one is, the healthier their offspring.
>Get 531 Boring But Big app
>Give your soul for 2 years
>Eat your weight in g's of protein
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>Design your world
Nationalism is natural
Government authoritarian control in a semi-socialist framework is additional
If possible I'd prefer to import some Europeans
I live in a city that is probably 15-20% pajeet... I fucking love these people. Yeah, their women are fat and ugly and clog up the traffic with their awful driving, but that pajeet food is fucking gooooooood!!!
Food alone shouldn't stray your mind from the fact that your race is dying and anyone standing in the way of your people's survival is an enemy.