thoughts on this guy?
Thoughts on this guy?
Based nig.
one of the few niggers out there who are actually based.
>dat video in which he calls out people on the awful habit of letting niggers get away with their nogging and how awesome it would have been if a white women, that was attack by a nigger, had have a gun and waste the nog.
watched it before running into this containment board, i keked hard but made me think about what was happening in burgerland afterwards
Better than most.
However, asking for donations while outside in front of your underground pool is pretty nigger.
Say's some good shit but he uses black women as an excuse for black men being how they are. He completely ignores the biggest problem is niggers walk away from their kids easy as fuck. Even the mixed race kids with white moms usually have a fuck up dad.
He's right about a lot of shit but dude obviously hates women.
>but dude obviously hates women.
don't many white folks do the same? from what i have read thus far here and on other places you seem rather disappointed in how slutty and oblivious they have become of things that actually matter. Just saying, there are many of you sperging out about that.
Yeah, but Sup Forums has women haters. The fact you compare him to here is proof he's a woman hater.
> mfw he starts with the Mario sound
But, wise man tho
He would be good if he didn't encourage race mixing. I also remember him saying exactly something along the lines of "Black men would be doing fine without black women", which is obviously 100% garbage. He sympthizes more with black men than white men, which is bad. He thinks most black men are like himself, which is obviously not true.
At 6:30
He promotes race mixig because black women are fucking trash. If I was black I would aim for a white women too. Who wants a woman who wears wigs at 16, beats you but gets upset when you touch them, beats your kids, sleeps around, ect. I wouldnt.
He's entertaining.
the problem with that reasoning is that you'd be part of the problem many people here complain about: muh white genocide because it's joos want, and given how much bullshit (((certain group of people)))) push on both internet and television, things might get worse.
Based nig but alas he is a coalburner.
If I was black I would part of the problem to begin with. I dont see how getting a white girl would make it any worse.
You are literally a cuckold, sympathizing with a nig who wants to breed with white women so her genes die out permanently
>"I don't see how getting a white girl would make it any worse"
Because her genes are dying out when the nig infests her with his shit skin? Not too bright.
I hate niggers, but this one is pretty cool. Would have a beer with, we could discuss how much we hate niggers.
I'm white and unironically think he has the potential to save all black Americans and lead them into civilized cooperation. He makes videos called "I too hate niggers" on Jewtube, so fucking based
Who hates women? They are just adult children. Society fucked up by letting them think that they were people. It's not their fault that they are what they are.
he alright. he would be based but hes one of those blacks that believes minorities cant be racist because of muh power+privilege bullshit.
He has a black daughter tho.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day
>le based nigger xD
nu/pol/ itt