Does anyone else feel their disdain for the modern world grow stronger with each passing day?
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Does anyone else feel their disdain for the modern world grow stronger with each passing day?
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no one?
I feel you user, but we can't do anything. Every time I think of all the fucked things going on its just makes me feel hopeless and depressed.
Have this, it helps.
same OP but you're posting a thread that's obvious Lol
>can't do anything
But we can, user. This is our world just as much as theirs. I'm not certain what that something is, but we can do SOMETHING.
This is so true. It's gotten to the point where being a traditional hard working patriot is considered racist and evil. You know the world is beyond saving when autists from Sup Forums are leading the charge for freedom and decency in society.
I'm as up for this as it as one can be, but we can't act in the case that if we do we'll be ruined for life. Not able to get job because of criminal record not to mention prison time.
Society fears the individual. This sounds like some gay after school special, but it's true. One man can change a shitty culture, it can change a shitty government, and it can change the world, far more effectively than any collective can. Do look at it in the lense of
>everyone is speshul
Look inside and make a stand against evil, because if you do, can you really lose?
I'm still not a christian, but I am a theist.
We'll see where this goes.
if there's straight up a white genocide, I will shoot all but my last bullet into the bodies of the leftist hordes, reserving the last for myself.
what a time to be alive. this era will be remembered for eternity, one way or another.
Prison? What? What are you talking about?
The most effective strategy I've heard of so far is redpilling the young with memes and youtube and the like. If we get them when their young, they'll be ours forever. That's how (((they've))) done it.
Blackpill doesn't taste very good, does it?
>not sending the last bullet into the hollow shell of a leftist's skull
A true hero goes out fighting until they pry the weapons from our cold dead hands, user. Man up.
We both know that shit doesn't work, force is the only hope we have.
I'm pee-pants drunk and this ALMOST made me feel
force is the last option. We have to make it very clear that we did all we could to avoid it, otherwise we will never get the support we need.
This post always gets me. The world is in a sad place.
What's any of that doing right now? Everything degenerates worse everyday.
>Turbo nerd virgins discussing force, war and social politics like it seriously matters
Get over yourselves, it's an anime website, most people come to shit and post.
I keep hearing hopeful things about the young. The white kids in high school now. If we can get them at least half way toward what we believe, we'll be in a good place.
I've just graduated, but most are like me. Hopeless and prone to being complacent and thinking nothing can be done.
>turbo nerds why are you on a political board to discuss politics and war?
Some days, I just want to live in a hut with some basic amenities. Not to care about money, or a fancy life. I want to live as just a man.
Maybe in heaven or what ever you believe in user. This shit can't go on forever.
but imagine what can be done if we give them hope? If we give them the motivation to strive for a better tomorrow.
No disdain. I feel pity.
Sad cucks victims of globalist propaganda
I just don't see anything to be hopeful about. Things almost seem to be crumbling. Not even shit posting, from user to user.
"It stands athwart history, yelling Stop, at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it." Yeah right
I feel pity for individuals.
I once saw a video of two college aged white people, guy and girl, getting their DNA test results. The girl was pretty much all British Isles and her reaction was "I guess I'm just a basic white girl". The guy had a mix of British and Scandinavian I think. His reaction was "I thought I'd have something cool."
My heart broke. These people had no sense of their own history. Their own heritage. Their ancestors that fought tooth and nail. That killed and died just so that they could be alive today. It was sad.
Bad times, my friend. Bad time create strong men. We fight so our children won't have to.
Checked brother
Well I wish'd the bad times would come, I just want it to begin to end. I may not live through to see times change but I would gladly die to be a part of what put it in motion.
Assuming you're white, my only advice to you is have as many children as you can. If things don't happen soon, we will need all the soldiers we can get, user. I know it might seem sadistic to have children just to send them to war, but war is hell. And the enemy are already breeding theirs.
I sincerely wonder if it's actually as bad as it seems or if we are just more aware of it than we've ever been
As the son of South East Asian immigrants, I feel bad what is happening to the west right now.
Degeneracy, the decay of the occidental civilization is becoming more invasive. Yesterday's Google Doodle is a prime example. Commercials are beginning to be less subtle and more open towards sin. People are more open to socialist ideas that have and never will work. I used to think morals were relative, that there were gray areas, but I see that they are almost universal in every culture. The traditional western culture is what shaped the world. Its why we're even here on this board.
I voted for Trump and my parents did the same. I'm proud of my choice, but I don't know if its going to stem the oncoming tide. Even as a non-white, I see the value of white culture as essential. Patriarchy, Christianity, stoicism, and all other ideas of the west need to survive. They are the glue that holds society together.
White, of German heritage (Not one of the memers that say it for muh Nazism) big in stature and not un-intelligent. I think some were born to die in battle but the problem with that in these modern times is there no longer being battles. Trying not to come across too autistic or like an edgelord. People like me really exist how ever hard it might be to believe.
>actually bad
>just more aware
You're agreeing with it being bad. The only difference is that we've taken the proverbial redpill and can see it.
this is insane. for years we fought to bring atheism to the masses and you fuckers are backing out now? just because it is working? got so used to rejecting others you are choosing that over truth. pathetic. do some drugs, have some fun with other people and fuck. it rules, life is all we have, there is nothing after.
Men have been stripped of all that used to make us men. It is our place to take it back and instill it in the youth of today and our offspring. Iron pill everyone.
I'm glad others can see the value of Christian Western Civilization. Especially non-whites embracing traditional American values (not this sad parody of it that we have today). I hope one day we will reclaim our proper values
how incredible right
this dark website is fighting for salvation of western world and truth ( not always thought), while others trying to destroy it
someone on here said that
I think we're fucked, and that there will be no war of battle of any kind. We'll just be snuffed out or tossed aside like a forgotten old man in a home. I have no idea how to feel about the future.
Religion was the moral underpinning of all values system for the west. I'm not saying it's ideal, but by abandoning it we've opened the door with rampant degeneracy.
At least understand that and accept it for what it is.
Honestly, yes. The "Enlightenment" was a lie.
Above all else right now, we have to be trying to establish some kind of ethno-state. After that, we can worry about everything else. But until then, that should be our only mission.
who is fighting to destroy the western civilization?
With faith and hope, maybe beyond our own generation, that things will be set right. With God willing, the west will survive.
Now now. Be careful, user. The Enlightenment gave us a lot of technology and opened us up to many great ideas. It's what's allowed us to fly towards that stars and be able to discuss things we previously couldn't. Just because certain (((people))) have taken advantage of this and used it against us, does not mean it was a bad thing.
Pick up and lead, no one else seems to care enough to do it. I'm no leader but I can be as reliable as the changing of night to day. And I'm sure I'm not the only to feel this way, but getting people to act any where beyond a keyboard is impossible.
come on, you know this isn't true. we are far less degenerate now than we once were. we just weren't honest about it before, repressed it and were worse to each other. And the religious are often the most degenerate.
And besides, control and morals of the time dictated the morals in the bibles, not the other way around.
living a moral life as an atheist is vastly more satisfying than by doing it through religion. higher tier life.
>2nd death
Into the pit it goes
>mfw I don't even need to post my "who's behind this post" pic
"Careful what you wish for" - the God Emperor
It's easy to be depressed
Don't be weak
Nazis, as per usual.
You can't possibly know if the enlightenment was the cause of progress.
perhaps progress was inevitable and happened despite the enlightenment?
While I agree with the more satisfying thing, most people are too weak and lazy to do that.
Who indeed, merchant
I'm even losing a little bit of faith in trump, he seems like he can't keep it together anymore. Either that or he's damned good at hiding it.
In the one in 6 gorrilion chance you are trump. Good luck and if plunge us into any sort of war at least make it worth it.
don't let the media get to you
the majority of the world still values those things... they just don't openly talk about it much anymore
this phase of society too shall pass
Depressed? No. I haven't felt that since November 8th, 2016.
Now those things I have felt.
Fuck waiting, why can't it fucking habben already. Change would be swift and effective then. This would be the easy part, keeping worse people from coming into power afterwards would be the hard part.
I wasn't implying I am Trump, nor was I implying he is going to be the soul savoir of the West. I was merely making a joke in response to you saying "Pick up and lead"
To victory, brother.
so the way is to pretend to believe in god so we can be edgy?
More dumb people than ever are atheist and I think that makes them better people. Any of you from religious towns? They fucking suck. Seek no truth, defy god anyway, live degenerate lives. Let these people assuage their guilt. Give all atheism.
What kind of a world do we live in now that I, as a formerly militant agnostic, am fighting on the side of religion? I'm still very agnostic, but I can at least see the potential upside to religion, if done right.
its been a long week and late night user. To victory I suppose, what else is there to hope for.
militant part is intriguing, elaborate if you will.
I might not have believed in a "god", but I always believe in something more than just this. Things like ghost or an afterlife or anything "paranormal" was merely something science hasn't figured out yet. That there is something more than just what we can observe in the dimension/reality.
But even then, I was militantly against religion and God.
On a side note, is the word "comrade" strictly commie these days? Or are we free to use it? There really isn't another word that flows like it.
Ah, bible belt fag here. Wasn't really raised in church but was baptized and I still believe, but in a sense that isn't traditional. Its really hard to convey actually.I believe in Jesus and such, but God doesn't work the way most think. You pray and be thankful for things but you shouldn't ask for things. Being alive is all the gift I'll ever need, even though at times it can be trying. Little hints here and there when I straight up ask in my if he exists is shown in a way that I could only understand, even if its a huge event, though most of the times it isn't. Its hard to explain without sounding like an idiot.
I like the word, but the retarded commies still use it I think, even though it conveys perfectly what I want to call someone that I trust.
We'll just "culturally appropriate" comrade then. It's ours now.
Cool, guess thats it then.
Alright guys. It's late. OP needs some sleep. This has been an interesting discussion if nothing else.
Goodnight everyone.
To victory!
Sleep tight OP
Just because it religion is a possible way to organize people and has been used extensively in the past does not mean it is the best way to do so. Belief in god has created far more problems in this world over time than anything else. Pursuing truth through science and believing in each other is the most fulfilling path for humanity. If you choose to define god as love, interpersonal connection, and the mysterious things that bind humanity, I will follow you that far. But anything beyond that is stories.
Then don't come to this board
Good sleep,Nige
I've seen this thread before. It's cute. I thought about the sentiment behind it for a while after I read it. That's my reply.
>living as independently and righteously as impossible
>99% of Sup Forums live with their parents and talk about jew genocide every 5 posts
Yes. The cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy amongst the cucks and cuckservatives is mind blowing.
I find sometimes it's comfy to only care about yourself, sometimes it's hell because I'm only human and feel the need for a team sometimes.
My disgust has subsided a bit because it reached a big maximum a few years ago and it was traumatising me.