Can't hate this guy,he hangs out with 3rd Reich pewds
Jews you don't hate
I'll hate him for you. PAY
>met his wife in a holohoax museum
Other than that H3H3 is pretty cool.
fuck off, you hook nosed kike
Papa bless.
Why is the way he talks so unnerving? Is it because he blinks too much? Or his tone? Or his head angle when he talks to the camera? I don't know what it is but something really unnerves me about watching him talk
i think the 6 million number is an exageration,but Hitler's genocidal tendencies and world domination were borderline autistic.Fite me
What is his opinion on his former friend, Jon "the shoah shah" Jafari?
I can't support him until I know.
he's a jew that jews the jews
he has facial tourettes, that's why he's always doing weird shit when he's talking normally
/gif/ says hello
He has a weird eyebrow tick because he has tourettes.
I finally understand it thank you I fucking knew there was something off
JonTron is a fucking white nationalist.This is the dankest timeline
Jews have been inbreeding for centuries. Lots of mental and neurological issues as a result. He has Tourette's, and probably more.
Funny guy, though.
>world domination
Umm, source?
You must love Soros too. He was an admitted Nazi collaborator.
lol I was in that thread yesterday
>jews you don't hate
want more of this, preferably kate beckinsale
H3H3 is a virtue-signaling cuck.
I'm a Jew, and you all love me!
Literally every battle he took part in. Taking northern France and Poland is an example.
There's no endgame though when you start a war without playing the political game first to prevent a repeat of Napoleon's downfall or WWI. Hitler made the same mistakes that they all make:
>Have too-centralized a command structure.
>Allow the creation of a belligerent entente.
>Forces spread too thin.
>Fight Russia during Winter.
>Lose your supply lines.