This kills the Sup Forumstard

>this kills the Sup Forumstard


This kills the white masterrace

How many of (you) would give your right arm to fuck the brains out of that qt ginger Christian?


you know its true

2/3 of the white males are cripples

really makes one ponder


gas the kikes!!! niggers! kikes!
stop ruining my Sup Forums
my have intellectual discussions here
niggers! kikes! gas the kikes!

This kills the earth


>my Sup Forums
Sup Forums doesn't belong to you, now, go shart in the mart

is the "e=" shirt nigger supposed to represent Atheism ?

Do you think she has a nice little patch of orange above her feminine penis?

Notice how the only white male is a fucking faggot.
This is why I use DuckDuckGo there is no reckless faggotry or Jewish subversion. Just a goddamn search engine.

>no blondes

Startpage is my favorite.

Are they implying smart niggers are abominations?



All 3, actually.

Far left and right are using a wheelchair and cane.

Gay white male is missing his right arm at the elbow.

Why was this not broadcast outside of the US?

is there a cross on her sweater? I'm surprised...

And the other is a faggot

Zoho webmail

other countries aren't progressive or intelligent enough to handle this level of diversity.

>Oh no, we are triggered by a fucking doodle

lynch yourself

>whites are only gay or disabled

The other countries aren't ready to have a glimpse of our utopian future. It would overload their narrow minds.

That, or represent science. Like a "science and religion can exist together!" kind of shit.

cool pic.



what this mean? why is it on the black kid's shirt? equality?


Now make one of the shadows le happy merchant

Do you think Google would get a lot of hate if all these people were white and Christian?

They would be called literally Nazis


Holy fuck I laughed so hard.

I would just straight up put it on the Jew.

make it a tumblr red so people will notice it
i could only tell the difference looking back and forth

What the fuck is "e="? I doubt that nigger has a t-shirt about Euler's Constant

pls respond, wtf is this

What's up with the fucked up o's and the l why does the l look like a t


I think the e should be equal or equality

I would fuck the gay one desu

I'd fuck the disabled one so it won't run when I'm sticking it in

haven't muslims and christians been at war with each other for thousands of years? that would explain the mass rapes and terrorism

The guy wearing the G is actually a symbol that he is a homosexual. The second O is actually the symbol of people who are commanded by god to kill all gays and jews. The o is the sign of jews. The 4th symbol is in fact the symbol of slaanesh highly stylized, the chaos god of change. The strange L is in fact not an L, but a simplified version of the Hanged Man tarot card, upside-down. The hanged man is a complex tarot card, and being upside down deepens the mystery. It is too complex to explain here. The final e is actually not an e, but actually a crude drawing of a penis, referencing the fact that the cute ginger is about to get BLACKED

What's up with the bitch on the far right

It's e=mc^2 abbreviated, because that wouldn't fit

I mean, Jesus, it's pretty obvious

Why are the devil horns only over the Christian and the LGBTQXYZ?



Hey faggots, I fixed it

The worst part is some kids put in awesome professional tier art, and this got chosen over it

This dumb girl did the most obvious shit that doesn't even look good and won.

Fuck effort

Sup Forums doesn't know science


its nice of the muslim to be RIGHT next to the jew to make sure hes guaranteed dead when she explodes.

Why the fuck is that person there all the way right

That nigger is autistic.

I came here to post that, it's pretty satisfying in a way to see that no one notices

hearty chuckle

I don't see the problem with this. I think it's a good message for unity. There's too much divisiveness in our country right now and even the world. Just take a look at our president

How Ironic would it be if the jew as next to people who hate them and then a slave from the 1800's and a Indian from the 1800's too and some isis person and a gay person

Yea, a large part of the country are not unified behind him. They need to coexist with the elected official.

Original version

>4 posts by this faggit is the new 1 post by this faggit

Where is the straight white males? Just over 1/3 of the population is straight males. 66% of the population is white. Keep working on that narrative.


Correct! Christianity is a disability.


>nigger boy smiling at the thought of raping the white Christian girl
>sandnigger cunt smiling at the thought of slitting the Jewess's throat



The correct answer


>jew and muslim hugging it out
just the fucking team up we've been missing
I mean I know for a fact the world's going through a weird phase, and when going through a phase most teens make it out and just brush it off
some however, wind up dead or in jail

e equals motherfuckers!


Satanic hand signs in the back

>Google is so visionary, blond hair is already extinct

Who needs diversity when you can have "diversity" and 9/10 black hair, right?

Oh my gosh! My dick is fucking diamonds!

>t. faggit


Euler's number: approx. 2.72

Without Muslims the world would be a lot more peaceful. Take that burqa bitch out, and we've got most of the problems solved.

Jew locking shoulders with a muslim? how is this even possible?


fuck the jews

Sex before marriage is not Christian.

Put me I. The screen cap

Yeah guys all we need to do is put our hands around one another and laugh. That's the solution to these deep and ancient rifts.

The problem is the left thinks rainbows and farts will solve everything and the right thinks just murdering everyone is the solution. Both sides are retarded. Centrism is the only way to go.

Neither. It's an "E"quals sign (do you get it user? Hunh? Hunh? Do you get it?)

But what does 'e' equal?


subtle...i like...spread it

But 'equals' already has an 'e'. Why is it 'eequals'?

Is no one going to point out the devil horns in the back despite none of them putting up said hand sign?



So that it would spell googlE.


reddit doesnt know math
energy equals?..?

there is more than e=mc^2