Sargon general

sargon general

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Who is this faggot? What is his end game?

Sargon is an incredibly insightful and rational content producer.

Sup Forums Sup Forums should definitely watch and support his content.

He is a man of honour and integrity and always approaches issues from good faith.

I would rate this person 5 stars out of 5.

I implore you to subscribe to his channel and watch his content with ad block deactivated.

He is a very educated fellow.

His end game is the rationalisation of society.

b i g
f a g g o t

fuck off sargon

he still fighting with that other eceleb faggot? watched some recent twitter faggotry between them. shit was cringe tier desu senpaii.

Yeah but at what cawst, dawg? He's always disingenuous, I feel like he's arguing in bad faith.

Has Destiny blacked his gf yet??

excuse me? I am not him, I am but a humble fan of his work.


Isn't he like 1/8 Nigerian or something? Didn't he get mad when somebody called him a baboon so he posted a bunch or depictions of his ancestors?

t. incel

Sup Forums Sup Forumss attitude towards Sargon is a sign of this board's limits.

He's the most reasonable-sounding and intellectual Youtuber to get normies moving away from cultural marxism and the regressive left. He even calls himself a classical liberal, which allows liberals to think they're watching one of their own. Even if you think he's a faux intellectual, he's a good face of several facets of our ideology for now. If we can't get even somewhat united behind someone besides Trump we aren't gonna get shit done.

don't forget to subscribe to his minds account.

a lot of people in the (((alt right))) are retarded.

I bet you really enjoy his interracial gay porn Twitter posts don't you.

>Watch my video where I watch a video only to pause it every 15 seconds to say something snarky

Sage you fucking queer

Sargon himself has rejected the alt-right label in multiple videos.

Also, most of Sup Forums except maybe newfags are against the (((alt-right))), and I notice more people from here in his comments than any other major Youtube channel (think 100K+ subscribers). So it looks like he's the best person we can use to redpill people about cultural marxism and other things for now.

That's undoomed.

bahaha sargon
atheist are the bottom feeders of intellectualism

fuck off sarcuck

He does it to ironically tease the (((alt-right))) people that follow and tweet at him, since he's vehemently against the movement. It's still retarded but it's Sup Forums-tier trolling at worst.

no, hes been doing that a lot latly. Prob. to meet his patreon commitments. Frankly, i think lesser of anyone who hawks for that BS. We all used to laugh at the SJW's begging for that shit, but seem to be fine with others using it....

>Sargon himself has rejected the alt-right label in multiple videos
Yeah, so has Sup Forums. That does not matter.

Sargon, above all else, is looking for views. He's not retarded enough to go full Sup Forums, because he realizes that could have consequences, but he knows that most of his audience is at least r/_the Donald.

He sees the Nationalism in his audience, but only goes halfway in indulging them, bandying about the asinine concept of Civic Nationalism.

Jesus Christ.

oh look its another alt-right hate thread about me. well imagine my shock

>Old Videogame consoles

Oh Jesus, please tell me the Real Sargon isn't a fucking Videogame baby

Timestamp or it didn't happen.

Also, The 2 themes of today's "This week in stupid"

and christian fundies, the height of intellect

Honestly though, Sargon's weekly review are a good thing, It's a good source of redpills.

Didn't like his debate against Redpanel though.

>random people on Sup Forums will never make threads about you so you get the youtube shekels

Redpanels is just some guy who makes comics out of Sup Forums memes.

Why would Sargon debate him? Isn't that punching down?

Sargon raped destiny, which puts him on my good list

Hello Sargon.

I am a major fan of your rational videos

That's exactly what it was.
Redpanels is a very good vulgarisator in the written form, Sargon, being much better at oral & speaking fluently, just blew him out the water.

There was a bit of "Civic nationalism cringe" too.

hey handsome ;)

hey babe ;)

Hey there, Sargon.

What brings you to Sup Forums, today?

thank you:)

Timestamp pls

Can you tweet that you are shitposting so we know its you and not Spino impersonating you again?

Will you do a special episode on Lepen when French elections come around?


this is now a based Peterson thread

lets play a game
delete all the scientists who believed in God
welcome to the stone age

step aside faggon. there's a new sheriff in town

You must be new around here

have you taken the bogpill, Sargon?

hey retard

what do you think of this video that exposes you for being the turbo retard you are?

maybe learn to read dummy

LARPfaggot detected

I know he's not actually posting, but that could still be a shot of his house.

Anyone with a Shrine of Videogame consoles is out of it.

put me in the screen cap at the end of your "this week in stupid"

Watching Sargon's feminism videos in 2015 were what got me involved in culture and politics, and it resulted in my alt right status currently

I disagree with him on some things, but I agree with him on more. I respect him, he very rarely conducts himself in a negative way, and I take everything he says very seriously when coming to my own conclusions on things

sargon can go suck a bag of dicks why is this midget among intellectuals being shilled so hard here?

stick with youtube faggot..

Digits confirm identity?

Also you need to take a few more redpills than that before you can use the word "educated" and "rationalisation" with "Sargon" as a context

styx and i have a lot in common
there is no competition

Reminder that many people get shilled against on Sup Forums. Styx has talked about this. You have a lot of fans here. I think your antagonism against the """alt-right""" is misguided.

If this really is Sargon, I want to thank you for being my introduction to this whole world. And h3h3 just made a video about the youtube stuff you talked about in the livestream

And just so you know, you have two 63 year old white Christian hardcore conservatives who are huge fans of yours here in Florida, I introduced my parents to Sargon and styxhexenhammer666, and they love the videos

First destiny now sargon.. it's almost as if someone wants us to appear as total retards. Maybe they should have a jewtube contest of most shit said for dem ratings.. sargon would win the first prize would be a 1 way guillotine trip.

butthurt alt-right prick detected

this isn't my first visit here
but thank you ;)

Sargon, do an AMA!

Also we need proof its defo you

Sargon's debates against libertarians/ancaps are some of the most cringe inducing videos he does. Sargon can blow them out of the water with his debate experience alone.

What I want to see is Sargon debating Stefan Molyneux.

how often do you lurk?

Or Sargon/Alex Jones.

Is Sargon worth getting into?

This is what I've picked up on from him

>gets suspended from twitter for sending gay interracial porn to people on twitter
>Destiny mentions it was probably a form of harassment
>Sargon says it wasn't because they were troll accounts (wtf does that mean?)

>claimed that if we didn't see race, divisions would go away like getting mad at someone for being left-handed

what does he have to offer?


>what does he have to offer
another way to redpill normies.

oh I should add
>is in his 30s
>still plays video games 'hardcore'

honestly once a day
its a good place to hear about current events and have a laugh lol

Watch some of his videos, they're incredibly well thought out and knowledgeable. Even if you disagree with some of what he says, he presents his opinions using facts and rational thought processes

He literally raises another mans kid

He's Babby's first Red-Pill, and serves as a bridge between Gamergate and the Redpill for frustrated nerds.

If you're on Sup Forums, and not a total Memester, you don't need him.

Ask him if he'll do a Lepen episode, I think Sargon blocks leafs.

Sargon is one of the best content creators on Youtube right now, and is just another reason we are winning the battle against the regressive left and Marxist fucks that have had their way for far too long.


I am sceptical that this is sargon now desu

at least i have people in my life who love me
you lonely virgin prat

to be honest you really shouldn't believe anyone on pol who claims to be me

Zach is friends with well known pedophile Shaddai "Shadbase" Prejean.

The entire sleepycabin crew are pizzagate tier pedophiles




I want too, but you have a method of proving it.

Also if it is you, you are great on the underlying political ideas, but you need to work on your awareness of actual day to day politics in the UK

Old photo. Fake n' gay.

I like him


He's a useful ally. We need him to as such. He may be an octoroon and a lover of single moms, but we all have flaws.




I always wanted to ask a youtuber like yourself this, but would you ever do a video taking the political compass test, and for every question you answer explain your reasoning? I'm curious to see your views on each question and of course your final results.

>that music taste
how's middle school going, champ? excited for high school?

>You have a lot of fans on reddit

Why are you pitiful you must LARP as a Youtuber of all people?

You could be an astronaut, a pirate, Trump himself, but you're pretending to be a niche Jewtuber only autists from Sup Forums are aware of

LMFAO oh god I can't breath


it was a joke faggot...
you sit on pol and scroll through
plenty of interracial porn.

you people need to develop a thicker skin

i already did that

God Tier- Sargon of Akkad
High Tier- Alexander Gordon Jahans
Mid Tier- Thunderfoot
Low Tier- Black Pigeon Speaks
Trash Tier-Styxhexenhammer666

hey sargon, you inspired me to join the USMC

keep it up, motivator. the west is the best
