The children go into these comalike states when their families are notified that they will be deported...

>The children go into these comalike states when their families are notified that they will be deported. The only known cure is for their families to receive residency permits allowing them to stay in Sweden. It's not a sudden, magical reawakening when family members read the approved residency permit in the nonresponsive child's presence.

Does Sup Forums want innocent children to die?
It's not "fake news" either, NPR doesn't do bullshit news.


kill yourself dumbass retard

Let them fucking die u shitskin fag

now that's fake news

>Does Sup Forums want innocent children to die?
Better their children than our nation.

When you push this emotional shit on people you deaden them to it, and you free them from it over time.

And that allows them to do some really incredible things :^)

kys leaf

you too mutt

Why do the parents leave their kids behind? It's the strangest part about this story.

>Does Sup Forums want innocent children to die?


Is this the evolution of the dramatic left? They now get so triggered they go into comas?

>14 heartwarming photos that will make you say "fuck having borders and law and shit"

>get notified you're being removed
>have your shitskin spawn pretend to be le sick
>get all that white guilt riled up and say the only way to fix it is to let us stay
>rescind deportation
>suddenly kids are okay

Why the motherfuck do I need to point out thgis is horseshit

>Triggered into comas

The kids should go too.

fug dem in the butthole i bet they wake up.

obviously they are lacking in vitamin assrape

haha, but it's a little early for april fools npr.

Law > emotions
Therefore deport them, dead or alive.

>vitamin assrape
My sides

No, bro... Seriously. Neck yourself.

>vitamin assrape

> Something's not moving
> Quick, let's fuck it in the ass!

I want every innocent child selfishly created inside of or dragged into an untenable situation by their savage, third-world, foreign parents to die, no question, hands down. I would take a job smashing their heads with a sledgehammer if that helped. Anything that helps preserve people's right to live as they choose in their own homelands, unperturbed by unwashed masses of filthy, exploding, rapist mongrels.

That's alot of heads to smash user

You up for the task?

> wants to smash their head with a sledgehammer
Before or after you fuck them in the ass?

>Shitskin parents willing to poison their own children in order to stay

No surprise, they'll just shit out another five kids to replace them.

I figure I could get a thousand or so done in a day. 28,000 seconds in a workday. couldn't take longer than 20 seconds per head.

What a fucking joke, they go into a coma and magically wake up when they get what they want. Uh huh.

>The only known cure is for their families to receive residency permits

I bet tossing them all the fuck out would work too.

Your arms would get tired, and that would be a lot of pink mist to deal with. You should wear eye and mouth protection.

>The only known cure is for their families to receive residency permits
Have you tried a hot pin in the sole of the foot?

I frankly don't care what happens to them.