The future isn't fema-

>The future isn't fema-

They will keep signing up for Womens Studies anyway

fpbp, no two ways about that. Push it all you want, the reality is that most women don't desire to be in STEM fields because that shit is hard.


Nothing wrong with women being educated in STEM fields so long as less of them are taking liberal arts degrees

There is nothing wrong with this as long as it's actually about getting young girls interested in careers in STEM instead of just telling STEM companies to hire more women regardless of their qualifications. This could help reduce the number of dumb bitches in the world.

>it's the law to hire women to do science, math, and engineering
all that new infrastructure Trump spoke of will literally fall apart now

this is purely to do with ivanka. just like during the RNC where she kept spouting off on empowering women and shit as if they aren't already. Fuck that bitch.

That Trump is the best shot at civilisational we have is really depressing since he's a civic nationalist and also further cement the ancestral parasite's hold on our collective throat.

He's at least a much needed breather, giving us the time to produce a better person, for a final solution to the subhuman problem.

what is this empowering women in business

the top businessmen are rapacious and they literally destroy people to get to the top becaus they love money and power. these chicks just acting like typical chicks, want me to give them stuff cuz they have a vagina

Women being out of the household is everything wrong.

I see nothing wrong with this, The more women in STEM the less cancer feminist we have.
As long as Women are smart, i don't mind them.

So fucking what? Some extra people studying STEM. Good for them.

Fucking idiotic shill. What next? "Some of them might have brown skin"

What the fuck is it with the left, identity politics and the superiority complex.

Eat shit, saged

You're right just look @ the state of videos games. So much better...

Ivanka why

Define smart.
You probably meant "educated", but refer to to see why that is civilisational suicide.
Each time it happened, the civilisation collapsed or was brutally invaded in short order.
And so far, western civilisation is poised to be the latest victim or the ancestral parasite and its cuck orbiter.


>Trump is sexist!
>Trump supports women! Hate him Sup Forums

Can you shills just pick up ONE narrative and make your sliding less obvious??

It's just virtue signalling towards women on behalf of Trump, he knows most women won't go for any STEM courses, they'll just keep on studying stupid shit like liberal arts, women's studies, etc.


Much like you should never trust a jew or deserve being backstabbed, the same apply to women.

The mere fact you ask "why" is depressing, and proof this ancestral cycle will never broke on its own, not without a ruthless hand smashing it to pieces and making something new, something better, something Grand with them.

Women do science and men pave roads. Sounds like the natural order of things to me.

Vidya is the liberal arts of STEM.

It syphons ressources from humans to women.
It signals to women even more strongly that education and work are desirable.
It is a disaster in slow-motion, and not only no one tries to stop it, everyone seems to add to it.

A disaster that happened lots, lots of time in the past.
Those who study History are doomed to see those that don't repeat it.


The problem is them being too eager to promote "diversity." Those women were pity hires. I believe there are qualified women in the video game industry. They just sure weren't hired by Bioware/EA. That game is a piece of shit.

That's a political move to cool down the SJW threat. He's buying more time by carefully eliminating the delusional 'wage gap' made by feminazis.

>I believe there are qualified women in the video game industry.
Why would you believe that, when they can be counted with one to two hands ?

Could you people stop losing yourselves in the outliers and look at the mean when making all-encompassing statement ?
Are you people retarded ?
Are you people even people, and not mindless beasts in need of being murdered ?

So sick of this BS. Was hoping Trump wouldn't pander like this. Maybe we should try just treating everyone the same, let people not be pushed towards majoring in anything they might not want, and not work to privilege women.

This is what this orange piece of shit is wasting our tax dollars on

Fukking shill.

>equality hell
>have to hold back talents for threats of overshadowing equality-hires and crushing their spirits
>get all work done in like 2 hours, during group projects have to defer to coworkers all the time or just keep quiet
>spend rest of day either sleeping, pretending like im working, or goofing off
>get email that tells me I am being let go for lackadaisical and unenthusiastic performance

please shill, go away

No, you fuck off

He's a shill for calling out Trump on his liberal bullshit now? Get the fuck out of here. You're the only real shill here.

thank you mr. president! this is exactly what i wanted when i voted for you!

Trump is basically a reaction trying to recapture the cultural moment of the 80s

unfortunately the jew plan to turn women into wage cucks, disintegrate families, and plummet white birth rate was already baked into the cake at that point. I'm afraid Trump will be completely useless against the "feminist" vector of critical theory

we need a Trump like social movement to go back to the 50s

nah, more like

> never get hired because some animals are more equal than you
> eventually get gassed as vengeance for 'colonial brutality'

Dude the less women go to liberal arts, the more traditionalism we can have again. This is a pretty good thing as liberal arts will decline.

He loses nothing by signing this. The only way you'll get significant numbers of women into engineering, in particular, is at gunpoint. I know this, he knows this.

"We want American women who graduate from college with STEM degrees to be able to get STEM jobs that can support their families and help these American women to live out the American Dream, which they are so qualified to live out."

Only the smarter girls get into STEM anyway. All the feminists I have met don't know shit about engineering or maths.

If the environment is supportive of smart people then that's an upside. These laws aren't directed at universities so its unlikely to be exploited by them. i.e. dropping standards in STEM education to allow more women through


All STEM graduates have difficulty finding a job already.
This will only deepen affirmative action, spread incompetence even more, put companies on the verge of bankrupcy making them fuck over the consumer even more to stay afloat, and generally

This is so tiring.

>deepen affirmative action
It can't do that because it's not aimed at all private companies.

The bulk of it appears to be aimed at NASA. They'll put up more ads to encourage women to join them and probably do speaking tours at unis.

This is good. Women can no longer say that their knees are soggy, and that Trump hates women. Trump has effectively made every "Trump hates women" post invalidated by doing this. Women who don't want to do a STEM course obviously won't do it, and they can't complain no one is doing anything to get more women into STEM.

Whenever someone says Trumps hates women or STEM hates women, you can call them out on their bullshit with this. The media is now even more powerless in attacking Trump. They can't even say there should be more women in STEM because Trump effectively made it so women have to get into STEM.