Why do Americans voluntarily vote Republican?
Why do Americans voluntarily vote Republican?
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have you ever heard of detroit?
I remember a good quote. Something like. Each American thinks they are a millionaire who just happens to be down on their luck.
Because democrats have really poor morals nowadays.
Btw pic related is so fucking ignorant for many reasons.
Show me one republican City that looks like the one on the right. You have one minute or you're a faggot.
No gats on the left
Because the other option is Democrat.
Both are shit. Through and through.
It's like fucking Pepsi and Coke. Why even pretend they are really at odds when they are constantly making compromises with one another to stay in power? The only people who lose in the end are the voters.
i had a legit chuckle when i saw the bicyclist getting hit by a car
i love it when that happens.
quality quality edit my brazillian friend
Right side is the black neighborhood.
Love this guy's style. Too bad he's stopped drawing.
topkek, nice work
Left is Portland, right is Detroit. It's as if people need to make their communities better instead of trying to lick rich, partisan balls until something magically happens.
kansas city
Some shithole in Iowa
Where are all the homeless, gangs and people holding signs the town's racist/homophobic?
Up until now I've voted Republican because I genuinely believed it was the best option for our country. But now that I've read this political cartoon I've realized that's not the case. Thank you for converting me good sir *tips hijab*
Also, it depends on the republican.
There are many types of republicans.
Here are the main types.
1- Moderates: John Kasich, Bush family, Marco Rubio, etc.
2- Democrat sellouts: John McCain, Lindsay Graham, etc.
3- Alt Nationalists: Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, etc.
4- Libertarians: Rand Paul, Ron Paul, etc.
5- Muh Christianity: Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, etc.
Because they think that will give them back USA of past.
>implying they didn't all sell-out your internet privacy
Oh what the hell, lets ignore privacy for now and blame KGB or Nazis in past for writing down street addresses.
Which one of these fine Dem cities would you like to raise your children in?
St. Louis
Los Angeles
Why the fuck is the Strip club on the right?
Leftists are the ones who seem to idolise sluts and degenerate females. The right wing are usually very anti strippers and prostitutes.
A safer part of Wilmington, DE.
No sales tax, very low property tax.
Potential for being comfy
>Vote for the candidate who promises an easier life
>Vote for the candidate who promises a better country
JFK would be proud of the election outcome
you've never been to missouri, have you
One side repeatedly asks the other side for money. Can you guess which?
It implies we're hypocrites
>because, you know, it's not like every single opinion they have is hypocritical or anything
Because when democrats are in power I starve and scrape for a living. When republicans are in power there are jobs and decent pay. I would rather compete in the workforce than have Osama bin lying give me barely enough to live.
Kansas city is shitty due to niggers, and it's gone blue the past 5 elections so just shut the Fuck up with your pictures of uppity chinks Zhang.
That image, my sides. OP, please take the Yuri pill. It's the most basic introduction to what communism really is and the future isn't quite how you imagine it to be.
>art by Steve Greenberg
So basically on the right I can go buy some liquor, fuck some hookers and get some guns and affoard all of that because there's jobs there while on the left side I can be a huge faggot.
not even
Last time I saw Detroit it looked like the right side and wasn't republican run
did you gloss over number 4 or you are retard?
I see the roofuckers are awake early today
Because it's the only way that a multicultural country can prosper. If we had one culture and a standard for people to conform to or FUCKING leave then we could have socialism, but as we have a huge population of babies who think with muh dick and can't think of consequences, EVER,..
Yeah, we need capitalism, dipshit.
Wait, what's wrong with this?
I love the left city, all the white people get to sit back and relax and explore while their slave mexicans work for under the minimum wage so the white people get cheaper avocados.
Yes just not for whites
Liberals literally think you can run an economy off of organic fruit farming and government programs while shutting down all natural resource extraction, banks and chemical processing plants. Truly it is a mental illness.
IM not a nigger im not raising my children in any city.
sage this shit
Detroit doesn't look like that.
>blame the niggers for everything wrong with our country
I'm going to bet on brainlet. They only understand advertising that's spoonfed and have no concept of time, history, philosophy, or political ideology.
Americans' political beliefs are really indoctrinated from an early age depending on where they live in the country geographically. Obviously there are conservatives who live in urban areas, and vice versa, but most areas have certain beliefs politically that never really change. Throw in ridiculous gerrymandering on top of that, and areas essentially become locked in for one political party.
This is a slide thread. You have to be the biggest idiot to take this very old graphic seriously.
the right of the image is what happens when you leave everything to the free market. most of you probably live in rural or suburban areas and dont really understand the importance of government infrastructure
From what ive seen lately, the Republicans are even worse
but ofcourse!
>m-muh lord and savior Jesus Christo (who wasnt caucasian in the first place)
I'm sorry, was this pointed out as a joke?
organic liberal utopias only really exist in gated enclaves
Cause the strawman fallacy make those people represented in the strawman very angry? Like seriously, you people have no self awareness.
Because the poor undocumented citizens can't vote
Canada has had absolutely zero issues with needing IDs to vote ever and even our homeless seem to be able to have enough ID to vote yet somehow it's evil and racist in the US because supposedly nonwhites can't get ID and it's too expensive? Yeah I'm calling bullshit on that idea democrats
Santa Barbara you dumb inbred faggot
the parts with niggers are terrible and the parts without niggers are mostly good, it isn't a coincidence.
>insinuating that niggers aren't the source of the majority of the problems
>that flag
Yep, checks out.
Its "temporarily inconvenienced millionaires", and its a good attitude to have which basically describes the well known economic principle of "felt unease"
He pointed out the problem. You just have a problem with accepting reality.
most of the right wing niggers don't live in cities so they only have to put up with the right side on weekends when they go to church or need to go buy alcohol,.
Teachers cops and firefighters will never be millionaires and will work union jobs most of there lives . Americans have stupid attitudes thinking they share the plight of business owners
Americans are remarkably sophisticated when it comes to things like souping up car engines or running fantasy football teams. When it comes to politics they are utterly retarded.
Have to love Chicago, dead people everywhere..
You will get stab, shot, mugged, raped and nothing happens.
Yeah Libs..
The left side actually looks more like Detroit, or South Chicago. Conservative cities are way better than Liberal slums full of faggots and illegals.
Fucking saved.
It's code for aborting the fuck out of the "kid"
>them merchant loans brackets
It's all about detail my friends.
Bait.... quads.... bait.... quads. Fuck you for making me do it. Checked.
Conservahit cities usually involve churches Walmart and trailer park homes lmao
That's what I mean, it's not for families, and normally they're degenerate sluts who definitely didn't plan anything.
>ywn live in I Got Mine Estates
This pic is the exact opposite of reality. Detriot, New York, LA, Miami and so on are all run by democrats and their all shit.
Get saged you dumb fucking faggot.
What city doesn't have a walmart? You brown bastard.
This pic is the perfect example of white 60-ish democrats who have no idea what they're talking about anymore.
Voluntarily? As opposed to what, retard?
>living in cucked Philly suburb
>faggot ass bicyclists everywhere when I'm coming home from the office
>see faggot ass bicyclist approaching 4 way stop I'm at
>wait til he's almost at the stop sign to pull out, knowing he won't obey the law and stop
>he breaks his nose on my hood
>starts chimping out
>inform him that he dented my car and that Id be calling the police
>call te police
>they inform him that he ran a stop sign and should just settle with me privately
>chimps out again
>he is arrested
>find out he's a Jew
>2 weeks later he calls and asks "what my problem is"
>offers me $3000 for car dent which was there in the first place
>I accept
I become der Juden
[spoiler]SPIKE DIES![/spoiler]
The ones smart enough to keep them out.
If things were so fluffy I'd be a democrat, or progressive at least. I'm for most of the stuff Dems are for, but their "demographic" is insufferable, and while they pretend to be for the masses, it's just a guise for them to inject government and bureaucracy into every aspect of your life. They do this to give themselves more power, and use the welfare queens, and retards as religious voters.
In reality, I'd rather vote Republican and be left the fuck alone.
In India over 80% of the adult population has no bank account. Yet almost everyone ahs a voter id. Radnom people in the US have been asked if they have a voter id and almost everyone even the "minorities" had one.
I reccomend you actually travel across the US and not just the tourist areas. What he says is fucking true
Fuck America and Israel
Bitch, I live in Baltimore.
Democrats have run the city basically unopposed for decades, and it's a fucking dystopian nightmare.
Shut the fuck up about shit you know nothing about and go back to fucking kangaroos.
> blame blacks for all crimes and low iqs
It's the oldest hick trick in the book
I blame the Jews
Ever heard of West Virginia? Ever heard of all the richest cities in America that vote democrat?