Can you burgers please sell this place to Canada, it's really hurting my map autism. Thanks

Can you burgers please sell this place to Canada, it's really hurting my map autism. Thanks

No, that's like the second best state. How about we just annex Canada instead?

how about we annex canada instead?

Please do. I wanna see some Cucknadians getting rekt by based Americans.

>being this pathetic and cowardly

Sage thread

I'd imagine it would be very quick


It's going to happen eventually. When your nation turns into a dust bowl and we say you cant have the Great Lakes you'll just take them.

>implying you wouldn't rather have a day of Rake where the US took Canada to connect to Alaska

Alaskan here. Fuck off Canada.

Sell back to Russia.


this was meant for

Canada can't afford it, they have no gold.

thank you for clarifying.

it's russian clay

>north ireland
>georgia after russia decided to literally come in and mess the borders up
>the stans
>half of africa

You stupid fags.
Only shitskins like this country, all the based whites are leaving. I will be moving to U.S soon.

Sorry, we need to hold onto it so we can keep a close eye on those sneaky Russians


Did you guys know that over 90 percent of all leafs live within 100 km of the US border?

They all consistently bash America, while simultaneously swinging from our nuts geographically, and when you bring up this factoid, they just go

If this were true, then why is Alaska even a thing. Why can Americans hack it but Canadians can't?

Explain yourselves you leaf fucks

give this area then, it triggers me too

I like to think of it as america giving leafs a big warm hug.

>swinging from our nuts geographically


canada should give us alberta and we also keep alaska

Fifty four fourty or fight! We take BC or it gets the nuke.

Would still fix your map issue senpai.

Alaska is the best part of Canada. No.

No there are a lot of resources there. It's also the white fallback land.

Canada has zero claim to it. They never owned it Russia did. We aren't going to give a good state to you moosefuckers

Alaska was never in its entire history part of Canada. Or even British. It's Russian. They settled it in the 1700s

Propaganda ready

We bought it fair and square from Russia. Of all of American territory, you could make a case that Alaska is the least ill-gotten.

Can you not though.

Your country is too diverse and niggerish.

This is like a trypophobia trigger for map autism

Your clay will be part of the great American Empire soon enough, leaf. Canada is more of a non-country than Belgium.


I actually agree with you
90% Canadians who bash on America are immigrants, the other 10% are cucks.

America needs to annex Saskatchewan so that the US looks like a giant middle finger on the map.

Can we just have the west coast of Canada instead (of course after we cleanse Vancouver of SJWs)?

umm no sorry that's actually probably the smartest purchase we made very strategic position to have once the ice thaws out in north pole so no besides. not up to us and you know that would never happen :)

don't forget this.

I actually think it looks better if we leave out Quebec entirely from that and just take NB, PEI, and NS.

I don't think anybody is desperate enough for that. I see it as insurance so that when Canada explodes be can direct it at Europe.

>swinging from our nuts geographically

but user, america is the one taking it up the ass from canada

I mean a geographic hug, spaz. they are comforted to have america on two sides.

>What is Maine?
We are pretty great, after all.

We'll trade you Rhode Island for all of Canada.

Why would give a 2:1 trade?

>Former Yugoslavia after USA decided to literally come in and mess the borders up

What site is that?

Fuck no! There's oil under that patch of frozen dirt!

Does Canada even have nukes?

