Why all western european countries have negative birthrates?
Why all western european countries have negative birthrates?
Because SJW left wing women are not sexy.
Cause kids are horrible and smart people uses condoms
i would lick the farts out of her butthole
Only hue kids are terrible because you're an incompetent parent and can't properly discipline your children into being high-achievers.
Why are you searching after small girls in positions like that?
whats up with that photo mario.
>Brazilian monkey
dying older population that fucks with the stats
just like how in the period of non-existant medical services, the vast number of infant deaths drove down the average age expectancy to 25.
Women in workplace.
It literally started all the birthrate problems
whites usually think future-oriented,
in combination with our overtaxed welfare states and huge influx of leeches which create even more problems people rather avoid having children.
+millenials who cannot even sustain theirselfs.
Fucking calling the police. Say your prayers you fucking pizza.
>kids are horrible
I hate people who hold this opinion
>swarm of sjws, feminists and the like
>only hue kids are horrible
Sure thing leaf, you must know how to create your little gay son
Too many people on this Earth, I'm building a career, and the idea of having to raise children doesn't seem attractive.
Comes a time where there are no more young people to take care of old me, or (sand)niggers take over, I'm either rich enough to handle myself and if not, I'll simply an hero.
Because they are degenerate as fuck.
Degenerate = does not generate/does not reproduce.
I don't, it's from a gallery of a photographer nicknamed gagemanning who did some shots of his daughter in the review of the new phase one digital back rated at 100 megapixels.
Neck yourself.
High absorption rates and a lot of blood vassals in the rectal area. They're actually efficient and smart. Saving up some money, too.
>not allowing liver to filter toxins before the enter your blood
From my point of view is that life is expensive, people would rather work and get ahead in life.
It's a good fucking way to get poisoned.
>tfw no daughter
s-s-s-stop...I can't bear it.
Millennials, They have the mentally of blindly hating children all because of Schopenhauer's bullshit that is popular among them. Topple with the fact feminism brainwashes women in college and that's why the white birth rate in america is low.
Unless GenZ women survive college thanks to Ivanka allowing STEM courses for females which will lower liberal arts. Or if surrogacy becomes mainstream among unmarried men. We are doomed, Hell only 49.8% of American Births are Non-Hispanic white. And with women having children in their thirties thanks to boomers expect autism rates to skyrocket.
Sad, but true Hans.
because of the outrageous number of manchild losers endlessly trying justify their pathetic existence instead of changing it
how old are you user?
he is 24
What does it matter?
holy fuck, but that doesn't explain india, china or some of the countries in africa
Your own picture answers your question.
because people value money more than family and kids tend to get int he way of money
Cause jews
>tfw you didnt have a chance to save it.
There is nothing worse than a janitor that takes his job seriously.
of course, it all makes sense now...
how could I have been so blind?
im curious as to what age someone would start regretting not having a daughter, you must be like 35+ im assuming?
Then why is the Jew Kikess pushing Daddy into all these gay pro women in the workplace policies?
he is 24
it was for your own good
Because they've passed the period of huge growth in population resulting from their industrial ages and so population sizes will begin to naturally decrease slowly. This is how population growth works and why third world shitholes are so overpopulated, because they're industrial age never happened. Countries that justify bringing in refugees and immigrants to "support declining populations" have government entities with zero idea how population growth works.
No, I'm of college age.