>this terrifies the nazi
Who /swoleleft/ here? I just recently started benching two plates.
This terrifies the nazi
>strong enough to fight Nazis
I like how the subtle implication is that all Nazis are strong.
>I just recently started benching two plates.
>liberals buy guns
>liberals start lifting
>testosterone starts to rise
>realize they don't want to see jamals penis inside their wife anymore
>stop being liberals
Pleasant reminder, you can't be both body positive and slave morality pushing whilst also actually doing the weightlifter/übermensch thing. This is literally appropriating our culture.
>2 plates
Yea 1 on each side.
someone post the picture
you know the one
*blocks your path*
> At his best, he could squat 335 pounds, bench 200 and deadlift 280.
this one?
Lmao, how tf can you deadlift less than you can squat?
If only. I doubt they'd admit they were ever wrong.
Where the fuck are all these Nazis they keep talking about and how do I join them?
Haha, that's cute. Why would this terrify anyone? Are you and this big dude gonna come beat me up or something? Are you familiar with great equalizers?
>tfw long bicep insertions
this one?
He's a big guy
this implies that they are not strong enough at the current moment in time to fight nazis also it implies that they will get into fist fights with nazis when nazis carry a thing called a gun. Its gonna be traytray vs zimzam all over again gun beats fist and liberals hate guns.
Goddamn camera angles.
by doing 1/2 travel bro squats. he probably only moves 2 inches.
e-statting is so fucking useless without video
Still impressive unless it's decline. Lots of us here began as really skinny guys.
By nazis they mean anyone with a slightly different opinion than them.
Weightlifting because they are violent facists and want to impose their will
Kind of ironic really. It's almost like they forget they will still be pussy liberals at heart. Looking forward to webms of them attacking pro-Trump veterans.
>This fag claims he benches two plates
My chest was much more defined when I first hit 2p8s. This balding ginger fag is quater benching
bench really depends on your genetics a lot more than the other powerlifts. men with stubby t-rex arms have a huge advantage over anyone taller or lankier. for a 6'2 non-athletically gifted guy, 200 isn't huge but it's not bad either.
>the new political arms race
You don't understand. For guys like OP it's all a mating dance for female attention. It all meaningless other than a young guy doing anything and everything he can for female attention. In this case he feels hitting the gym and pandering to leftist politics will get him some pussy... And he's pretty right on that desu.
>When the testosterone replacement therapy kicks in
This actually happened to me. I used to be liberal and started lifting weights just cause. My muscles got big and I saw the results of hard work and dedication. I doubt this is the only thing that made me stop being liberal, but it definitely contributed. Especially since a lot of police officers lift weights at the gym I went to.
for you.
You don't bench two plates faggot. I bench two plates for reps brah. Fuckin saged you pathetic nu-male
Look at how much his beard grew when he started to lift.
he's a balding ginger with childbearing hips and a punchable baby face who owns 5 cats, he needs all the help he can get
the original article is so laughable I sincerely wondered if it was satire
>squat 335
>deadlift 280
Quarter squats
this one?
Okay, but the real question is why did he pick such a terrible haircut? It makes his head look like an egg.
im not very worried about ultra low testosterone irony bro liberals
Leftists always had a victim/inferiority complex and deemed themselves weaker/inferior. Is why they always seek out to help those they consider weak/inferior (Blacks and Women). I mean for fucks sake, they are constantly admitting that niggers and womyn are inferior by their actions and the way they treat them.
Literally WTF is he doing in the pic with the dog?
Crawling through the sand smiling? Does he have autism?
Two five pound plates on each side to look tough
This. Once they start lifting, owning guns, etc. they'll start to see through a lot of liberal horseshit
>this is what passes for "swole" on the left
>implying being "swole" automatically means you know how to fight
Nothing funnier than watching a bodybuilder who thinks he's hot shit throw a wide, clumsy punch and then end up flat on his ass. Then gets tore up by a guy half his size.
Can't wait for the youtube videos of these guys attacking pro-Trump bikers.
This is not a war of flesh and blood but memes and calling other people cucks, digits should confirm
This is interesting. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I've noticed in recent years that ideology is a hard thing to get rid of, especially if one has dug deep to the point of identity. There's a huge MMA guy that calls himself anarcho-communist, I know a relatively fit "Crossitter" who repeats the "communism was never properly tried" mantra, and I'm sure there are plenty of other examples of far-leftists that lift.
They probably find some way of rationalizing their way through their disgust, and that's probably what the whole "white guilt" indoctrination stuff in academia is about. "I hate what I see in this porn but I understand I'm just a straight white male and must atone for this thoughtsin." Without proper guidance they'll be the berserkers in the next riot who have no mental foundation to return to.
You don't pick going bald
>lifting weights teaches you how to fight
>socially oppresses those who don't agree with them
>Alienates an entire race and tells them they should feel bad because of their skin
>makes public displays, protests, and marches to silence or censor those who do not share their beliefs
>condones violence against those who don't agree with them
>ironically named ANTIFA
I don't think half of libfags understand how facsim even works
Just a reminder that the one in the photos is a jew.
Same as always, fucking kikes play-acting to start trouble and manipulate events.
>2 plates
>I just recently started benching two plates
I benched 225 for 20 reps in one set yesterday. I'm also 6'8. Come at me you fucking nu-male, come show me what an ebil mean ole nazi I am
I can kick 90% of the general population's asses and most can outbench me.
>implying I give a fuck what you bench
is your dick 10" too?
A best edit
>works out to fight 'Nazis'
>gets shot
Lel dis bitch probably bench 2 doughnuts
The irony is that a couple years from now you'll probably be fighting niggers in the streets, just because they'll see all whites as the enemy. They're the ones starting this race war.
>That smiley face
Possibly the gayest tattoo I have ever seen.
Half of them? Hell, NONE of them know how fascism even works!
This has to be satirical
>two plates
i only bench the finest china
No ;_;
LIBSHITS NO! Don't become a better human being, you might actually realize that your demikin-femsexuals are worthless human beings.
88D Chessmaster is our favorite game
They do know we have guns right?
I was like in this shape before I started going to the gym? Is this supposed to be impressive or intimidating? His weak hairline is an instant repellent for females. Probably a leftist to fuck gross left chicks because he can't compete with all the good looking right wing guys.
Trex mode or go home
/fit/ is stronger and gayer then these commies will ever be
any guy who isn't liberal MUST BE A NAZI REEEEEEE
>good looking right wing guys
>not going TORNADO MODE
No, but if you think that's a smile then you might have it.
>swole left
>both arms are the same size
Always makes me think they are support group for dudes with 1 testicle.
I bench 2pl8 and I will curb stomp your faggot commie ass and goose step on the remains of your jaw
1pl8 is not impressive by any measure, I could lift that when I was 14
Short, stubby-legged longer-torso body types are better for squatting.
I know fat manlets like this who can squat up to 100+ more pounds than their deadlifts.
>implying you need to be strong to win a fight
>implying a 2pl8 bench doesn't put you in the top 99% of chest strength of all humanity
manlets, when will they ever learn??
>heh, I'll use my superior speed and agility!
Got damn two plates from the buffet at once, you are a fat piggy fuck.
No it checks out, libs are literally gibs and do all these mental gymnastics. Like they literally want everybody to be harmless, and they think being harmless is a virtue and they're not dangerous on an individual level. That's why when they see a dangerous individual they gang up on him because alone they're "harmless". Once you put in work, and gain confidence though, you want your independence, because your strong and confident enough to handle yourself.
Think about this, I get into an argument with a commie one time. He's talking about how free market is actually slavery because you have to participate in the work place.
>Nah not really commie, I can go out in the woods, live off the land if I want to.
>Yea but what if your house burns down?
>Well then I guess I got a shit load of work ahead of me don't I?
It was like his mind broke, he couldn't contemplate someone shouldering that much responsibility...because they're weak and lack confidence in themself to be able to accomplish something like that. So yea guarantee if a leftist actually invested in themself they would flip really fucking quickly. In fact though that is literally the only thing that will flip them, at some point investing in themself. That or throw them in the "proverbial" pool and tell them it's on them to sink or swim.
Also crossfit is a meme, that's not true work. It's hollow action and the people think they're doing actual work, but they don't get the proper workout and the "pain" in the muscles/burning to understand what work really is.
I try to give most manlets a chance but I'm really starting to hate them. The few I know from school and my local gym come off as angry, passive-aggressive fags. How many years are they going to keep squatting heavy weights before they realize it won't get them laid?
At this point it's just becoming pattern recognition for me. Kind of like niggers and crime.
that manlet thinks he's swole. someone take this to /fit/ so they can have a good laugh too
>be somewhat strong
>still get shot and die
crossfit gets people into a group setting who would otherwise just quit in a week on their own. for that, it's good.
problem is they focus on stupid and dangerous stuff. it's like the olympics of stupidity.
. R A R
Thats kinda how I ended up haha
Or that weightlifting makes you a good fighter by some crazy how.
(((Manlets))) meme needs to die an agonizing death
Rare proxy
hurrr we is anti facist
Obviously any motion burns calories sure, but like right there...the fuck is that? Pushups are supposed to work pectoral muscles more than anything, and tossing a medicine ball up like that is shoulders...why? Why not create a program where you focus on one set of muscles at a time? Or at the very least focus on the big muscle sets one at a time and work on secondary on off days or after. Also on top of that you're not hitting all muscle fibers when doing movements like that, it's just building up momentum with the first set then the rest relax through the motion. It's a complete meme that doesn't allow people to achieve the full potential of what they could accomplish.
makes for great memes tho
you can really tell that this faggot does isolation exercises, exclusively. judging by the spindly forearms I'd say he's never picked up a barbell in his life. how the fuck do you even achieve that level of development in your quads and still have (non)calves like that? I mean psychologically, the physical side is obvious, how can someone who looks like that look in a mirror and think their legs look good?
kek. this gets posted on /fit/ all the time.