Georgia guidestones

1.Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2.Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3.Unite humanity with a living new language.
4.Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5.Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6.Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7.Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8.Balance personal rights with social duties.
9.Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
Ok what's wrong with these rules?
If you and your family could be one of the half billion? Would you agree then?

Other urls found in this thread:

3.Unite humanity with a living new language.

If it's written in English then is that the "new" language?

It's written in eight languages,

No, the tower of babel was an afront to god the last time, bet he hasn't changed his mind.

Lol avicii a shit

1. Prevent people from free reproduction according to world gov't needs
2. Diversity - Genocide Whites
3. Destroy white culture and language
4. Rule/Control peoples lives - Authoritarianism
5. Protect nations aka one world govt
6. World Court above all sovereignty
7. Moral and religious laws are bad
8. aka Communism
9. Atheism Science Vanity
10 Be a super lefty Eco Freak

They were built in fucking 1979. Dark Side of the Moon has more historical relevance than they do.

>things that r old r for old people right guys

I fucking knew this site was full of 15 year olds.

At least something that's ancient has an element of mystery to it. the Georgia guidestones were created by a dude with some extra spending money that wanted to shitpost on some rocks hoping some potheads would take it too seriously.

And why does that mean you shouldn't at least give them a moment of consideration? Because they're not a thousand years old they must be bullshit that no one put thought into?

How do you function in relation to the world around you?

It is globalist propaganda. So it's not worth a moments consideration.


That pesky 500,000,000 number is where it gets sinister. What is their plan? How will they depopulate?

Fuck that cringy gook and your leftist truther thread.

I'd like to see someone take some dynamite and make the Guidestones go KABOOM. They basically amount to a blueprint for global depopulation and the rise of a elitist global government.

I think the monument is for after that happens.

But lets suppose the UN is in full authoritarian control of all nations and implements an order to all countries not to get any bigger "or else". What happens? War vs the UN army? Extermination ? Famine? Forced relocation?

>f you and your family could be one of the half billion?
i would agree to it even if it meant wiping out my whole bloodline. who cares?we gotta get serious about long term survival

>Depopulation is bad

Enjoy your 6 billion niggers, dumbass

>Respecting a whiny god with a superiority complex

Being rich enough to shitpost in stone so it is seen 10,000 years later

Capture the guidestone?

There was some kind of faggotry too. Like somebody took or left a little cube section years and years along the way. It's totally open to meta trolling. Like drill out certain areas over time. Everybody will speculate. Eventually just draw a huge dick across it. It would be sweet.

And if the illuminati is real they'll definitely kill you.