faggots, its time to give some respect to the fucking Fuhrer


share your rare HITLERS PLEASE FOR THE FUHRERRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Other urls found in this thread:öhm

>hitler was not racist
Yes he fucking was you dumb reddit nigger.
Racism is good, if you don't love you race you should kys.

bref you stole my fav hitler pic


if u hear song, you should realize obviously we know that statement isnt true but its more about being high on mushrooms and killing jews.

i do love my race



Stole Billions of gold and art
60 Millions WHITES died fighting for/against him
Jews run and own everything since
White Germans take the fall
White people have no pride no cause of shame and afraid of being called a "nazi"

He's a Jew trick



i bet this was a strike

Bombs London
Bombs Russia
Invades France
Germany gets destroyed while he's in a castle in Austria.

No one has ever found his corpse.

Jews have an amazing victim story which they have played for 70 years now

Jew trick.

God dammit the digits,

>he did kill alot of joos tho

Dunno about KEK either now. Cause the only reason you kids know about KEK is cause of that ONE pic that "magically" showed up here

faggots, its time to give some respect to the fucking Fuhrer

No he didn't.
6 million isn't comparable to 60 million. Unless you're retarded and bad at numbers.

Also, isn't it A LOT less???

If you hate the Jews, get a new hero. He is the epitome of a JEW.

tried so hard to get those digits but kek is like fuck u,


>your the jew!!!!!

Leaf fag left once he got called out for being juden

There so many picture of this man yet to be discovered




This isn't rare, but we need comprehensive hitler representation here



This is a classic

Reminds me of the Monty Python sketch.







This one was posted by a German user, says it belonged to her grandma iirc

Ummm....I need a sauce on this user.



Shes not blonde fuck off

Was he saying "take him away to the gassery"????

he looks like striaght pedo in this

Here is one of Enrich Fromm, Hitler's lover:

Can confirm - Hitler was a bitchy fascist queer.


Fuck this faggot, hes not hitler




It's Ernst Röhm.

>"Röhm was the only Nazi leader who dared to address Hitler by his first name "Adolf" or his nickname "Adi" rather than "mein Führer."[5]"

Check it:öhm



Hitler was a fag with this guy.

They were making beta bucks together.

Learn your pre-hetro culture.


>be me
>be 7
>be a blue pilled nigger faggot
>8th grade
>I start reading books on republicanism
>I redpillmyself in less than 6 hours
>Been a Trump supporter since 10 months ago
>Never told my parents.


Hitler and Ernst Röhm were GAY - get over it.

Fascism can't exist WITHOUT bitchy gay guys. It's just a fact.

No he does not, gas yourself kike.


>6 million

everyone knows that it was 20 million you filthy antisemite


>Hitler was aware of Röhm's homosexuality. At this point they were so close that they addressed each other as du (the German familiar form of "you"). No other top Nazi leader enjoyed that privilege, and their close association led to rumors that Hitler himself was homosexual.[6] Röhm was the only Nazi leader who dared to address Hitler by his first name "Adolf" or his nickname "Adi" rather than "mein Führer."[5]



woah, he's a big guy

Tell me about the Jew, why does he wear the nose?

>Don't worry about 60,000,000 dead whites,slavs and ruskies
>He killed A LOT of joos for you goyim

o shit he was a wizard
no wonder that he never had a wife

Not joking.
60,000,000 dead Americans and European

6,000,000 jews.

Don't worry about 60 million

Why are you angry about it?

it will be extremely painful

Got to check your digits nigger

That whore is autistic as fuck

>Don't worry about the White cities he bombed or had bombed
>Don't worry about the white countries he invaded
>Don't worry, he killed A LOT OF JOOS
>Killer so many, they run everything
>Not a Jew
>Not on (((their))) side


Type out god for me

eva braun?

Leaf checking that jewish privilage

Is that a current pic of him??
He's Half-Jewish. Look it up

i would love to impregnate her

I don't take orders from leafs. You think you're clever trying to spot a chatbot. You're not.

Im just pointing shit out. IDGF about Hitler. cause he's a jew

bro why u leave

lemme cummy in mummy tummy

confirmed fake hilter for propaganda

Fuck you that pic is real

Literally the biggest jew trick in modern times.
I laid it out in one thread and guess what??? It got deleted and scrubbed.

Fuck Hitler.

Oh ya, I'm Med. He allied with the WOPS cause jews can't fuck with us.
By decree of Universal Law. (over your head. Don't worry)
Romans BTFO-D the jews hard back in the day too.

He's a Jew Trick.

All the evidence and proof is right in front of you people.




what is kek saying bref

it got scrubbed because ur literal shareblue

The race traitors in this thread are rather disgusting. Hitler might have been a little overzealous and blunt in his methods, but only out of a true passion to better his people's fate. He didn't start World War II. He wanted the Jews gone, Great Britain was the one who fucked up the deportation program. The fact is, Adolf Hitler was the only man in history to successfully defy the Jews, even if he was ultimately brought down. Because he defied them, he is now vilified as the worst living creature to walk the planet Earth. Do some research before you jump to defending the greatest man history has given us.


You guys got to check out this dope hitler song

Fuck u I'm more pro hitler than any user


lets discuss the imperial needle, hitlers intravenous drug use



not rare.

ok faggot, give us your rares then piece of shit

That piece of shit Hitler was a fucking JEW you dumb fucks.