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hmm I wonder if law enforcement will notice their brandishing and threats?
Nah, their guns are fake
what's up with all these gay ass LARPy groups that don't even do anything lately? americans are such faggots.
You have to point the barrel of a gun in a person's direction for it to be considered brandishing in AZ
The second American Civil War will be the bloodiest and most destructive conflict in human history. Additionally it will almost certainly set off a chain collapse in global stability that will result in a third world war, which will be more destructive still all will almost certainly escalate into a nuclear war Which will be globally destructive and result in millions or billions of death.
You've gotta understand that it's American power, and the utterly stable nature of that power that maintains worlds peace. Expansionists the world over are kept in check by the knowledge that if they reach too far we will come, violently neuter their military, maul their economy and maybe even arrest and imprison/hang them personally. Every time our power wavers bush wars and land grabs happen all over the world. See Arab Spring, Ukraine, ISIS, and other recent conflict as a direct result of American weakness and uncertainty under Obama.
You understand then why we are so hesitant to actually cross the line into violent action. We prefer to solve our problems with words, and in the event of an internal American conflict, everyone involved loses.
The only possible winner of an American Civil War is China.
Brandishing a fake weapon is still brandishing a weapon. The law cares about the appearance of a threat not its actual presence, hence why cops somewhat regularly shoot people who point fake guns at them without lasting consequence.
The point of aiming a gun at someone is intimidation and threat of violence, and against most people it works as well with a well disguised toy as it does with a real weapon, only a gun nerd would be able to look casually at those weapons and tell they were fake without picking them up.
If you are at one of these ever and want to call out a nerd without directly calling out, asking him to show you the the chamber and magazine are empty, if he refuses he either locked and loaded, or LARPing with a plastic toy and doesn't want to let on. The exterior of a toy looks like a gun at a glance, the action will be instantly recognizable as a toy.
Also, the hilarity of them wearing
>Brown Shirts.
Are these faggots memeing or are they ACTUALLY that ignorant of history, that they unironically imitate the precise actions and dress of people they claim to despise.
Really rumbles the tumbles.
lol all the non foreign men could easily detect them as antitrump
>Brandishing a fake weapon is still brandishing a weapon. The law cares about the appearance of a threat not its actual presence, hence why cops somewhat regularly shoot people who point fake guns at them without lasting consequence.
This. The best course of action is to assume they are real.
These are not the brown berets dumbass. They are some liberal gun club.
Say what you want about the Brown Berets but they were a solid organization back in the 60s and 70s
oh get the fuck out chang. you had me until china. we're fat women ready to be raped. no one knows whos going to get us. did you read your english lesson today wu? we did this in our first civil war and allegiances were established quick enough. we'll do the same again and sell out to who we want based on region.
they'll be south america, asian, and european ties from sea to shining sea
the heroes we need
Why do people post utterly captivating shit like this that just cuts out for no goddamn reason and don't link the source
can someone help me write the ballad of the brown berets?
So much this.
Every time I see some suburb leftist or person of any affiliation clamoring for violent action inside the USA it makes my blood boil. They have no idea what they are asking for, the fact that more often than not they are city retards makes it even dumber.
Syria is only a small taste of what would be in store and what the toll would be. Anyone who thinks we would be left to our own devices to sort out our own differences is beyond deluded, the conflict would simply never end until there was nothing left. Russia and China among others would be heavily involved and would use the continuous chaos and power void to rape the world unchecked. As much as the entire world dislikes the green weenie it serves a purpose.
To see wannabe communist terrorists straight out of some comintern poisoned third world shit hole period photo proudly standing in the streets is disheartening to say the least, granted their type have been here since the 60s. Ironically enough, their type is the first purged after communists take power.
for this exact comment
I'm German/Irish mix and and as Idealistic a disciple of America and and the Libertarian Ideal as you'll ever find.
I'm just pointing out that in the current world, If America destroy itself, It will take NATO with it, and In the Absence of the American/NATO global Hegemony top dog in the "after" will be China. They're the only nation positioned for it economically and militarily.
I'm not saying that they'll invade the US, quite the opposite, they'll pick a side and give them weapons, profit from the conflict and fan the flames to make America's self destruction as complete as possible. I am saying that the the entity that will profit the most from an American Civil War is China and that every American will lose.We will become a balkanized internationally irrelevant failed state for at least a few decades after such a conflict, and the world will suffer in our absence as conquest inclined nation take advantage of the power vacuum.
Fuck off. There won't be a shootout at a fucking anti-trump rally. Fuck Russia.
It's not too late to nuke that 25% muslim shithole.
looks like some weight watchers dropouts
"Ballad Of The Brown Beret"
Bitching children from the high
angsty men who jump and cry
Men who just glean at what you say
The brave men of the Brown Beret
Yellow stripe upon their chest
These aren't men, America's pest
One hundred men we'll test today
But only gay win the Brown Beret
Trained to sniff, each others butt
Trained to be cucked, tickle the nut
Men who cry by night and day
Courage deep from the Brown Beret
Yellow stripe upon their chest
These aren't men, America's pest
One hundred men we'll test today
But only gay win the Brown Beret
George Soros and BLM
Trannies and LGBT gay as they can
Gender transition now in play
Special OPS like the Brown Beret
Yellow stripe upon their chest
These aren't men, America's pest
One hundred men we'll test today
But only gay win the Brown Beret
While back at home a tranny waits
Her Brown Beret has met his fate
xe has died for those oppressed
Leaving her this last request
Put a yellow stripe on my son's chest
Make him one of America's pest
He'll be a man they'll test one day
but only if he's gay, he'll win the Green Beret
Yellow stripe upon their chest
These aren't men, America's pest
One hundred men we'll test today
But only gay win the Brown Beret
Thanks Pete
Only need one to sing it now.
>Brown shirts
>intimidation tactics
>wear arm bands
Even stormfaggots would turn the other way.
everything about this graphic is wrong and retarded.
1. You can't see the upper and lower being separate. That's the backside and they look just like that? Nothing unusual there.
2. Fucking google AK drum mag. They sure as fuck make them. There are like 3 common ones, 2 of which look similar to that one and arc the same way. Pic related.
3. Only the standard stock metal AR15 mag look s"Bent" in a specific location, basically every other brand makes the whole thing curved. So he's using a magpul magazine. So do most people that own firearms.
They even had their own version of Kristallnacht at Berkeley.
The evidence you provided is false.
Look up PMAG, The AR mags are Magpul Pmags. They are cheap and plentiful. The Drum mag is also real, Saiga makes a 5.45 Clamshell drum magazine.
Delete your fucking post, and delete system32
Go back to playing cawwadookie
I like it. Says everything about the black bloc and communist agitator types it should.
The AR15 HAS the split visible in the pic. its just hard to see because of pic quality.
what? the photo res is piss but 'side' of the receiver set has nothing to do with being able to distinguish a definite upper and lower. even with matched sets the separation is readily visible on both sides, especially the side in question where the rollmark and serial would typically be.
as for the drum magazine, the infographic is correct that it is fuckey. typically the feed tower is near vertical to the receiver with the drum bottom leaning forward, that magazine is a straight rectangle to the magwell, replicating the overall appearance but not the feed tower. unusual to say the least and although there are 5.45 conversions of 7.62 drums out there, they do not look like that.
third, the magazine is all wrong unless it is some oddball china shit or unusual caliber. it is not unusual for airshit to look like that.
there are a lot of features in a number of the 'rifles' present at that scene that suggest airshit but it's hard to be definitive unless there is a higher resolution version of that photo than i have seen personally.
His cuck friend lets his name slip @ 8:05
John Brown
They are from the John Brown gun club to be fair.
Nevermind its the name of the gun club
Free Julian Assange. Good alerts in video. (see youtube.com
muffin tops and brown shirts. these people are losers and if they want to play with guns...we'll win that one for sure.
Why are you so gullible to believe this fake informative bullshit?
What do they mean by Community Defenders you ask?
See this thread:
This is the root of these faggots:
His name is DAVE STRANO
8==D --- trump
I love that antifa are the brown shirts
Just an average saturday in the 'Kwa!!
>China may win
Good, they deserve unrestricted access to destroy the stragglers in Africa
No, SEE:
The cop is his friend and they are just dicking around by the side of the road. You aren't missing much.
Irony is lost on these Leftist fuckwads. They're calling us Nazis and fascists, but they're the ones parading around wearing brown shirts and brandishing guns (real or not is besides the point) and trying to intimidate anyone who doesn't agree with them......which is pretty much what Hitler's Brown Shirts did in Germany prior to WW2.
Luke Sky Walker