Paraguay General - /pg/ Civil war edition

Holy fuck I always thought Venezuela General would be south america's first major civil war this century, but gg indioguay I hope ourguys win

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Foreign intervention when?

pretty soon if this shit goes on

OP, update this thread and keep us informed on the participants of this Civil War.

So, the thread continues here?

Just another reason why white people should colonize south america and bring back some sort of civilization to these mudpeople.

El congreso

I couldn't quote the other Paraguayan user, so it goes in here I guess.

He was acting preemptively since he saw what happened with Rosas, us after the Riograndense republic and Uruguay. He would be next. The issue with López is that he was a fucking retard as I said here

Rio Grande was ready for yet another bloody revolt, so was Corrientes and its rage against Buenos Aires, but the retard sent the armies marching through those lands instead of negotiating with the local leaders as his dad did. He had everything to win and make Artigas dream of la Patria Guarani y Gaucha real, but blew it all due to his inherent cognitive impediments.

Have fun:

What's going on? I used to live there and had no idea anything like this was building up.

Get fucked, american interventions has been killing our legit leaders for decades.

> The jews would have no power if it weren't for their american attack dog

Brasil should invade and genocide them again. Paraguayan war 2.0.

So, here's the plan.
Paraguay's /ourguys/ should re-organize themselves to prevent any more causalities.
Take the strategic spots and defensive positions to have a more solid spot in winning.

Most Americans aren't even aware what happened with that South Korean cult

user, could you describe /ourguys/ there?
Are they prepared for bloodshed for your nation's future?

>Congress instantly set on fire
Hot heads confirmed. Nice job

civil wars
civil war incoming
perpetual civil wars
religio-war incoming
chinks vs. the rest

>shit-poster territory
pure bliss

From where?


Brazil can't even control its own favela niggers. Let alone invade another country.

Plz no user, I don't want to be drafted and die fighting in paraguayan swamps


Thanks user, wish your nation would recover from this.
No intervention is needed until the Paraguayan government gives up, that's the plan.

how is du30 doing?

>emu war 2
rip shitpostopia

Is Sup Forums with the Colorados or against them?
It seems to me these aren't the usual right-wing /ourguy/ types in South America like Pinochet was. These guys are corrupt as fuck, they care only about power whereas Pinochet was hell-bent on saving Chile from Communism.

fuck no, we are a failed state ourselves, why the fuck get in the middle of our neighbors shit?

I love Brazil general isolationism

Great, although some (((backstabbing))) politicians are bashing him and labeling him as a maniac/psychopath.
Due to him I now feel safe again when I roam the streets.

Holy Shit Roofags BTFO

One could actually change your government if you've gather the majority into your side.
But you should do this quietly, or you might be hunted down.


really, slav cuck?

I'm wondering if they'll burn more stuff, chances of escalating?

They closed the bridge connecting Paraguay to Brazil. Last thing I heard.

Riot police was getting stuff in order though

*unsheathes katana*

Fires and massive riots are aesthetic af


I saw some fag's car had one of these mags just hanging from the rear view mirror.
The full sized mask, just hanging there.
It took more self-control than expected for me not to subtly vandalize his car.

So was there a coup or not
There was a thread a couple of days ago but I don't know anymore

The Congress building was burned down in Asuncion, waiting to see if they keep going. Hopefully not.

>unsheaths smooth, sensitive penile gland, covered in smegma emollient

There was never a possibility of a coup. The Senate members that are aligned with the president passed an (unpopular with the opposition) bill allowing reelection and committed some serious infractions in the process.
People protesting the bill broke some shit outside, then burned some part of the congress then got beat up and dispersed.
Now the Supreme Court has been asked to give an opinion on the irregularities of the voting and bill by some of the opposition's Senators.

why not? let there be blood, this president is the head of a big mafia and now wants total dictatorship and is buying half of the senators to do the dirty work for him, this is the oportunity to stop him and people are doing the right actions

the supreme court also obeys Cartes, 2 of them already said that they don't want to talk about it

Part of the opposition voted for it too. Including Lugo's party

You're right, you think they would stand a chance if they kept going?

Ithought the -guays were alright.
I really want to go to Uruguay for an extended visit. Maybe a year with a view to living in South America.
I'd be a good immigrant. I'll work if I have to. But I have plenty of coin. I'd rather work though, than dig into savings.
Is it politically stable? I speak fucked up Spanish - a mix of Catalan accent and Andaluz. It's fluent enough. Castellano, though.
I really want to go. I'm retired on a military pension. I'm 45. My wife died in 2013. In a car crash and our only child is going to univerisity in October.
My family live in New Zealand.
Are Paraguay and Uruguay good places for a Scotsman? What's the temperature like, usually?
Is the food good? And other questions...
Pic unrelated. It's my kitchen.


Sad story bro.

Why don't you go chill on Chile?
Probably the best South America has to offer.

Don't go to crime infested areas.
Search for high human development index scores cities.

Both guays don't have much in common. Depends on what you want to do.

you guys arent supposed to know this yet, but things are about to really heat up in south america these next few weeks

venezuela, ecuador, are next

This. Get yourself a nice ranch in the Central Valley, close to Santiago but not that close, same thing with the sea. Or actually get a small ranch or a comfy house in a Patagonian city like Puerto Montt. Check those out, they are really nice.


Quick rundown!

Reuters did a fairly right article

What happened?

i need a quick rundown

Quick rundown:
>Current President wants reelection
>Can't because of constitution
>Rush an illegal constitutional amendment
>A parallel congress controlled by him passed the bill
>People get mad
>Burn Congress down

sounds like something hillary would do

>Sad story bro.
Well, it is. I'm late 40s and have experienced a lot in my life.
But what choices have I got? I don't work as I get a military pension. It's guaranteed. And the government give me diability money. It's not about coin for me.I don't have a left leg below the knee. It's a bit tricky to balance at times, but there's no infection or anything bad. I have a prosthectic.
I've put enough aside for my daughter. She was 18 in January.
I love where I live. It's a small house in a beautiful area - mountains in Northern England. My daughter can keep it on as the university is a one hour drive away. We have family in the area where we live. Also in Scotland. (I'm in Northern England). (pic)
My Spanish is fluent. And I've never been to South America. I fell like just going somewhere that I've never been to.
I also like the idea of Southern Argentina - Patagonia. I'll always come back home. I've heard very good descriptions of Uruguay. The people I've spoken to tell me it's great. But to keep it on track. What is the political situation like in South America? I know Venezuela is fucked, and I don't want to go anywhere near Central America. Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico etc. I'm not a rich 'gringo'. And can't afford the kidnap ransom fees. And I can't run. Because no left leg.



forgive typos. My keyboard is old.

I'm sorry we killed Trujillo

Thanks my dude

Boys we need to turn this into the next front of the meme war. I propose sending in propaganda articles we create to popular Paraguayan online news sites to meme /ourguys to victory

They need freed.

Who are the sides? What triggered this?

you should investigate more before moving to any country, because paraguay has nothing to do with uruguay. Their names come from two rivers named like those nations (guay means river in guarani). Uruguay and Chile are the most stable countries in SA right now. If I were you and wanted to move to SA I would live in Uruguay and if I get bored I'd just visit Buenos Aires which is in the other side of the river.

I really suggest Peru or Argentina.
I really cannot begin to tell you how comfy small town living is in those countries.
I used to live in Peru; granted, Limas. However, I've spent weeks traveling around whenever I had the free time outside of work.
Argentina is even more beautiful, but it has its own charm.

and now what?
new election or full scale chimp out anarchy?

Quick rundown, afaik:

>paraguay's prez are only allowed one term of five years
>current prez and the previous one (the priest that was impeached) are working together in reforming the constitution in order to get more terms. (CFK attempted to do the same thing but fortunately she failed)
>the congress said: lmao no, this aint happening.
>leftards and others tried to pass the bil, and to some extent they succeded (pls confirm)
>people hate this prez because he's an ally of the plutocrats of bestguay, and perhaps friend of foreign influences.
>chimp out, and with good reason.


Hard to tell, he wants reelection at any cost, quite a dangerous situation.

Great rundown my friend

Sauce? I would eat her booty hole


Police killed a man inside a dissident political party

More, sir.

first blood

well said
revolted province a shit

also thicc



I think we should pay you another visit fucking pilas :^)

Ok, who should the triple alliance help?

stfu you poor piece of shit indio before my boy paraguay beats you to a pulp once again.

The people fighting to impede the leftists to change the electoral law to allow multiple terms

i guess that paraguay and venezuela

Didn't you get btfo by indioguay tho?

is there really a picture of zyzz's body?

All you need is Ecuador™