It seems like people lost interest or we are no longer heading towards anarchy.
What happened to Prepping?
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They learned to grow food instead.
Hydroponics or aquaponics, that is the question?
The weak fear the strong.
I don't plan on needing more then a days worth of food every thing else I will take as needed
Trump happened so we know the USA is going to be OK
I prep. I think that most preppers are highly self-reliant people, and thus voted for Trump. Since he won, their outlook is much better than before, so they don't talk about it as much.
Of course, we here all know that we're in the early stages of a civil war. So I hope everyone here is prepping, learning, and exercising.
When everyone loses interest in prepping, including the peppers, that is when the disaster will strike.
>what happened to prepping?
The recession ended.
Glenn Beck had a change of heart
Was looking to get started and possibly do some hydro/aquaponics on my new property any tips / tricks / links?
What do preppers do for replenishable water sources? You'll die of dehydration before dying of hunger. Those non-perishable food items are very dehydrating.
Multiple water filters and hope for rain.
I live near a river, too.
you dig a well.
why not drink from the river?
A lot of people bought a lot of stuff a decade ago that is now expiring/going rancid, and they feel ripped-off, since the happening never actually happened.
And now they are saddled with shitloads of emergency supplies designed to last a decade - and the decade has elapsed.
>all that factory canned food.
>nothing home canned. Just salt and sugar infused crap.
Its like your a fat ass whole will die in the first week.
Same as your forefathers did before there were pipes in the ground.
Thinking of prepping, but how long does it take for these products to go bad if they ever do?
YouTube has some great stuff and setups. The only thing I don't like is you are dependent on certain stuff that would be impossible to get in an emergency.
What do you mean? I ate through my canned goods as planned when I was poor, and then upgraded to stuff that will last for decades that I'll gladly donate to the local food bank if I don't need it.
Processed food isn't good for you.
>drinking from a river in America.
You'll die long before the hungry mobs get you. Or live long enough to be shitting yourself to death as they loot you.
Prepping is about staying alive, not caring about the non-processed organic food meme.
First thing I did as I became less poor was to buy better food.
Now I've upgraded to a place where I can grow some of my own. It should stop raining in a day or two and then it will be time to plant some seeds.
ITT: alienated hicks festering in disenfranchised isolation rationalizing a decade's worth of shit-tier "rations" rotting
NYCfag here
Looking forward to when the shit hits the fan and I have an excuse to ventilate üntermenschen for their women and food
Whats up with all that Spam man? You ain't gona survive nothin with that
It depends on what you are storing and how you're storing it. This video is lengthy but very informative.
I'd imagine a lot of them realized that the world didn't end during the Obama presidency like they all thought, and now all their perishable food is going bad and has to be thrown out. Perhaps they wisened up and realized that the people selling them all this prepping merchandise were just con men looking to grab a quick buck off the paranoid and angry.
Or maybe they learned nothing and will keep buying more snake oil and shitty canned food the second a democrat gets into the White House.
I'd just drink from the river. Nordland fresh water is delicious.
>approximately 3000 calories pictured
bring on the apocalypse
Prep what you want. Here, this should satisfy you and your all natural canned meme squad.
We left the apocalypse timeline when Trump won the election
Lol just stay on your faggoty little island and you'll be fine.
But when everyone thinks we are safe, that is the best time to start prepping and buying guns because they are cheap.
How do you grow food when you have terrible hot summers with droughts and weeks on end of freezing temperatures for winter? I always want to make a garden, but I can never find any actual good videos for places with 4 seasons to eat year round.
When the shit hits the fan guns and ammo will literally be laying in the streets.
Me and friend know a prepper! Who has everything you could think of to survive!
We plan on takeing it from him, come zombie apocalypse!
Well I live in Pittsburgh and we get all four seasons. Our springs/summers are more bountiful because we have four seasons. So obviously you can/store what you can during the times of plenty for the cold and depressing.
Be certain when going to ground having information vital to those facing uncertainty. You abandon the podium it will be lost to you forever
Yeah, it's pretty funny we get news here of a fucking 2 day ice storm and literally every grocery and food shop here is sold out within a day. People have no clue how much we rely on a steady flow of goods into our stores.
(Guns are the answer to your veiled faggot apprehension user)
Lol at preppers, you ding dongs are gathering supplies for the toughest guy on the block.
>inb4 I'm the toughest
If you can honestly answer this question, then you will see the dilemma.
>How will guns help you steal food from starving neighbors who have no food because they didn't prep?
Learn to fish and hunt.
>What happened to prepping?
They're not preppers anymore, now theyre just prepared.
I could spend time money and effort stockpiling goods.
Or I can kill other people to take their shit and eat their corpses to really stretch the calories out.
>Four barrels, two pumps and a wrench. 220 gallons of water storage for $148.
yeah, surrounded by rotting diseased corpses.
>ain't lootin that shit
Mountain creeks are great water. I've been drinking my creek water for two years. But yeah, I still wouldn't drink from any river that flows by civilization
its just OPSEC dude
they're not to steal food from starving neighbors. they are to keep my starving neighbors from stealing MY food.
>eat their corpses
Prion disease
I'm coming for your shit user.
it's the beavers you have to worry about where I am. Giardia sucks.
>not hanging your heavybag from the rafters
Sickio ! fish fuck in that water! Drink tap water like the rest of us humans
Just if you eat the brains, and I wouldn't risk organ meat anyway.
Duh, don't eat the brain.
But my personal opinion is the people who are the Prepper mentality have already fucking done so by this point. Right now it's just suburban normies who have an inkling that the power grid might not always be there for them that are still gathering shit.
It's precisely the time to Prep when no-one is interested in Prepping.
Hillary thinks its no big deal
What's to kek about? What I paid for a year's worth of food is about 1-2 years worth of what I usually donate to the local food bank.
It's win-win.
You are almost there user, I'm proud!
Now read this:
>Your only real chance now is to give your neighbors the benefit of the doubt or move to an isolated farm. In any event, the more allies you have, the better your chances. But if all you see now are enemies, that's all you'll see when you need friends the most.
I can trace my creek to its springs, so no worries there.
Hydo easy
Fish are a pain
They realized seeds and muh water filters are 1000 times more important.
aqua seems cool. I want to try it small scale soon.
The walking dead happened and everyone realized they can just rob and pillage. Fuck saving more than two weeks worth of anything.
i thru hiked the at and drank unfiltered water from georgia to maine and didnt get sick once, i always got a giggle when some fag wearing gucci /out/ gear would tell me i was going to get sick though
Still in, a lot of people are. Just the "fad" section is dying off.
Have you never heard of the Phillipines maplebro?
Enjoy your giardia. Animals live, shit and die in that creek.
I am not saying don't drink it, but for christsakes boil it first. Wells were invented for a reason.
Danny! Did you eat all the preps again?
Hydro needs that special nutrient stuff more so than aqua, but aqua needs power and more careful monitoring.
As far as feeding the fish goes, apparently spent mycellium from growing stuff like oyster mushrooms on cardboard/wood and feed them. So cheaper than fish food. And wood is bountiful most places. Would have to have a large mushroom grow though. Maybe worm farming is better.
>all these faggots prepping
thanks goys, I'll be sure to leave you a can of tomatoes when I take all your shit
Nah, they've all just locked themselves in their bunkers.
Organic indoor farms master race.
yea thanks for doing all the work for me as I run around raiding your little pisshole cucktunnels
>diabetes man who drinks Pepsi every day decides to prep water
Its called rotating your stock. Plus a lot of mylar dry goods and freeze dried food is good for 30+ years.
Canned goods can last for decades, the flavor gets blander and it loses nutrition but as long as the can is sealed it remains edible.
Most of the US prep sites (with water sanitation tools and shit like that) are unironically ran by (((them))). People stopped buying shit once they caught on
At this point, I doubt its presence. Even in summer and it's at its lowest, it remains clear and fast
Name something you need in an emergency situation and I can explain to you how violent coercion is the answer
Always b preppin ma G
Hydroponics nutrient water only available from a big box store that has been sold out because of shtf,
In my area i can get tote cage tanks, food grade for 100 bucks. 275-300 gallon and stackable. Very space efficient.
>eating rations "while poor as planned"
What's to kek about
Shiggy diggy
>Raiding dug in defensive positions
Wew lads
In the event it would happen, most "preppers" are usually elderly whites. Do you think they'd survive a happening?
no, of course not
Just raid their wares after it happens.
turns out I prepped a large earth drill in my ford f150 while you cucks were prepping food
how is your tin cuck shed gonna stop my diamond drill bit hmm?
~unzips katana~
Some are born to run into the fire.
All of my life I have desired blood on my sword.
I ain't running.
I ain't hideing.
This is my time to truly live free
To die free.
> LARPing this hard on a Cambodian yak-recipe forum
It was an important way to get started, and canned food also doubled as minor part of water storage. It's hardly the only thing I spent time, money, and effort on. It was an easy and obvious extension of what I was already doing.
Why does it seem a lot of gunfags refuse to prep food and water? Like they never heard the phrase beans and bullets. There is a reason beans come first.
falling for the survival jew