So I've comfortably lived in a dorm at my university for 3 years now and for my final year they decided to pair me up with an absolute wild dindu nuffin nigger. He is loud, dirty, disrespectful, and basically everything you would expect from a nigger. Since I am graduating very soon how do I ruin his life before or after I move out?
How to get back at nigger roommate?
gonna have to give us some stories first
spray "all whites must die" on your door
That's a chick
She probably dresses like that to avoid getting groped at
put sum crack in his bag
Then call the cops.
Plant some drugs and call the cops
poor bleach in his cereal maybe
I really don't know. I'm not passive aggressive; maybe you could try being what he hates? He's obviously pissed you off doing that, and that's how I piss most people off.
Listen to Tommy Sotomayor loudly on speakers and occasionally yell "YES!" enthusiastically
That should get the ball rolling
Get his scholarship suspended. Encourage his no lifestyle so his grades fall and he gets put on academic probation
>you graduate and have successful life
This seems like the most obvious solution. I have definitely considered it but just need to find the best way to go about it. He never locks his room either, so that would definitely make it a lot easier.
>Hey Jacob, watcha doin?
Just don't get caught on camera.
Poor a bottle of bleach in your toilet resevoir. If kek wills it he will take a shit and then shower, at the Very least he will get horrendous ulcers.
Sadly this is one of those niggers who comes from a very rich family and was spoiled by his parents so he has no life skills. Kid is studying advertising or some bullshit, and hes 27 years old in an undergrad program.
plant illegal drugs in his dorm, call it in to campus police
Friendly reminder that niggers are animists who believe in ghosts, spirits, curses, and the like.
Use this information wisely.
mfw dindu, did not do.
This really seems like the best bet but I just don't want it to possibly get turned against me. Maybe order something on tor with his name?
Call the cops, he did something if he lived this long.
>order something on tor
Fuck that. You're in college, just ask the stoner kids where you can buy some.
Also my hongkonger roommate and I are gonna have a muslim move in, how fucked are we?
But wouldn't it be easier to just report a suspicious package instead of doing the dirty work myself?
Kek do this
become friends with him
Nope. Riskier.
what exactly did he do?
You dont have to do any thing user. His father already did hat
You don't even need to be enthusiastic about it. Just Sotomayor by himself is enough.
But if this is true, he might agree with Sotomayor though, so your call.
I'd say you're pretty fucked but not as bad as I am. Try to prevent it if you can.
I did at first. But over the course of 6 months I went from preaching tolerance to full 1488 seig heil. Living with these animals has been the ultimate red pill.
Basically has absolutely no respect for my personal space. I enjoy a clean and pristine apartment which has been completely trashed by this guy. I also strive to get good grades and study daily, while he plays PS4 all day long while screaming over the phone and chimping out. I've tried confronting him multiple times and its always the same result.
If he is doing certain things that annoy you then just have a chat with him and let him know he's too loud/messy/ whatever it is.
grow up.
>have chat
>nothing changes
Now what Australia?
jerk off in his shampoo
I went to grad school with her. She had an allergy to light.
I've tried that many times by confronting him face to face about his behavior. Nothing has changed despite me trying to handle it as maturely as possible. I wouldn't be posting this if I hadn't already exhausted all possibilities.
Exactly how it goes.
Make sure to wear gloves and then burn them, no fingerprints or DNA
Wtf is an animist.
I'd be surprised if he even used shampoo, let alone soap. His clothes all smell and the smell lingers inside the washer and dryer. His shower is covered from top to bottom with black mold. It escapes me how anyone could willfully live like this.
Are you saying you don't like the diversity? You don't like the song and dance these upstanding African Americans are providing you?
Typical fucking nazi.
Nail a snake to his door.
Or to his foot, either works
You white people have some damn nerve.
American - A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.
Webster's Dictionary 1828.
You reap what you bastards sow. Your game of cowboy vs Indian is coming to a close. Our freedom will be granted. We aren't outnumbered. Your tanks are nothing. Your drones are nothing. Your leaders are nothing. You are all nothing.
Obadiah 1:15-16
The day of the LORD is near for all nations. As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head. Just as you swallowed up my people on my holy mountain, so you and the surrounding nations will swallow the punishment I pour out on you. Yes, all you nations will drink and stagger and disappear from history.
Yeah all you nations that came to our land and treat us like exiles when you invaded us and took our land from us through cons while tricking some of our people into slavery. So many lies and deceptions to keep us with a mentality that we are nothing. Lol you people are nothing. My people glow a beautiful gold color in the Sun when light reflects upon our skin. You're jealous. No matter how much you tan you dickheads are still pale or bloodshot red in the face lol. Your straight hair is shit compared to our long spirally and wavy hair. You love our style and you dick ride everything about us. You want to be us so bad lol. No matter how much you take from us or rename us you can never be us. That flaming pit that's going to burn for all eternity will be your inheritance lol. As if you never existed.
Is he worse than fridgebro?
Good idea. My biggest concern though would be how to go about actually reporting it anonymously. Is it really that easy? I would've done this months ago if it is.
Animism is the belief in nature spirits. That every tree, rock, animal, has its own God or spirit
Why the fuck do you still live in a dorm 3 years into college you social outcast
whenever he's doing something he likes, like video games or phone concentration, break his concentration. insult him loudly. don't start a physical fight, but be ready for one. be relentless. if he leaves shit all over, put it in a box and leave it in a box in the hall. let the university deal with it.
Does anyone have the pasta about the guy who forced a Muslim to eat bacon?
Get your Asian roommate to cook bacon.
Oh god no not as bad as fridgebro but it's to the point where I can't even use my own kitchen because its so disgusting. The fridge smells terrible and theres moldy bread inside all of the cabinets. Dude can't even throw away rotten food. This banana has sat on my kitchen countertop for so long its turned black.
Unfortunately most blacks fall under the clause "too dumb to know they're dumb".
Do not get in to an argument with one as it is a waste of time.
You need to do the best you can to get yourself out of this situation, instead of going for vengeance-- which in the end will only make you look like a racist.
Here's what you can do:
(1)Work with the RA. Tell the RA if they can come down to tell roommate to shut up. This will off load the blame from you and on to the RA.
(2) Does he drink and drive? University Police usually has a serious zero tolerance policy. All it will take is one phone, and that fucker will be gone.
(3) Pretend to be Muslim. Only way to beat a race card, is with another race card.
Only advice I have so far. Best of luck to you.
lol good point.
...stay at it until he changes his behavior. operant conditioning works.
Buy a cheap ass burner phone. Make sure to pay in cash and do it 2 weeks ahead of time just in case. Once again, be extremely careful not to leave fingerprints or DNA and burn the gloves you use.
Is your lease done by the school or a private company? I'm sure there is something in there that will address him being a generally filthy piece of shit.
>We wuz chieftains and shiieeeet
I'm legitimately glad to hear she went to grad school and her life didn't get fucked up by her heroism.
>how do I ruin his life
>its a nigger
Do nothing. Rest assured that he will ruin his own life without any effort on your part.
Oh and you should probably take a careful look through your dorm. He undoubtedly is storing drugs somewhere.
Nah, my dad works at the grad school. She dropped out a week before graduating.
ask for a room change you dingus. its easy.
It's more of an apartment complex owned by the university so not really a dorm in the traditional sense of the word. Only living here because my scholarship pays for it.
Thank you for your advice. I have generally tried being the bigger person but it's crossed the line and I can't deal with it any longer. Next time he goes out to drink I will call the cops for sure.
I wouldn't be against them dancing, unless its a we hate white people dance, My willy would go well inside one of them qt grills
it not like the black guys want black girls , theyre for us white bois
This is basically how I've looked at it the whole time. He's gonna end up in jail either way so I have tried to just concentrate on improving myself. But you can only tolerate having to share an apartment for so long...
>planting drugs on someone and calling the cops like a true kike
fuck off back to plebbit. you're a passive aggressive sniveling pussy. i hope he you get raped by a gang of niggers
>She had an allergy to light.
Nothing whiter than a vampire.
Buy twelve black candles.
Buy white chalk.
Draw circle in chalk on floor.
Make pentegram in circle.
Set candles around circle.
Prepare beforehand a photo of his room.
Set it in the middle of the circle.
Scribble intent to curse his room.
Light candles before he comes back.
Be gone when he does.
Don't burn your dorm down.
Make him smell chloroform. Hang him from the ceiling. Make sure there is no residue around his mouth/nose.
Could i potentially curse myself this way? Gotta be careful with the devil magic
Kek will protect you, user.
Yes. You could potentially open doors you don't want to. I'm an ex- practitioner with the sons of Solomon. I was merely kidding because the reaction would be hilarious.
But anything occultish scares most people, especially blacks.
dont mexicans freak out about that shit too?
My digits were just one off from saying otherwise
I've heard that as well especially with all the voodoo magic some of them are into. Maybe a Kek ritual would freak him out while putting a blessing over me simultaneously.
Yeah. They're about the same as blacks. Hispanic females are worse about it than hispanic males, but blacks are about the same across genders.
You guys are idiots, lol
I fell at home here, thanks for the lulz
DUI call should do it, otherwise move rooms, or pay a bit to leave the trash-heap
Possession is 9/10ths of the law. Be careful you dont implicate yourself if you are sharing a room.
Why have you waited so long to get revenge?
You are all talk, just graduate and have a good life. forget about him.
Yes, because it's very prevalent in Mexico. Especially with the advent of the new idol deity "saint death. "
Catholic Mexicans bring idols and objects pertaining to rituals to Catholic priests all the time to be exercised and buried on church ground (consecrated ground).
frame him for something.
buy crack, plant it, make sure it's in a tiny glass or plastic container so you can wipe your prints off.
say youve seen him selling it anonymously. afraid for your well being if u rat.
All dumb people do. The smarter you are and the more you browse Sup Forums you are gripping reality more and more
Dont let the repiles smell your blood
No bacon sarnies.
Man, are you in for a surprise when it's your time to meet your maker.
i do ponder about what it would be like to die godless
id assume a lot of people take up religion once they get older
Report him for sexual deviancy.
New idea... contact his mother
And ask sheboon to intervene about the slob she raised... send mold pictures
I had an upbringing that sounds made up. Witchcraft, manifestations, and exorcism was a common thing growing up.
Buy a spycam
lure him into stealing ur shit
get actual evidence
Give to police
Nigger gets 6 months and suspension
Profit ??
BTW u his rommie right?
care to elaborate
He sometimes brings over this girl who smokes weed in his room. Next time that happens I'll call the campus cops. Ideally I want to just graduate and forget about him, but I deal with this shit daily and have gotten tired of it.
Yes he lives with me
ITT: White nu-male cuck fantasies about things he'll never do.
leave some old chicken scraps hidden well under his bed
then let the maggots do their work
>implying blacks know the deep web