>b-but Hillary
>b-b-but Obama!
When are Trumpcucks going to realize that these aren't arguments? Hillary and Obama aren't president and it's pretty pathetic and transparent to bring them up when you're unable to defend the idiot Trump on his own merits.
B-but Hillary
Looks like Sup Forums has been BTFO, no responses
isn't it illegal yet for you to be on Sup Forums in syrup country?
"Hes not a swastika clad hitler saluting nazi so HES ANTI WHITE!!!" -average pol user.
Isn't it illegal for you to be a dicksucking faggot yet in the states?
go blow your orange emperor, loser
that was weak step your game up Leaf
>glub glub glub MAGA glub glub glub
faggot, it's not like your response was very witty in the first place
If Hilary won you would be in Ukraine right now, this is the best timeline we could get so stfu faggot
You voted for a dancing sugar plumb fairy for PM in your country, don't disrespect MAGA you baitclown
See? There you go bringing up someone who isn't president
>shut up!! don't insult my cheeto lord!!!
bootlicking faggot, get let trump fuck your wife you pathetic piece of scum
If there was any justice in the world you'd lie down in front of a steamroller you piece of trash.
>dont disrespect my orange bull!!!
Or what? You'll get upset over the internet?
Go suck off a republican you fucking bootlicking faggot.
Posts like these are not going to age well.
countersage, eat a dick you fucking cuck
Trump will be impeached within 18 months.
1 gram of weed has been stapled to a moose's ass and has been dispatched to your location
but really what are you vendors trying to achieve?
Posts like these are especially not going to age well.
How much fucking Shareblue shilling can one faggot with a Canadian proxy do
R-really? I thought it was disabled.
i justt came here to laugh at all the delusional cult members who voted for Trump because they needed a surrogate daddy because their own fathers were laughable specimens
you are all fucking pathetic losers and the orange cheeto jesus doesn't give a single fuck about you, but you think he's looking out for your best interests! LMAO
if you wanted to preserve any dignity for yourselves, you would kill yourselves soon.
>slurp slurp slurp I love Trump's dick down my throat
go donate your life savings to MAGA you fucking loser
>a-anyone who doesnt agree with me and hurts my trump feelings is a shill :(
Ever consider that you're just a pathetic subhuman with an 85 IQ and I came here to laugh at you?
You are pathetic and the world would be better if you ended it.
I-I can can d-drop n-names of of of of big important p-peo -presidents! I-I'm a s-s-smart guy on Sup Forums.com!
Im going to show them that I: can change the world with my words on the forum!1!!!11!XD
>saged kid
Anti-saged you fucking faggot, go gargle sean spicer's micropeen
nice trips kiddo
if youre white go do 100 pushups
stop posting dumb shit and get a move on with your life
>sage goes in all fields newfags
this board is based around people expressing their unpopular and controverisal opinions so fuck you faggot and kill yourself for supporting an idiot for president, you are scum who isn't worthy of air
There it is!
Why are Trump-cultists such beta fags?
So then make an argument.