>some jews are okay lol
>israel is good because jews will keep to themselves
>based , why did we dislike them??
>wow why do you hate muslims they're just victims of the jews false flags (you have to love one or the other if you're a kike puppet)
>some jews are actually pro-white like us! we should ally with them like hitler did! (ignoring that hitler would not sign the haavara agreement if he knew they'd create the holohoax)
Too many newfaggots will see the well poisoning and believe it, especially if you just glance at posts here. The poison is seeping. Their poison will ultimately be our death.
We propose:
a) no more browning the west
b) no more supporting the EU and UN (who are indubitably arms of the Jewish political class's dominance)
c) no more warmongering with russia to distract russians and americans from their interior (jewry) problems
d) NO support for Israel, or other "good muslims". Be it in finance or military. Cut them off at the root. Watch them infight without our feeding hand.
e) NO more foreign aid to areas for the sake of foreign aid. Foreign aid should be used only to help a nation after a disaster. An annual stipend in the form of "aid" is theft from taxpayers and facilitates third world nations having exploding populations (who then flow across open borders into europe, russia, and the USA)
Their new playbook is trying to DISCREDIT positive policies and poison the well
Notice a massive bump in "jews are okay if they stay in israel goy" and "muslims arre just victims of the jews"/"false flag semites dindu nuffin" shilling?
Notice shills saying "le dividing zionist jews against other jews! Look at how publicly upset these jews are!!" and then ignoring how jews will publicly play enemy with their allies (a la USA and USSR to distract both their citizenry) to facilitate destroying host nations?