I think it's a pretty unanimous opinion that Ben Shapiro is smart as a whip and a very good speaker and commentator.
The real question is, though, is Ben autistic? I think he might actually be autistic.
I like him, though.
Post Bens.
I think it's a pretty unanimous opinion that Ben Shapiro is smart as a whip and a very good speaker and commentator.
The real question is, though, is Ben autistic? I think he might actually be autistic.
I like him, though.
Post Bens.
He's got some very aspie mannerisms, and stutters quite a bit.
Ben is actually really enjoyable to watch, and i have yet to disagree with any of the points ive heard him make
No, I agree. He seems to be a master at thinking on his feet, too. I'm quite jealous of that.
But you have to admit - when he talks, he sounds like the main guy from Big Bang Theory.
I know the point of his talks are for HIM to be the one talking, but he has a habit of talking for too long, with very few, very short breaks between mild subject changes.
So yeah, big bang theory, and perhaps a mild amount of autism?
he does seem a bit on the spectrum, he is fucking awesome
how is he smart when he was incorrect nonstop for like 2 years?
He's a complex weapons-grade shill... sure he can BTFO sjws and annoy homo-faggots, but keep your wits about this guy.....
Are we listening to the way he talks here or?
He went on a 30 minute rant about some tranny threatening him.
>being threatened by tranny
>not fucking the tranny lol
Nothing wrong with being on the spectrum. I'm an (((accountant))), we're all somewhere on it
ladies and gentlemen here we see a man that has had enough
Ben has ONE issue and that is the betterment of Jews.
He doesn't give a shit about anything you care. he pretends to be conservative or populist only as a purpose of eventually funnelling more people into supporting Jewish and Israeli causes.
Fuck Ben Shapiro.
shut it down haiuehiueau
Who's seeing the Hebrew Hammer at UF on Monday?
>anti-jew post
>ends in 999
>nein nein nein
Hitler fucking confirmed.
will aspies get the bullet when right wing death squads become a thing?
Post people Ben is scared to debate. I'll start
Ben is a good entryist, but he's shouldn't be anyone's final stop. Neither should Taylor
Ah, but is it the betterment of Jews that he is after? or the betterment of false Jews? That is the real question.
They will be the ones ordering you to fire the guns.
Ben Shapiro is an anti-trump faggot. Don't forget about the whole Michelle Fields fiasco
>He doesn't give a shit about anything you care. he pretends to be conservative or populist only as a purpose of eventually funnelling more people into supporting Jewish and Israeli causes.
I wonder why people can't see that.
It's totally obvious with conservative Jews.
Their "america first" is always related to "Israel first".
He criticizes "leftists" for trying to shut people up by calling people racists. He then does the same thing to anti-Zionists. He is scum.
Just curious - what is the difference between being anti-semitic and being anti-Zionist?
He probably has a touch of Assburgers, but it's part of what makes him an intellectual meat grinder.
He also BTFO Baby Boomers on Thursdays podcast, skip to 37 minutes.
This. He declared himself NeverTrump, he should stick to that. Fuck Ben and his opportunism.
anti-semitic wants to put jews in ovens, anti-zionist wants muslims put jews in ovens.
the list of never trump "conservatives" looked like a guest list to a bar mitzvah
Nazis according to Ben Shapiro and other Zionist pundits.
are you saying they're superior beings meant to lead?
He's a joo, so quit shilling him here faggot
Just like Trump's team then hey?
true. Sad!
What bugs me about Ben is that he is so buried in facts and data that it blinds him to the workings of human nature. He doesn't seem to grasp that people (generally) make decisions based on feelings and emotions rather than data, then he gets pissy when people make decisions based on feelings and emotions.
That might or might not be true, but we see Ben most often in the context of debate where facts and data are ABSOLUTELY the most important, and feelings and emotions should not be factored in at all. Know what I mean?
This exactly. Obviously Ben relies 95% on facts, and 5% on feelings. That's not a bad thing when you're debating somebody. Debates can be places for emotions, yes, but ultimately, you win debates with facts and logic. Not "muh feewings".
Jared is kosher as fuck.
Totally agree. That is where Ben shines, but that might just be my bias because I agree with him for the most part. However, he doesn't seem to understand how people work mentally, so I wonder how convincing he is to people who disagree with him.
I think Benny has some really smelly farts.
and yet Ben won't debate him.
Has (((Jared))) asked Ben to a debate?
He's great on everything but God and Israel.
Ben has publicly stated he wouldn't debate someone like Jared Taylor or Richard Spencer. I know Vox Day has challenged Ben, I don't know if Ben publicly declined or just ignored him. Ben has also stated that race is a social construct
I heard Ben talking about Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer, but not that he'd refuse to debate them, unless you got a specific link? Would be very interesting debate to watch, Jared more so than Richard - he's far more intelligent and articulate in my opinion.
Cut the cult of personality bandwagonning meme shit.
When Trump does something good, that's good. When he's being an idiot, he's being an idiot.
>Has never pretended to be a populist
>Takes unpopular decisions that have nothing to do with Zionism
>Gives fair analysis
Here he just calls Jared Taylor a racist. dailywire.com
I think Taylor is usually better than Spencer, but Spencer at his apex is great
said tranny deadlifts more than 700 lbs
It isn't even about Trump for me it's about that unhinged "NeverTrump" cult, literally virtue-signaling. Why should I care who these people support or not support? I would never support Hillary for example but I still wont call myself "NeverHillary", it's just virtue-signaling. What I dislike is the opportunism and lack of supposed "strong principles" that Ben claims he has. All of these NeverTrump sites lost huge amounts of online traffic after Trump won the nomination or after the election, only Ben's site is doing well because he is really strongly pro-Trump if Trump is winning and it has even become Breitbart 2.0.
The Michelle Fields this is telling though. Was that addressed properly by Trump and company? No. But Ben made himself look foolish as well. The facts didn't matter and he was running on feelings.
That's my problem with him. He never apologized for acting like a SJW.
Not to mention more hhhhhwwwhhhhiiiite
I don't even care about an apology. I would just like him to acknowledge that he can fall victim to his emotions like everyone else.
If you are trying to change hearts and minds, I'll take an orator over a debater all day long. Ben (and most conservatives) don't seem to get that distinction, then cop an attitude when a Trump defeats a Cruz. If you want to change minds, win an election, sell a car, whatever; you have to appeal to people's emotions rather than shoving facts down their throats.
So conflicted about this autist. He's a never trumping faggot but I like his hits on the news. Wtf do I do?
just listen to him and appreciate his views. I listen to Shapiro all the time, even though I disagree with him on a lot of issues
Here's what you do:
Forsake the Sup Forums idea that you have to like someone either 0% or 100%. I can't think of anyone in the entire human history that I like 0%... and someone who I'd be comfortable saying I like 100%. Not even my wife, parents, or Jesus Christ. It's okay.
You are allowed to like him for the things you agree with and dislike him for the things you don't. Hell, I can't think of anyone who I like 100%, accross the board.
Exactly. Ben criticizes Trump and other people for not apologizing and acknowledging the mistake. Meanwhile Ben literally does the same.
He is still rather harsh towards Trump, maybe rightfully so. We should all be critical of our leadership.
But I don't think he voted Trump, which is what the conservative "NeverTrump" was about. The Democrat one is the ludicrous "won't support anything he touches because Trump is literally Hitler."
Apparently he can't "call balls and strikes" when he is the one at bat. I don't fault him for that, most people can't; but his total lack of humility and failure at introspection what turns me off.
Lots of things. Just listen to his rant about "polite to the pronouns". He's autistic.
He's a bit social and gregarious for an autist. Autism is supposed to describe an actual disability - Ben Sharpio has no actual significant social impairments.
If he's an autist, we're really stretching the definition of autist. Which is the trend these days.
he pulled the jew card at about 24:00
This post got me thinking...
Ever see Rain Man? Ben isn't that far off from the Dustin Hoffmann role, when you think about it.
this. The only guy who strikes at close to 90% for me is the weimerican weekly guy
not autistic, just jewish
I think Ben tries to act like he has strong principles he knows he can't go from "NeverTrump" to "I'm pro-Trump now" he has to disguise it a bit.
I also think that Ben was "NeverTrump" just because he thought for 99% that Trump would lose a general election, I've heard he even made a bet for $1k with someone. It would make him look smart, principled and foreseeing had Trump lost. Now that Trump won he turned his site into a Breitbart 2.0 site that celebrates Trump big-league when he is winning but tries to distance itself from him when he is on the losing side.
>turned his site into a Breitbart 2.0 site that celebrates Trump big-league when he is winning but tries to distance itself from him when he is on the losing side.
Wow it's almost like he's willing to praise Trump when he does something good and criticize him when he does something bad, like he's loyal to ideas and philosophies rather than individuals.
No but the way he does it is suspicious to me. How do you go from "I'll never vote for Trump, ever ever" and "Trump is literally Hitler" to "We need to judge him on every thing he does separately". When Trump is winning in his eyes he talks about him like he supported him.
>like he's loyal to ideas and philosophies rather than individuals
I still remember how he was defending Cruz on basically everything he did during the primaries. When everyone was calling Cruz a liar he was even defending the dishonesty.
Well Trump is an interesting beast to discuss. I have a hard time getting fully onboard myself. I do not like the way he campaigns, how he presents himself, etc. While it may be a parody of the liars and corruption in our government, it still doesn't sit right with me.
I understand why he has broad appeal though, and I understand the necessity of campaigning with emotion rather than logic and hard facts. Especially while half of politics are crying about how facts are racist.
So I don't really blame a lot of these traditional conservatives for not liking him that much. I think Ben is fair when he says that he doesn't like Trump, but still praises him when he thinks Trump did a good job. That's all I can really ask from someone these days, when news is so partisan.
Again, Ben is not a Democrat. He doesn't think Trump is literally Hitler.
So I wasn't ever going to vote Hillary, but if she became president I still planned on judging her fairly. Making up fake claims or just attacking her even when she occasionally did something not super shitty just weakens the overall argument. There's no reason to misrepresent these people unless you are pushing an agenda.
(Also Hillary's done enough horrible shit that no one had to make anything up, but you get the idea.)
This is why I question his political analysis. Trump might do something that appears foolish on the surface then Ben criticizes without thinking there may have been a strategic reason for it.
For example. Trump criticizes the freedom caucus for the health care bill not passing (Ben beat Trump up hard over this), a bill that nobody really wanted. His criticism of the freedom caucus is actually praise. How? Because most people didn't want this bill, the freedom caucus actually gets credit for it not passing through Trump's criticism.
he's awesome to listen to when talking about larger concepts
but applied he's a cuck
Fuck you OP
>traditional conservatives
These people need to come to grips with the fact that their ideology doesn't have the appeal they think it does and they are horrible salesmen for it. Trump is the best they are going to do unless they do some serious soul searching.
this jew opposed trump early on, got his ass kicked, and fell in line.
Why would I respect someone who literally embraces being a meme that isn't ruler of the free world?
This is so fucking true it hurts. But I like most of the ones I've met. They certainly aren't the biggest problem this country has by a long shot.
Agree. Consertives are fine people generally, but their ideology, as a whole, is a hard sell. Their social policies don't play well to libertarians and leftists, their economic policies don't play well to the middle and lower classes, and their trade policy only appeals to libertarians and doesn't really work unless you do something about collective bargaining, which the don't do.
a lot of it was just a mix of various anti-communist ideologies developed during the cold war
Never though of it that way (could just be coincidental), but it makes sense.
Ben Shapiro is an anti-intellectual fraud. Remember the time he cheerlead for the forcible expulsion of Palestinians from their land, citing the post-WWII precedent of German expulsions from Polish territory, conveniently omitting the fact that those expulsions involved mass war rape of German women and were orchestrated by none other than Stalin and his merry band of Soviets? Fuck this self-serving shitstain shill.
I'll see you at the protest buddy :^)
A lot of people from Ben Shapiro to Richard Spencer to Ross Douthat to Moldbug to Peter Thiel have pointed this out.