I wish you could say all that racist shit to my face you fucking pieces of shit. I'm 6'5 and can benchpress 350 lbs I would literally fuck you up. I would destroy you guys on the streat I could probably take 10 at a time of you wretched racist beasts. If one of you fucking racist decides to grow a pair feel free to contact me. Watching bleedings racist lie on the street in agony makes me happy. You racist shit heads will never win. The world WILL BE DIVERSE
I wish you could say all that racist shit to my face you fucking pieces of shit...
What will anti-fa do when confronted with mudslimes killing their faggot members?
not the fire extinguisher plss antifa!
And I wish Hitler would have succeeded in wiping out your mutt ancestors so you didn't exist.
We can always get what we want user.
>check flag
If you want to fight us in-person, then post the info. We'll be more than happy to, but none of you commie fags give us a fucking street name. Much less a date and time.
You think you can end us but in the end it is you who will be defeated. We outnumber you racist 20 to 1. You fucking lose you scum. You are the last remnats of a dying world.
I didn't think sand niggers... I mean Germans were allowed to browse Nazi image boards
Your hate amuses me. I'm friends with a semi-commie who does consider my arguments valid (natsoc-ish), but he just stays a commie for some reason.
I'm 99% sure you're not even German, faggit.
>I'm 6'5 and can benchpress 350 lbs
>Not using metric system.
Something smells here.
I never understood why they cover their faces if they're the "good guys"
>6'5 manlet thinks he's big
Top lul
>on the streat
>bleedings racist
Saged because you're retarded.
>Bench press
>fuck me up
Lmao. Ya bring your fucking t rex arms anywhere in the vicinity of me and i'm peppering you with jabs until i get bored enough to unload a few hooks to your bird-like rib cage and watch your uncoordinated, flailing, unconscious body flop on the pavement.
you better pray to mohammed you don't step to me in germany because i WILL leave your unconscious body in the streets for the refugees to molest (sexually)
>Not just a bunch of unorganized LARPing teens
Pic related is what the average German Antifa group looks like
nice sticks faggots
>I'm 6'5 and can benchpress 350 lbs I would literally fuck you up.
But would you still fuck me up after I magdump?
in reality you probly could kick my ass thats ok we live in the modern world and you know what that means well kiddo that means ill just be shooting you from a cople blocks away anyway youll never get the oppertunity to get that close and if you do ill just act like your frend and stab you in the back retard
>and if you do ill just act like your frend and stab you in the back retard