Is Chicago fixable?
7 dead in 12 hours
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only if you kill all the niggers
Does someone have a rundown? Its it like the wire where it was east side vs west side then a new crew is trying to take over while the connect hangs in the balance?
>Gun violence
Is this how you Americans spell "Gang"?
Get rid of niggers, half of U.S problems solved. Deport spics, the rest are solved.
It's how democrats spell gang
>work in Chicago
>bring up the indisputable fact that black on black murders is at an all-time high to black co workers
>"white people shoot up schools"
Every single time
Yeah, but dylan roof
Be realistic.
There's only one Robert, Chicago needs to increase to at least Tims and Johns.
kill all niggers
simple as that
What did you expect them to say "Yahs massa we a shitty race"
Oh course they brought that up.
>the 2nd amendment was a good id-
If niggers weren't on drugs and listening to rap music they might be alright. Not the sharpest knives in the drawer but they might be civilized
That's completely realistic.
You know it's fucked up when the media can't find a single crying white guy to pretend this isn't another nig-on-nig shooting
Fredo does have a body but it's not lil jojo, him and bloody money are the only killers from gbe and have 1 body each. Keef hasn't ordered shit lmao. Poo from amg shawnmoney killed lil jojo because jojo killed j rock from shawnmoney, jojo didn't even diss keef or fredo and didn't give a fuck about them. Chicago niggas don't wanna have anything to do with jojo lmfao. Why hasn't keef sent hits out on lil jay, fbg duck, king yella, billionaire black or any of the lesser known opp rappers for dissing him? Bro if you think the bd's, or any of the gangs from chicago in this decade are some hierarchical super organized mafia-like organization u don't have a clue lol
10 years of aggressive gentrification has forced a lot of blacks and Hispanics into inner-ring suburbs of Chicago—which isn't factored into Chicago proper's numbers.
What site is that?
Remember, April is just beginning. Crime peaks in the summer. This will be the most gruesome season yet. Just wait for Trump to call in the Feds, it will be wondrous.
That's a big clip.
Looks like it's getting fixed one glorious day at a time.
Only if they do it at a lot faster rate than that.
for you
Notice the concentration? Its not guns, its intergenerational poverty, shitty drug laws creating obscene profits for organized criminals, the break down of the family unit, a police force that is about as professional and effective as the gang bangers they're afraid to get out of their cars to confront, garbage education, and a community of "faith leaders" who openly profit from the criminality.
It's liberal judges letting these "kids" back out on the streets after they get caught with a hot gun, crack, etc.
Great, another thing the nogs stole from white people.
real robert hours
who da phuccc uppp?
get rid of the niggers and then yeah it fixable
Chicago's population is 2.719 million. If 7 die in 12 hours, it'll take 1064 years to fix Chicago.
Why would cops respond to a gang shooting (especially in Chicago)
It could end up with multiple officers dead more than just a few.
Victims of their own stupidity
It doesn't have to be this bad. Let the cops crack some skulls and it will get somewhat better. It will still be shit.
whiter than kangz, at least Italians could figure out plumbing before year 0.
I guess but I'm pretty sure its the whole average IQ of 85 thing that's causing the problem.
You could try pic related
Its probably the best designed school system in history it would give the above average an actual chance in life
Everyone knows there are no guns in Chicago.
Chi Niggaz wanna be like LA Niggaz so bad, but they got the game all fucked up
Aren't you tired of making excuses for them yet? Doesn't lying to yourself and others get exhausting after a while?
>shitty drug laws creating obscene profits for organized criminals
Most nigger drug dealers make the equivalent of minimum wage.
>Gun violence
This is like calling people who fall off a ladder "ladder violence"
Its not just the judges. Illinois has a one for one sentence credit to address overcrowding. Say you get ten years. The minute you walk through the gate, you're down to five. Waited in County for a year for your trial? Now that ten years is down to 48 months. If they don't fuck up they get the good conduct credit and its down to 42 months.
Walking through the door, a ten year sentence becomes three and a half years. Program credits can bring that down even more. Then comes the parole board and home monitoring or a halfway house.
Hey retarded pol dwellers the o lyrics reason you think Chicago is the worst is because of the media
We aren't even in the top 20 deadliest cities
>The Nog Face
St Louis is the nation's deadliest city for fucks sake.
Yes, but the solution is to remove niggers
>St Louis
literally where? any hood rappers from there?
They're not victims, they make choices. If we want to alter those choices we need to understand what factors in. We've already shown that we lack the will to imprison them for offending, what other realistic options are left.
You dance with who brung ya.
The little guys, sure, but they're close enough to the big guys to feel like they're just a couple years away from running things and getting the nice cars. The soldiers don't make dick, but they don't live very long, either. The bosses, on the other hand, are raking it in.
Hmm 7 in 12 hours? The whole of germany has 7 in a week ... why are white males so violent, Sup Forums?
>"gun" violence
there are more guns where I live per capita by far, but this shit doesn't happen...
can't imagine why.
I'm writing from the Gold Coast right now. There's a cop parked on Oak Street all night to discourage crash-and-grabs. One homicide and it was way out West past the Brown Line. Mostly white people live here, though they're older.
What can we do? Nothing. After us is the savage god.
Why fix it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to save them.
MS keeps spinning this bullshit that Chicago is the worst. Yes we have horrible issues but we are far from the US's worst its st. Louis
That said I wish daddy would send in the feds to fix our shit
Obama hope and change hype and strange will nevah die, yo
How are there any fucking niggers left with as much shooting that happens there
Jesus you'd think they'd have killed each other off by now
Wall it off and start checkpoints. It can be America's Gaza Strip. Given enough time they'll kill each other off and we can move back in and refurbish it.
Fuck, like how many people in this thread live here? If you want to wall of a state wall of Indiana and Missouri because that's were all the illegal trafficked guns are coming from
>7 in 12 hours
Seems to be fixing itself just fine
Think about what we're dealing with here. The race responsible for AIDS and ebola and abortion because they can't stop fucking, and don't have the sense to even think to use a condom. Think about how often they crank out kids. Then add an economic incentive to it through welfare checks and we have an out of control population explosion.
I live on Michigan Ave, right next to a Potbellys
Feels comfy as fuck living in a tower
guns are the best thing to happen to this country.
nigs are naturally selecting themselves to a better race.
Fuck off, Gary is practically Illinois.
>bring up the indisputable fact that black on black murders is at an all-time high to black co workers
Why? Do you enjoy awkward conversations?
I don't want to wall off a state. Just Southside Chicago. I'd expect the people who live near there to want the wall even more than I do. I live hundreds of miles away in one of the whitest states in America.
Nigs are naturally selecting themselves to a bigger badder race
"Gun violence" Kek
So niggers have no self responsibilty and the second there is a gun in sight they revert to chimp like warfare, except this time, they are equipped with 21st century weaponary.
same city whose mayor says he doesn't care if they lose federal funding. he needs to be removed first.
Lakeview here. It just pisses me off that people think this place is a death trap when they don't realize north and far south Chicago are very different places
I blame a lot of our poverty on years of legislation targeted at maintaining the black ghettos
is this a robert thread?
Annex Cook county to Canada.
looks like the problem is fixing itself
>Is Chicago fixable?
Only Robert can fix Chicago.
Poverty only correlates to crime among niggers, and even when accounted for poverty, niggers still commit a disproportionate amount of crime.
Those stats don't account for the governments hand in maintaining poverty among minority groups.
If you want to blame anyone blame th USG
gonna take a lot more than 7 to fix it
Yeah...on the whole it's a shithole though.
t. Evanston
Come home, white man.
Btw underrated post
>make abortions free and legal
>build clinics in center cities
>remove gibsmedats
>problem fixes itself
But govt fucks won't put this into action
Too far dog, I work in the west loop in oglivie station at one of the companies there. I used to live in edge water
I could take the metro but I'm a cubs cuck and like living a block away from the stadium
Pack all the niggers off to re-settlement camps and anything else wrong with Chicago will look after itself.
Remember when Dems pointed to Owsley county kentucky as the welfare capital of America and its pretty much 100% white? Well look at the crime section on this article.
Poverty does not nessesarily equal crime. Being a """"""minority"""""' does.
used to be 2-3 main gangs that kind of coexisted in the big commie bloc days. violence was bad, but nothing like today. The PJs all got torn down in the last 20 years, everyone fractured and moved to the south and west.
now every gang is like 20-100 teenage/20's kids who run around and murder each other for sport. They've all got smartphones and are much better coordinated and more rapid with their nigging.
why do they title it "Gun violence" and not "Black violence"
>maintaining poverty in minority groups
yeah because affirmative action doesnt exist and whites/asians arent horrendiously discriminated against with this law to favor niggers
youre the cancerous growth of apologetic shit for inexecusable actions that poison the USA
>"because white people go to school"
your reply next time
>gun violence
>it's the guns doing it
Lets put like 10 abortion clinics right in the middle of niggerville. If they want to spew out some welfare leeches, go right ahead, but its not my responsiblity when you go whining >b b but wat bout da cheeldren????
wheres the thread tonight
Chicagofag here.
Also gibs us white folk money if our nigger mayor gets funding cut off.
furthermore when whites become a minority I can only imagine the literal mental gymnastics you fucktards do to justify yourself.
Id imagine it will be alot like south africa as whites die a slow horrible genocide where the government does everything in its power to strip rights from its citizens and youll be over here tooting your altruistic horn as people are sent to the gulag for dissent. Because the only people capable of leading a revolution have been shit on for 70 years.
Go here:
i dont know anything about guns
are all those little boxes on the shelf ammo boxes?