Coming for your tooth brush you basement dwelling degenerates
Coming for your tooth brush you basement dwelling degenerates
If I ever came across an uppity antifag I'd snap his glass jaw and I'd cut his fucking tongue out of his faggot mouth.
I see five flags... let's locate them.
Hope some Islamist cuts their commie dumb fuck heads off.
Kek has spoken, let the manhunt begin
Great Lakes Antifa? Oh lovely, the faggots are in Michigan now! Calling all Mich Anons....the boys from Antifa are here!
>find out where they are
>give info to ISIS
>Watch communists get beheaded on TV
Ow the edge
I don't see these flags you speak of but I do see 8 fags
Literally painted autistic. Way to go.
But what if he's bigger, stronger, faster, tougher and has 25 friends with him and you're alone?
Does that make him right to do the same to you?
Serious question, if you fuck up the answer you're retarded.
>Implying they couldn't be in Wisonsin, Illinois, Ohio, or Indiana
What is The Great Lakes Watershed?
>not getting the details of ISIS to give to Russians
We have the power to eliminate 2 burds with one stone people. Call up 4+Sup Forums right fucking now
Shut your krautcunt mouth you worthless german faggot.
Plenty of street signs for all your friends, commie faggots.
I like the Kurds and give them alot of props considering nobody will sell them armor because of the fear of pissing off turkroaches.
You fight a 10 year three front war with Soviet surplus and an industrial base that only had three years of peace and see how well you do. I love our little mad dogs. They are like the Walmart version of the Bong's Gurkhas. I just wish we'd use Liberian auxiliaries. I bet the ME would pacify up real quick when they realized that if they pissed off the town patrol there was a 60% they'd eat your family and rape your corpse.
I know one of them
Was he also given a swirlie? Did they trash can him too?
Thats a parody account bro
day of the street sign when?
don't get much more anti-fascist then fundamentalist islam
rape one in front of the others to establish dominance
I see an upset ISIS supporter
this motherfuckers related to PKK?
wait you're fighting ISIS??? I thought you were tolerant!
Isn't your ideology contrary to what you're doing?
>was literally useless prior to a civil war making actually useful
>getting their shit pushed in by ISIS until we had to airstrike the shit out of them
>literally stave off collapse due to funding from deluded leftists and (ironically Imperialist) Americans
>get abandoned by anyone any time they revolt
They are as reliable as a meatshield alright
Not gonna lie, that's actually pretty based. However, there are more military trained right wing militia members in the US than anti-fa has trained soldiers in the entire world. I'd be willing to bet money on that fact actually.
You know what you must do user
Doesn't matter, the ability to knock them out and duck-tape these commies to street signs, polls, or trees is possible.
>take apart IEDs with sledgehammers because their soldiers are cheaper than our EOD equipment
>ordered to charge hijacked US Desert Storm era armor with LAWs from the 60's and does it willingly
>fights against hopeless odds for the will of America
>literally the only ME force outside of Israel and perhaps Iran that wont cut and run
>Loves the US even though we literally see them as dollar signs, doesn't even acknowledge Russia when they are dropping helicopter loads of small arms to them
You try tell me one fucking ally outside of the Anglos this loyal to us that isn't just sucking up to us out of fear of Ivan and Comrade Chang. Even the Nips with their balls cut off would drag us into Indochina 2: Electric Boogaloo if they had half a chance.