How bad is the opiate epidemic where you are?

How can we stop China from importing fentanyl?

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Import as much as possible and let all the retards who use it die off. Then once no one wants it, they will stop bringing it in.


>once no one wants it
teens get older, try drugs, tons of drugs available, more white teens dead

why would you want this? there will always be new people wanting to try the hardest drugs.


All the degenerates here use meth

they will probably start importing fentanyl soon enough my brother down under

i can't find it here, fucking bullshit

>can't into using the darknet

>In the mid-1990s, fentanyl was introduced for palliative use with the fentanyl patch, followed in the next decade by the introduction of the fentanyl lollipop, dissolving tablets, and sublingual spray which are absorbed through the skin inside the mouth.
>fentanyl lollipop


fuck you bitcoin is expensive m8

Daily reminder opiates are easier on your body than alcohol

Reason people OD is lack of standardized distribution

>white people

But can't the withdrawals from both kill you?

>t. drug dealer

>newfags that didn't mine bitcoin back when it was under $10 per coin

no nigga, they put stress on you but that's all

the idiots that die from that deserve to die

>3-6 days of hell, no sleep and cold sweats
>end up using a few days after that

Download the full episode for an awesome time.

Azn lady gets addicted to fentanyl lollipops and starts making up shit about energy distortions causing her pain.

I was never addicted to opiates personally. I was hooked on Ambien.

>Monkey niggers

>I was hooked on Ambien.

t.crybaby loser

Nope. Just booze.

New Jersey, so pretty bad

Hello fellow shitskin :')

They feel fucking amazing. Doctor started prescribing them when I was in high school and slowly moved to 7 a day. Certainly, to me, feels way better than any opiate but the withdrawals are far worse. Puking your guts out, immense pain, cravings, no sleep, and high blood pressure for weeks/months. Also Ambien ruined my stomach temporarily with a lot of infections and weakened my immune system so I would get sick all the time.


American doctors giving out pain killers like candy.
Americans topled the taliban who kept opioid production illegal.
Honestly this is just another "problem" the burgers created for themselves and has now spilt into canada

It was a little problem that the government allowed big pharma to cash in on. Opiates have always been useful for keeping a population quiet and sedated.

Is there any wonder why we hit Afghanistan first?

I had a partner tell me about a call he ran where four homeless guys in a park went into full arrest after shooting up some bad heroin or something. Its definitely around, but how much is up for debate. Killing your customers is generally a shit idea though so I would think it isnt a lot.

Even Eliza/Ciara isn't safe from this menace


Ironically this drug problem will turn whites into the niggers you hate and fear such. Cant run to the suburbs to get away because that's where the drug problem is now the most prevalent.

With Sessions in charge of the DOJ now there will be a renewed war on drugs, only this time whites will be getting hit with those mandatory minimum jail sentences.

Blacks were the test bed for community destabilization via drugs to keep them from rising up. Now its being do to Americans at large to keep them from rising up against the coming economic collapse and automation.


Also, 90% of the opium produced in the world comes from Afghanistan. The Taliban kept it down somewhat but ever since we invaded opium production has exploded.


government should subsidize it and give it to addicts going to prison or mental health and reduce the sentences.

Pain killer addictions can be accidental and these people once lived normal lives. This implant should be offered to them asap

>tfw too intelligent to do opiates
>do kratom instead
>mfw Congress almost banned kratom last year

So they didn't end up banning it?

It's hell and you'll hallucinate. Don't get addicted to opiates. If you seek pain relief try kratom. Many opiate users are surprised how effective kratom is.

There's no reason why opioid addicts realistically cannot use something like ibogaine. But big pharma can't monetize it and make the addict dependent on a "treatment," so it's illegal.

They don't die, they go to state funded (((rehab))) 1000 times and steal everything in sight to feed the habit while EBT feeds their bellies. Opiates make whites behave worse than niggers, junkies go after family and friends first.

t. user that disowned a pill junkie imouto

They scared all the producers into stopping sales, only to receive massive push back from the public and then it resumed as normal

Kill them. It worked wonders for China. They don't even have an opium prolbem anymore.

I really couldn't care less about all the junkies dying off.

Have you considered being less degenerate and not taking drugs in the first place?

The CIA needs more blackbag money for dem Programs

Are you retarded son? It's money. How can money be expensive?

I live in a sleepy little town in Georgia. It's at the extreme edge of the Atlanta metropolitan area. Nothing exciting has really happened since we moved there in 2000.

In the past year, two people within five minutes walking distance have died of heroin overdoses.

Say that when it is your teenager getting hooked.

Maybe if we weren't letting big pharma pay doctors to prescribe opioids like candy, we wouldn't have such an epidemic now.

cry a fucking river loser, those people deserve to die off and even they know it

USA go to war in Afghanistan
Marine guard opiates
Gov ship opiates in empty body bags
Royal family get money
White man die
US sold to the House of Saud

Dis where we @

I need someone to talk to please.

I was recently released from prison after a 2 year + stint inside and I'm feeling hopeless and unironically considering suicide.

In Denver there are always 50+ junkies congregated in front of the federal building downtown, shooting up right in front of the public.

do it bro, life won't get any better, might as well go on your own terms

Ive been considering this. My family hates me.

ive seen this posted for the last 6 months

what exactly are you doing, leaf?

Have you tried not worrying about it and just going to sleep? You'll wake up tomorrow with a more well rested head. That's right, you just feel really sleepy and are very very tired. You just want to not worry about anything and go to sleep. You can deal with anything tomorrow but shhh no need to talk about tomorrow. You're very tired, just go to sleep now, and don't worry about anything.

Hello fellow leaf whats on your mind?

It's a combination of that and America's infatuation with stoner/drug culture. Opiate junkies are shameless because society started painting them as "victims" and enabled them in every possible way. My county recently bragged about having all the cops carry an antidote for opiate OD, so our taxes literally get spent on springing these dregs back to life to commit more crimes and get more free shit.

American doctors over prescribe opiates because they don't want to lose job because of poor reviews from patients. It's then take the opiates and end up addicted to pills. Later end up doing heroine

Do a flip faggot.

I've been killing cats. Legally. It's legal for me to kill feral cats. I kill them, eat them, skin them. Pic related is a cat skin I cured 2 months ago. I'm spiralling into insanity. I feel it.

It's legal don't worry.

Do you live in Seattle? Our cops carry those shots too.

I don't think talking to any echo chamber if white supremacy is the best choice if your feeling mentally vulnyrable, but I'm here for you

>jeez white people sure do a lot of heroine

uhhh doesnt this person know its illegal in America to post this image because it shows a childs face under 18 which is a violation of US federal law?

you the "sleepy time now" guy I always see on here? Why do you always say this? If you think you're hypnotizing people I think you need to read some more books.

April fool's r-right? ;_;

I hope all the opiatefags die off in the next few years. Fentanyl should be a quick cure

Pennsylvania has a more serious than average drug problem

Nah, upstate Jew York. They're pushing to have all cops carry naloxone statewide, too. That faggot Cuomo is a plague on this state.

If it's that serious then at least die having contributed somewhat for your fellow man. If you have money then give it to someone who will put it towards raising a nice traditional family. If you have genuinely good genetics go and donate to a sperm bank that's not operated by kikes. Don't die in vain, and DON'T do any 3rd party suicide shit like cop killing or rampaging.

We should let these pieces of shit die. I'm against cops/EMS giving these cunts narcan or whatever. Let them die.

wtf leaf?


WRONG faggot that cat is fucking killed

wish it was you instead! OWNED bich hahaha :D

I think I remember you from another thread. Didnt the cops come by for some other reason but found a bunch of cat corpses in your house?

Bullshit the government can jail you for culling an invasive species, but then again, you cant criticize Islam in your "country"

My dentist tried to give me pain killers. Was he trying to ruin my life?

>my name is UU8d5eX1 and Im gay

ok? keep it to urcelf homo

Seriously, I live in a "giver" state(mostly blue, dealing with it). I'm for cutting the rest of you fucks off. Die in the woods. Junkies.

No. Pic related is a walking stick I made.

It's legal since the cats are feral but I know it's immoral.

Yeah, maybe you should kill yourself.

I doubt anyone will miss you. You have a criminal record so your career prospects are shit. Your hobby is pretty lame too.

>Benzo withdrawals

Shit I'm still getting off (was on them for 10 years). 5 months of hell so far. The first two months were goddamn AWFUL. I wouldn't wish this shit on my worst enemy. Now I'm stuck some permanent neurological defects like an eye twitch and foot spasm that happen multiple times a day and just won't go away. Lost 8 pounds because the withdrawals made me so nauseous that I lost all appetite. Mercifully my anxiety isn't so high anymore that I feel the need to jump off the nearest tall building like during the first month.

Stay away from benzos.

Does it look like porn to you...?

It's legal.

The reason I got arrested for it the first time was since those cats were somebody's pet.

First arrest the scumbags who are peddling it, then interrogate them for the source, give them very harsh punishment if they do not confess. Then repeat until you find the entry point of the drugs stateside and trace that to the producers of said drugs.

It's time for you to end it, my brother. Go on your own terms.


Saving someone who doesn't want to be saved = retarded

>tfw when your brother OD'd on fentanyl at 23

he was a druggie, but a good person otherwise. RIP

he made his choice but once the sino-american war kicks off, i'm divorcing my wife making chink steaks in Seoul for the next 10 years.

just when i decide that it may be time to take a peek and see what's going on on Sup Forums lately, i see a 13 year old redditor is having himself a good time

see you guys in another month

Half the bums are on something, no clue where they're all getting it from.

>Better leave the kid in the car with his dead parents for a more poignant shot


I live in West Virginia. I don't think we'll have a state in 10 years because of the heroin crisis here. It's so bad, there's a city councilman in Charleston with an active addiction issue. You can't find a single family that hasn't been torn to shreds over it. All the politicians do is get tougher and tougher on crime (which wrecks the state budget with law enforcement and corrections expenses). Treatment is the way to stop this problem and no one will do it.

Jokes on them. Us whites haven't had a community in years.

no you'd feel bad for like 3 days and go back to being normal this boogeyman shit is retarded

I'm in hawaii now, meth is a bigger problem.

You can smell that shit all over.

Why are White people such weak-willed niggers willing to destroy their lives for momentary psychoative stimulation?

And you fuckers dare blame the Jews for being failures with no mental stamina.

We're all going to make it brah. I got out of jail three years ago myself. Nobody would hire me, so I had to do independent contracting work. I don't know the laws in Canada, but here nobody looks at your criminal record if you're a "company."

>he was a druggie, but a good person otherwise.

literally impossible, i'm glad your faggot brother is dead now if only you could follow his example

Classic white trash

Jail for not snitching, or snitch and get killed by some cartel. Hmm, I'm sure your plan will work like a charm.