Is it true that places on the internet that lack censorship automatically become right wing? If so, why?
Is it true that places on the internet that lack censorship automatically become right wing? If so, why?
Because right wing is being censored.
right wing left wing chicken wing the left is a bunch of satanic perverts the right are religious morons get rich fuck bitches
The question is, what happens after they become right wing?
Because everyone is so "false face liberal do the right thing" That whenever someone Disagrees they all rush to jump on the lefty high horse.
Free exchange of ideas is a right wing thing. Leftists seem to love censorship
>willingly spreading roaches
Because Leftism has always involved the heavy hand of authority. I have no idea how and when Leftism became the feel-good "everybody is friends" ideology, when it was only as recently as 1989 that the Berlin Wall fell.
People who are Right leaning, even libertarian types who agree with the blue-haired crowd on a lot of social issues, are only ABLE to speak on boards free of censorship.
No, Sup Forums lacked censorship and was mostly left wing for years and years, not sure about now.
It's just that the left is so full of shit these days, and aware they can't keep people on their side if people are exposed to new sources of information. They might not put it that way, they might argue that what I just said is wrong, but they know it deep down. The side that censors is, as a heuristic, generally the side that is wrong.
Definitely not that. The pendulum doesn't swing early that fast and pol was NEVER left wing.
Sup Forums lacked censorship but it also lacked content. They didn't discuss things, it was and has always been high volume shitposting.
i remember when Sup Forums was actively working to kill people, wreck shit and hunt minorities.
I disagree. Even if they were a bunch of entitled, privileged little shits, the hippies of the 60's were at least pro free speech. They were the fringe back then. Now that the left is the establishment, they want to keep their power, and will censor all the domains they have power over.
It's ironic, that with censorship, the left will make the right look "rebellious" and "cool". They are sealing their own fate.
Natural selection of ideas
go away if u unironically talk like this
It's easy to be tough and calculating on the Internet.
The left generally has a longer and stronger tradition of censorship than the right does though, looking at the past century. The right however also has its own tradition of book burning.
Commies hated free speech. Now the left is rediscovering censorship, seemingly already forgetting how hard that fucked things up.
They're trying to clutch onto the status quo where they rule society so tightly it's going to slip right through their fingers. The more they resist the idea the right wing has a point, the further the pendulum is going to swing right before it swings back.
Left wing doesn't exist without threat of force.
shut up you fucking pleb im 1 1/2 bottles of wine deep i can talk hjow i want you stup i frog poster
>the hippies of the 60's were at least pro free speech
This was a fig leaf. They were not pro free speech. They were pro their speech. They didn't want their failed Left-wing ideas to be challenged and used the guise of "free speech" to demand it.
These are the same people who would attempt to take over public (i.e. government) property and block its development, citing their "free speech rights" to seize control of the property.
It's because being conservative is common sense. I'll give you an example.
I like to take things to the extremes when examining political views. Let's look at minimum wage. The extreme left says that everyone should be guaranteed a "living wage" whatever the fuck that is. Conservatives - especially business owners like myself - prefer that there be no minimum wage and the market should set it. So let's say the government did that. If we take the minimum wage down to zero, shittier jobs like the NEETS on Sup Forums seek will probably drop a little, but not a lot. Menial jobs like mowing lawns that are usually occupied by criminals and illegals, will drop to the market rate of employing criminals and illegals. As those employees earn their keep, their wages will go up. No one should "live" on minimum wage. Even niggers get jobs paying much more because their work is worth it, economically speaking.
Now lets examine the extreme of making everyone earn $100 an hour. Suddenly a big mac costs $80 and a night out with the significant other will cost $750-$1,000. Inflation skyrockets and we're all earning less because goods from other countries haven't matched our currency movement.
I'm not an economist, but I do have a degree in Finance. I look at these examples as common sense. I can see that not having a minimum wage is better for the economy and any governmental intrusion is market friction and impairs it.
Left wing mods are there to weed out common sense, and they do a really fucking good job of it.
edgy people flock to the place where people won't kick them.
Because once shitlibs figure about that bogey can't control the specific site they'll abandon it and won't really bother.
Your argument is flawed. Due to the extreme wealth inequality, raising the minimum wage to $15 would likely improve the economy. It's proven that wealthy individuals save most of their cash. What happens when poor people get extra money? Tax refund? Settlement? Bonus? They spend it immediately. They put the money back in the economy. There are studies on this. Raising the minimum wage would help the economy. Yeah, there would undoubtedly be efforts to replace workers with robots like at McDonalds and some open positions would be eliminated, hours would be cut, etc. in an effort to reduce labor costs, but I think overall it would stabilize and have a net positive effect.
People will call me edgy but I think that "racial realism" is a pretty obvious concept. Most forums ban any talk of it, but we all know it's true
Racial realism will win out on any forum of non-censorship because it is so obviously correct.
>Due to the extreme wealth inequality
Extreme to whom?
>It's proven that wealthy individuals save most of their cash
Wealthy individuals invest most of their cash. Those investments create new jobs and new technologies.
>What happens when poor people get extra money?
They send it right back into the hands of the productive.
>There are studies on this
Studies which demonstrate that money left in the free market produces more economic growth than money redistributed to preferred groups via government.
>but I think overall it would stabilize and have a net positive effect
Because you're ignorant of the opportunity cost.
>Get wasted on the liquid jew and shitpost on Sup Forums
>Call others stupid
shut up hockey
There's nazi threads here, there's communist threads, libertarian threads, etc ...
There's racist threads, there's bbc threads, there's national pride for every nation.
They're so used to only hearing approved themes that when they actually see true diversity all they can think is "it's right wing, it's racist, it's sexist"
Sup Forums is the board of degenerates. It is nothing but pornography.
I don't know, OP. Is this a rhetorical question? Why do lands without rules become ruled by assholes?
>things that will never happen.
I wanna know why they are making us. /pol was created by ((( them ))), even if as a reactionary movement.
wow what an alpha getting drunk on whine and being a fag online
>your argument is flawed
If minimum wage was raised to $15/hr, and shittier workers spent it immediately, prices would remain stagnant?
Fuck no.
Prices would rise as the influx of cash flooded in. Then the minimum wage fucks would be broke again and the prices would reach equilibrium to the wage.
A McDonald's meal is about $6-$7 - or close to an hour of minimum wage labor ($7.25 federal). If minimum wage was $15, then I'd expect to pay $12-$14 for that same meal because doubling the wage of the worker effectively adds to the cost of production.
When the minimum wage was $3.75 a McDonald's meal was $2.50. When it went to $4.25 the same meal was $3.00.
If they start automating those positions then there will be less jobs available = employers requiring higher-qualified candidates to fill them because the balance is on the employers side NOT THE EMPLOYEES.
This is very basic economics. That you can't see it makes me sad for the future of the US.
When I grew up, we called the old church ladies "blue hairs" because their grey hair always had a tint of blue to it.
i drakn so much wine ive omved onto vodkla loll stupid beaver faggot im going to montreal to impregnate french sluts
b is pretty racist and shit , it's just 95% porn
there will be fewer jobs available
If you knew anything you would know that Sup Forums is old Sup Forums
exactly. The only thing they see as leftist is a mixed race brown sludge being the master race, anything less is racist right wing nazi.
This. If not for Sup Forums, Sup Forums would be raiding Shia.
I'll also add that WTF happens to the jobs that were already paying above minimum wage to $15/hr? Do those fuckers get to double their wages too? If you're an entry level, college educated employee who gets to tough it at $15/hr for the first year or so, do you suddenly become worth $30/hr because minimum wage pieces of shit are? No. Your value is decreased so the economy can falsely lift up the lowest tier of worker. Can you not see how this same situation would cascade through all of the economy causing massive hurt and inflation?
None of this would happen in a vacuum. There are many facets that would also be affected, and, in the end, everyone above minimum wage would be dragged down so that bottom-feeders could have momentary "muh feelz" before it would start on a new cycle.
kek. Guilty, and I corrected a coworker for the exact same thing a few days ago.
I voted for Trump because I don't ever want Hilary to win. This is my middle finger to everyone in my state and in my city. I hate Trump but Hilary would have been infinitely worse.
We got the guy who "grabs women by the pussy" president. AGAIN.
This is hilarious. Think about it. The implications. The fact that white women, not to mention older women, like baby boomers, voted for Trump. This election proved that people are probably more racist,and inflammatory. Things haven't got better. They are worse. We were already in an economic down swing and we are headed for another. Its beautiful. We are going to prove multiculturalism and socialism of any kind is wrong.
Isn't low quality bait posting the second most popular sport in your country right next to hockey
What made everyone who went on Sup Forums back in the day come here? Out of all the boards.
Montreal here, enjoy your STDs.
reality has a right wing bias.
it's anonymity in addition to having little censorship, people are able to express their true feelings
>Implying I'm not old Sup Forums
Sup Forums has forgotten completely about user hacking Palins email, their hatred of the right wing lulzkiller christfag lawyer Jack Thompson, and the little war they had with Faux News.
Well that's because most normies were on Sup Forums and they're used to the censorship so they do it themselves subconsciously
I can't find it, but there was an essay or study on just this subject. Where the free exchange of ideas are allowed, right wing thoughts thrive.
"Right Wing" and "Alt Right" are CY speak for "anyone that I don't share a political view with", you cnn see why a lot of sites are now "Right Wing" and "Alt Right", because it's hard to keep a community with no borders homogeneous, so there's bound to be clashing political views
Because bad ideologies can only exist in a vacuum
I mean Colbert was literally a Sup Forums meme
Sup Forums COMPLETELY flipped politically, I've been around long enough to remember.
The better ideology wins
Republicans are the real majority, that's why.
Vote for the *HWNDU flag capture* for the Meme Alert Meme of the Month.
Sup Forums is rediculously censored. Try posting an anti-trump thread without it getting saged under "shilling"
You're describing Sup Forums. Not Sup Forums. And thankfully Sup Forums is nutered as fuck as they spend their days raiding twitch and masturbating. Any quality users left to 4/pol/ or 8ch years ago.
>Saging is censorship
Sagebombing does exist but it requires weaponized autism in the captcha era and is rarely seen.
Sup Forums is the least censored large imageboard out there. Yes censorship still does technically exist otherwise this site would have been shut down for being a Colored Paper hub back in like 2005.
Sup Forums does what ever makes people mad
because censorship only comes from leftists
and a small minority of """channers""" who only see anti-trump things on Sup Forums (because they never go outside) believe they're being edgy if they become the opposite of a 'nazi'. therefor communism.
>walk outside
>realize nobody disagrees with them
>shit I thought I was edgy!1!1!
Hacking Palin's email aside, old Sup Forums never gave a shit about politics, and when the rare thread popped up, it was usually about Ron Paul. Not to mention old Sup Forums was doing it for the lulz 99% of the time
Kill yourself script fag.
some serious blackpills being shared itt.
you gonna scare the pledditfags, guys.
Ron Paul Sup Forums,
Well yeah you're right old Sup Forums was mostly apolitical but there was a left wing sentiment generally aside from the paultards, and a perception that the right wing were lulzkillers. I wouldn't say it was so much that Sup Forums was taken in by the left, as much as they loved ripping on some right wingers, especially Palin.
Pic related, Sup Forums on the 2008 election
you guys should try shrooms
IIRC Sup Forums on the 2008 election was mostly "Obama is cool", "McCain is old", "Palin is fucking retarded"
It wasn't the deepest political analysis because the board move so quick and everybody was 16.
It's the natural progression of people deeply connected to the internet and world events. It's called the redpill for a reason. This is why Sup Forums is nothing but porn now, everyone that did anything interesting took the redpill and outgrew Sup Forums.
Found the NEET.
Sup Forums is filled with censorship.
The maplenigger does have a valid point for once
Because if you're too high in agreeableness you won't persist.
The only way that happens is if Trump goes full natsoc and things are still bad. Otherwise we might end up hating Trump but only because he wasn't right enough.
We are never going to be leftist. But thanks for the heads up on what shills are going to be doing for the 4 year. Too bad its not going to work.
By raising wages to $15 you increase inflation because now companies can afford to charge more for goods.Most of the burden would shift to the people who make just over $15 since they would be in a higher tax bracket but only have the basic necessities of living.
>It's proven that wealthy individuals save most of their cash
That's a funny way of spelling invest.
Fuck America and Israel
last years Sup Forums was new Sup Forums. Now Sup Forums is just cancer and Sup Forums is right on track to being just as bad in 3 months time.
Sup Forums becoming nothing but porn is also largely related to the introduction of captchas and the fall of sagebombing furry porn threads.
Sup Forums lost the tools it had to manage shitposting.
Sagebombing is fake. It never worked and has been a meme paraded along far too long
Sup Forums has gotten really bad.
People are sharing their kik. Everytime a femanon post pops up they all defend her honor. If someone says their going to kill themselves everybody tries to talk them down. I never thought i'd see it get so dead.
>It never worked
I sure saw a lot less furry porn threads on Sup Forums back when they regularly got sagebombed by people using scripts and little programs. They were still there, but they were kept to a dull roar, now they have them so regularly they have gay furry porn threads and straight furry porn threads and they're always up.
Captchas killed sagebombing, it did work.
If anything, captcha restored order
do we have any idea how moderation changed on the backend?
moot leaving and hiroshima taking over is really everything we have. the current mods are definitely less active than they used to be.
The real reason is the truth sets you free. Sup Forums knows the truth, tells the truth, plays with the truth for fun, then makes satire to explain the truth, then they take the truth and rub it in your face to see if you've had enough yet, then they call some dumb internet fucker they haven't seen a nigger just to piss people off. Sup, nigger faggot?
get rich you stupid kangaroo fuck why are you even on Sup Forums loser politics is trash and is pointless
There was good and bad to the captchas.
It got rid of the Kimmo Alm spam, holy fuck there was SO MUCH SPAM at one point.
Sagebombing did work.
When people are filling up you thread fast without bumping it, it's hard to keep posting content and maintaining a intelligible conversation.
I should know, I used to do it all the time before you'd get regularly banned for it.
Then why am I a slave to the truth. I can't change the world, but here I am living in it. What good is the red pill if it destroys the only life you could hope to build.
If the left is always correct morally and on laws then why do they constantly have to censor the right?
>Then why am I a slave to the truth. I can't change the world, but here I am living in it. What good is the red pill if it destroys the only life you could hope to build.
It may try to destroy it, but use that. You gotta get mad and fight back. It's how you can make something out of the misery. Don't give up and be a fucking degenerate nihilist.