Houston immigrant doctors given 24 hours to leave the U.S


Pretty interesting story about an Indian couple who are highly specialized brain and spine surgeons that Trump wants to send back to India.

What impressed me most about this article is the drive, dedication and work ethic of indians (slurpy indians, not casino indians),

The doctor performs 200 surgeries per month in the US...200 surgeries per month.

Indians come from a dense populated country, their drive to succeed has clearly been ingrained by the natural sense of competition to get ahead in line mainly to survive, because if you don't you'll perish.

Indians are living proof of the nurture over nature debate.

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Trump is doing this for the sake of these people

Thank fucking god. Maybe there will be less democrats around.

Foreign doctors are assholes who don't give two shits about their patients, just thier paychecks.

200 per month? So he does ~6.5 surgeries per day on average if working 7 days per week? I call bullshit on that right away.

why isn't trying to help all those mutant freaks in his own country greedy fucker

>What impressed me most about this article is the drive, dedication and work ethic of indians
They could've used that drive and dedication to get their immigration paperwork in order.
t. naturalized citizen


Also if he was so smart why isn't he a fucking citizen

tl;dr they have to go back

Hatchet man spotted

I thought the Indians were having work visas revoked, unless I'm mistaken? My mom has a very attractive Indian lady friend who is afraid she will be deported because of a Trumps policies... not that I came really, but Indians are way cooler than Mexicans.

Exactly. It's not even hard for dot indians.

Indian doctors are terrible. Trust me. Half the NHS is Indian.

So they had no time to pursue a path to naturalization?

All this means is they will have to wait in India for a little while, before they're allowed to extend their stay and ultimately stay here permanently. Basically what happened is lots of people got sloppy with their immigration paperwork while Obama was in power, and so this is just a clean up period. Trump is being more strict.

Not a big deal.

2 poo in loozers have to go back. Wah!

They were given 90 days to get their shit together anyway, they 'thought' their visa expired this june, it was last june.
That's the kind of neurosurgeon I want.

If she's in the country legally (ie: with a work visa), then she has nothing to worry about. This initiative is focused solely on foreign citizens on US soil, benefiting from US tax dollars, who have neither sought nor attained the legal right to be here.

Your mom's lady friend is exactly the kind of foreigner Americans like: Willing to read the fucking rules before stepping on the playground.

who cares
sandniggers need to leave to the sand empires and throw themselfs off buildings

If they are so smart, why didnt they apply for citizenship?

So you want our president to make laws and break them.whenever it's convenient..? Sounds kind of liberal to me.

maybe they shouldn't have been filthy criminals

>200 a month????

Brain and spine

yea thats bullshit

Lads, we send my mom to this doctor for some disk spine bs
he is a fking god at tit

The US in a nation of immigrants. These 2 doctors truly make America great.

Doctors who immigrate from poor countries are the worst fucking kinds of immigrants.

They are the sort of people their country needs. They can actually improve the lives of people in that country and make a real change. But rather than doing the right thing, they run to another country because it pays better.

Scummy as fuck if you ask me.

Fuck off. They have to go back.

To be fair in India they do hundreds of times the amount of surgeries that Americans do because it doesn't matter if they only have a 10% success rate.
Ironically killing a few hundred patients and performing surgeries from the moment they finish medical school actually gives them a higher average skill level than Western surgeons.

i agree it is fucked up they ignore their own country for shekels

Good. I'm sure mexico needs lots of doctors.

>The doctor performs 200 surgeries per month in the US
>highly specialized brain and spine surgeons

>Be so smart and talented
>Don't apply for citizenship which they will get guarantee acceptance due to their field of expertise.
Even a fucking dumb nigger like me from the asshole of the caribbean knows to apply for citizenship if I had those credentials. What the fuck is their excuse?

OY VEY REMEMBER THE 200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000000000 surgeries per month you stupid goys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Takes 14 years to become a citizen here

smart enough to be a doctor
too stupid to be here legally

gets the noggin' joggin'

There is nothing I can do for you. Nothing at all.

>performs 200 surgeries per month
So he should be hotter shit in India

Shouldnt have committed a felony so they could cut in line.

I always wondered about these "talented" third world immigrants. Don't their home countries need them more than we do?

The third world is only going to get shittier and America is only going to get more polarized if we continue this diversity initiative. We are already seeing the effects of a low trust society, I just hate to see what happens when whites are no longer the majority here to hold down the fort.

Illegal, unvetted immigration into America sure helped the Native Americans

How could they get the proper paperwork when they were doing 6 gorillion surgeries a day?!?!!?

Good, just send that fucker back. India needs more doctors.

I hire these dirty motherfuckers from time to time and the more specialized you are, the more significant your work, and the higher the taxes you pay, the easier it is to get proper LEGAL citizenship. How does this Hajji dipshit not have it yet? I don't want to hear he's too busy performing his 1200 brain transplants per day either.

why aren't they legal.

India doesn't need doctors it needs engineers to design a fucking sewage system

fuck having borders and laws and shit :(

You know there is a lot of room between being a citizen and being an illegal, right? Stupid nigger.

this so much this the 200 surgeries were not to help people he did so many to make bank well now he can make bank back in pooinloo land

They have to go back and help making india great again.

Their engineers are moving here too.

You libs are going to decimate the talent pool of the third world and destroy social trust in the first world in order to get elected. Fun times ahead.


india needs more -real- doctors

Finally my city is in the news for something based...

Wow, what a great success story. Why is he here illegally? Why can't he obey our immigration laws? Is he trying to hide something, like being a criminal in India? Does he really have a medical license, or is he a pretend doctor?

He can appear before an immigration judge, and plead his case. Bring some of his patients as character witnesses. Good luck. Respect our laws.

Capitalism. Nothing wrong with it.

dunno about you guys, I definitely want a poo in loo who can't read to cut on my fucking brain, especially one who has 5 other brains to cut open this afternoon

The article is 2 sentences long. You should be able to read it, right?

Lucky for them they've been here for 15. I don't know how one brain surgeon, much less two managed to drop the ball this hard on filing really important paperwork.


>their drive to succeed
>Indians are living proof of the nurture over nature debate
>Don't even have fucking plumbing

Thanks, Apu.

When you're scheduled to perform specialized brain surgery on the entire population of the world every day, things just slip through the cracks!

If he were here legally right now, he wouldn't have been given 24 hours to leave, nigger.

>the USA lets illegal immigrants work as doctors and do SURGERY on its citizens



How the fuck do you work as a medical doctor without being a legal citizen?

If only they made enough money to hire some kind of legal expert to file paperwork for them and make sure things were in order. Unfortunately no such profession exists to my knowledge and as I'm sure we're all aware brain surgeons are barely making enough to scrape by in this day and age.

>be me a fucking brain surgeon
>12 years of university
>not smart enough to fill out some immigration forms
>get deported back to open sewer I came from

Presumably he had a Visa at some point.

What kind of Stupid cunt doesn't fill out his fucking paper work?

Jesus, were the Dems so lax on these cunts that they didn't feel like doing the bare minimum to stay in the country?

>illegals do the jobs americans wont!

Like being PRESIDENT

>to smart 2 name the eternal jew who (((owns))) everything and semite inbred nepotism

jesus h christ

>(def) things that are important

t. brain surgeon

Indian doctors are a disaster. They own medical fraud so thoroughly you'd expect the Jews to sue. They are often horrifyingly unqualified. They have no concept of the hippocratic oath or the Constutiton (I have spoken to one who honestly thought that wanting to own a gun was itself proof of mental illness).

For years under both parties the de facto procedure was to just skip the paperwork altogether.

Looks like they forgot to fill in their paperwork on time.
They have no one else to blame but themselves.

What's your LA of choice when performing MIC?

If true that's insanely unsafe and unprofessional.

Good. Their home country could use their help, we don't need to be enabling brain drain.

Was hoping something was going to explode taking them all out

>Letting you visa expire
>Leaving the country
>Same shit would of happen under any president
>Media blames trumps for other being retards
>200 fucking surgeries

So much for journalistic integrity

relax rajesh you arent getting deported

Senator John Cornyn of Texas got them a 90 day stay of deportation.


Really? God what a faggot.



Fuck America and Israel.

Hahah faggots

Yeah this is basicly the thing that needs to happen. Would be happy for almost all to stay desu but people have to recognize that the laws exist. That has not been applied to the point where it has become too lax. Especially given the militant overtures of Terrorist groups and even the Dems/Soros.

Guess what, you faggot cuck, India also needs doctors. Why don't they go and help their own people. Who do you think needs them more? That goes for all Indians. Go back and bring your country out of fucking poverty.


Why cant that nigger be a good dr in india and help poor indians? why does he have to be a money hungry nigger and want to make it here?

how much do indian doctors make anyways?

Wow, that picture is dead on, with regards to me.

Nurture vs nature? Bullshit. India has a billion people and the smartest ones are the ones that get to the US. If all the smart people are leaving no wonder the country is a total shit hole.

Good Riddance. We don't need any damn Houston immigrants in this country.

Ma mothafucking nigga right here

if he is so great it's racist to deny india such a competent doctor

send him back asap

>how much do indian doctors make anyways?
they get paid in poo.

All the immigration is making us into a low trust society.

>all this talent and skills
>unable to file for citizenship in a timely manner
out out out

Boo fucking boo. I've worked in medical field for over a decade and this community is one of the worst offenders of abusing the H-1B visa. Maybe we can start cracking down on the amount of nurses we import next. I bet you'll feel bad for them too, and disregard the patients that receive lower quality of care because there's a language barrier between the imports and rest of the staff (which has grown) and the imports and patients themselves. Your article is completely sensationalized.

Their reasons for practicing in America are selfish. Seems pretty bad when people in their home land are in such desperate need.

>indian """surgeons""""
>muh quantity
Pajeet you need to go home on the same plane as these con artists and trickster

nice cherry picking you got there. i think we will be fine without fucking cabys. we got uber