Is a degree in Political Science the same as a degree in Politics? I'm applying to University and I want to know if Politics and Political Science are the same thing. Pls help
Is a degree in Political Science the same as a degree in Politics...
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what uni? that means everything
University of Sheffield
cant help. ask during brit time.
dont study politics unless you have rich folks mate
anyways in burgerland we only have political science or history. there are no programs in "politics" afaik. read about the program on your schools website
You won't have a job after either so it makes no difference
T. Former polisci turned stem
A degree in Political Science is just as valuable as a degree in Woman's Studies, neither of them land you with a job.
There are no "politics" classes, But political science is a good start for going into to politics, also taking a master general society something (Every uni has a different name for it but they all study society and how it works) would also help if you want a political career..
Both are bullshit. Pick a real degree, something with a real science. Pussy.
these posters are wrong
im a poli sci major and its the most employable liberal arts degree that there is (if you live in a city)
This is only true if you're a poor nigger. Unlike you, I have contacts with the diplomatic establishment in my country.
And diplomatic work is well payed and gives you alot of traveling oppertunities
>I got lucky, so that means the degree is a magnet for jobs
My sister went for her BS in political science send got her masters afterwards in public administration in less than 4 years total. I have a BS in physics and I make 20k more than her with half the student loan debt. She doesn't even do what she wanted, she's an administrative assistant because it's the only job she could get with both degrees and no experience. She also lives in Philly.
no you don't
I can only apply for Political Science and the university says it offers Politics. Is that the same thing?
political """"""""""""""""""""""""'science"""""""""""""""""""""""""
>Is a degree in Political Science the same as a degree in Politics?
literally google
Get an MBA then, PolySci is for deskwork cucks.
Okay but in terms of a degree, is it the same thing???
HA! liar
no. no it isnt
I was going to study Chemical Engineering, but I don't enjoy Math or Physics at all. I DON"T KNOW WHTA TO DO
comming from a computer scientist, I would say they are both equally worthless and may eventually be able to net you a job at a local coffee house our possibly a community college if your good at networking
Is computer science a difficult major? I hate maths and physics so much i don't know what to do.
daily reminder
Also, how many elected officials does Kuwait actually have? like 50? Go with political science if your country isnt big into electing people
I love you as a human but I hate you as some who calls it "maths"
>Is computer science a difficult major
It definitely gets tough. To be good at it you have to be decent at math... that doesnt necessarily mean you have taken many advanced math classes, but you must be good at math in general to be a decent CS major.
Early on math means very little, but as you progress down the CS path, math means alot
Please help, I don't know what the fuck I want to study. I'm not interested in anything. I'm interested in Art but I don't want to go to Art school because it's a waste of money.
biology? chemistry (chem math is pretty easy so far)? physics?
I think i did
And ofc you three are retarded Americans, I have two friends working on different sides of the world in different embassies. They pay is good and it seems like a rather giving experience. I'm taking a masters i Law, I don't want to do politics, I wanna do earn the cash.
Is a degree in Psychology useless?
What jobs can I get if I study Chemistry?
Art. Go for it. Seriously, all of history's best world leaders started with art. Ugh
>liberal arts
>bright future
>respected by society
>What jobs can I get if I study Chemistry?
Well, seeing as how your from Kuwait, im sure you could easily move to Iran, Syria or something and become a professional bomb maker.
I hear its real easy for a chemist to get a job in Syria as a professional bomb maker
Then you should definitely "do earn the cash". Fucking seriously. I've got so much shit to sell you that I'll retire rich and you'll die on your country's excuse for public television.
i imagine they're similar, my uni only has polisci, which im taking
what do you want to do? im staying away from politics-politics because id rather blow my brains out than deal with the corrupt cocksuckers that inhabit D.C.
i really do appreciate you STEM-cucks that feel the necessity to peacock online about how great STEM is and how shit libarts are
take STEM you fuckwit
I hate math, I can't stand it
ooooooo...not gonna go well from here on out
politics is where your dad is rich and you have politicians in your family.
political science is what you study to do the work of politicians without getting money or fame.
we feel the necessity because we are right
Liberal arts are shit tho
suffer through it for 4 years and then take an admin/business/analyst job. Range of options and job security
>The result is a setting that’s constantly distracting as you wonder not only how far into the future "Ghost in the Shell" is supposed to be, but what exactly happened to reduce Japanese people to a minority in their own country (a country that is currently so homogeneous that its population is currently 98.5% Japanese).
(((How))) could something like that happen?
I'm studying PolSci, my university (afaik the country) doesn't offer politics as a course.
PolSci is pretty dope anyway; scientific approach kinda gives you more credence in the world. Disprove nigger ideas with examples of why their shit will fail
Good luck
It's a decent general degree lad
The thing stemcucks dont understand is that a degree in a LAS field doesnt mean you have to work in that area. Gets your foot in the door for the world of whitecollar work
you may want a graduate degree in public policy