Goy In The Shekel

What did you guys think of the new Goy In The Shekel movie?

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>watching movies

can any put up a link to any movie sites? I don't care if it's one of those cam-quality ones.

Fuck America and Israel

I'll tell you once I get my hands on the YIFY.

i thought it kicked ass, but i dont know shit about the story or the history, all i know was the preview i saw a few months ago

i liked the artsy scenery and scarjo, though she was always too serious, but she is awesome waifu in my book

the story is comic bookish and not up to matrix tier, but watchable

the evil guy was well done, wanted more face time with him

>can any put up a link to any movie sites? I don't care if it's one of those cam-quality ones.
Yes, Please.
Im not giving the jews any shekels to see this

Just wondering, did the story climax with the US threatening to nuke japan to stop Hideo Kuze from using his nuke?

>scarlett johansson

>pork in a shell
>ghost in taco bell
>body shaped like a bell
>200 pounds feeling swell
>farts loud as 100 decibel
>android lipid cell
>belly stuck in a well
>diet plan? do tell
>weight watchers was hell
>in the fridge i dwell
>after sports i smell
>tumblr says I'm a bombshell
>gluttons are our clientele
>elevator instead of stairwell
>perky tits farewell

The original story literally climaxes with the US shooting nukes at Dejima in order to kill Hideo Kuze.

I would bet that the US doesnt shoot nukes at japan in this jewish remake.

can you confirm or deny?

I downloaded it because I dont support the American film industry.

plz share torrent, chinanon

Did they pick a sjw like scarjo just to piss off the weebs?

is this the plot?

did they portray the refugees as mudslimes?

Good. Maybe we'll stop making movies with the chink market in mind.

Well neither does the other million of you chinks bootlegging and selling it on the streets

china pretty much owns the us film industry, ex. monkey boy's great wall flop

>chink stealing from America

so what else is new?

the survival of the american film industry depends on whether or not our people enjoy your films.

the jews recognize this. in the beginning they thought just showing snap shots of the Shanghai skyline was enough to get rich. NOPE; our consumers demand Chinese actors and Chinese brands to be advertised now.

thats what you get for portraying Asians as little beta shits for the past 80 years.

haha i didnt stay for the end, left at the point where she kisses the freckeled tranny, not because i was put off, but only because 90 minutes is my limit for all but matrix tier fiilms, plus a resolution point had been hit that satisfied me and i was burned out from the gunfight scenes and not looking forward to another one

somewhat disappointed, but it is hard to hit the matrix and blade runner level. but the artistic coherence and vision of the story was cool.

i gladly paid 12.50 shekels for scarjo my eternal love, may she live long and go from strength to strength as she ages, i love her with all my heart

>she kisses the freckeled tranny
Holy fuck they ruined this franchise


The marketing says it all. Fucking Hollywod cancer

According to your flag, yes you do.

I enjoyed it. Mostly because I really enjoy cyberpunk shit.

Have you seen any of the original GitS works?

Well said

This franchise was ruined

>the survival of the american film industry depends on whether or not our people enjoy your films.

There are some Chinese films like Saving General Yang that shit on 98% of everything that comes out of Hollywood.

They didn't kiss
She's feeling her face and asking how it feels to be touched right after she met Kuze.
Also no her climax was destroying the spider tank
Aramaki did his own thing right after


Watching some fag fuck anime turned into a movie? Fuck anime and fuck Hollywood

Actually re watching them currently.

I hope none of you actually watched this shit
that kike-ess is not even naked

it's exactly what you'd expect from a blockbuster.
everyone who expected some deep story rather than just impressive visuals hould finally stop being a retard and realize that it's the wrong medium for that.
if you want a meaningful story, read a book.

123moviesfree has them good quality

No they went open ended with it Kuze and tank battle were cool tho

Does she actually look that fat?