Donald Trump

Are we allowed to criticize Donald Trump? I understand that we supported him during the campaign since he shared some of our views. But now that he's president, and make decisions that have real world impact, can we disapprove if he does something that is not in our interest? I think we should allow people to post CONSTRUCTIVE criticism of Trump without calling them shills. We need to stand up for ourselves and not be Trump's cucks.


No, paid Russian trolls supported him.

Maybe you were retarded enough to get manipulated by their propaganda, but "we" didn't support him.

Trumps failure will bring upon National Socialism and finally permanently BTFO the lolbertarian divide and conquer Jewish right. This was our plan all along.

Shut the fuck up

shill thread

Four more months. Give him 1/8th of his first term, and then if he's fucked up too badly let it loose. Give him time to cut through Washington's bullshit.

I mean, real people should do that, fuck you and the Leaf. We don't tell you how to run your countries. Except for when we do, because we got goddamn nukes.



And Trump's rallies were just chillin projections
And Russia also shipped in ruskie illegals to vote Trump

Get with the times op

reminder that there hasn't been a single case of radical islamic terror on US soil since trump took office

Nah, you really can't criticism Drumpf around /polocks. He can do no wrong and s a perfect vessel for their brand of delusional bullshit.

I think trumpcare is stupid. I didn't want obamacare lite. other than that I have nothing to say.

everything has been a psyop by the jews to get us to vote for him
The jews are playing 5d chess right now

a perfect 1488 post
wasted on leaf shit

we did NOT support him during the campaign because he had "similar views"
we did it simply because it would cause the most butthurt and chaos ever

Nobody with half a brain ever thought he would actually do anything good or make america great again (unless you fell for the memes lol)

You're allowed to criticize him fairly, but don't make shitposting bait threads. You know, like the ones that consume half the fucking catalog every single day.

>criticize him fairly
There is no such thing
All criticism is hurtful
this user is right Trump is a fucking meme

>63m people voted for Trump
>any supporter must be a Russian troll

Leftists are not human beings but have some kind of demon living inside them, controlling their bodies. The only way to create a humanity is to kill them, as Breivik did, erasing the demons.

>I'm smart and Sup Forums is dumb

fuck off commie, this board is drowning in shillposts

Of course you can criticize whomever you like.

you can also receive criticism for your own actions. It's give and take. Get over it.


I did it because the old incontinent bitch would have burned us all to nuclear ash. She was way worse than he could ever dream to be.


>literally half of all threads, all day, every day, are filled with shills bitching about trump
>hur dur, are we allowed to criticize him?
Take a wild guess

>Are we allowed to criticize Donald Trump?


On the board called "politically incorrect", it's politically incorrect to say anything negative about Trump.

Don't be politically incorrect on Sup Forums.

>Hey you guys
>you guys
>you teenagers in your basements
>there's no criticism of Trump anywhere in the mainstream media you guys
>nuclear codes, guys

Don't give shills openings to subvert us.
That's what Jews were built to do.
NEVER give them an opening.
Their sole purpose is to either get us to vote Liberal again, or to not vote at all next time.

long as it is valid criticism. There are things I dislike about him about his desire to hatchet those who slighted him over the past year, but I still think he is pretty good.

Personally, I'm okay with Trump since he's so fucking inept at being a politician and getting anything done, it cancels out all the stupid shit he tries to do. Pence and Ryan, on the other hand, actually scare me. They're actually quite effective politicians. So Trump is okay in my book for now

criticize away but you will be challenged on your positions so prepare your facts and do your research ahead of time

Ignore the shill, ladies and gentlemen.

Newt said he would find out how corrupt Washington was real quickly once he entered office you probably won't see headway until around the half way mark and it probably won't break until some sort of event occurs that disrupts everything.

The less educated are the easiest to manipulate. The T R U M P F A G S on here are the only ones that still discuss politics, irl all the ones I know don't mention his name anymore

but dems are composed completely of blacks and hispanics... check mate..

They have high percentages of retards, but white rural faggots have the numbers

put on a maga hat and walk around any of americas biggest cities outside of texas.

If you don't get assaulted or arrested you are allowed some constructive criticism. Until then we are in defcon mode faggot

but white dems are basically supporting a party that wants to ignore them and shame them for things they didn't do. Doesn't seem smart to me.

Well dems are dumb as fuck, so are trumpfags

>anyone that likes Trump is dumb

Or we just see through the media's bullshit, and the left's bullshit, and the shilling bullshit, and want to see what happens. The left/media Russia witch hunt is going nowhere, nothing much has actually happened at this point, but everyone on the left is still screaming "literally Hitler" for some stupid fucking reason. I'll take dumb rural whites over niggers or dune coons anyday.

>I choose the retards that think like me

T R U M P F A G logic

and you choose the shitskins and your kike overlords, we all make our choice

I understand from previous posts that no one will read this. You are reading a slide thread. OP lifts these comments from somewhere else, 1 posts and runs away. Most of these threads last for hours, and they are pointless. So many comments to someone who one posts. Please stop being lemmings.

No one will ever read the shit posted in this pointless thread. Good night anons.

No I don't, I said just dems were retarded. Just because I don't support your faggot politician doesn't mean I support other faggot politicians

fuck off cuck

he's the God Emperor whether you like it or not

You're emotionally attached to a faggot

Do you honestly think Hillary would have been better? Or that liberal cunts or the kike controlled media haven't tried their hardest to tear him down since day 1? I still stand by my decision and it remains to be seen what Trump will do. Lying, whiny liberal faggots haven't changed anything.

So the Democrats ran such a shitty campaign they lost to bots and internet trolls?

Don't you people ever get tired of wallowing in your incompetencies?

No, she would have been shit too. I would have laughed at her dipshit followers trying to spin incompetence into something positive as well

You one of those faggot nihilists or something? Or just a cynic. Whose side are you on?

We had two options - Trump and Hillary. Trump is a conservative clown, Hillary is a batshit crazy diversity preacher.
The day Donald Trump won was also the day when the SJW dictatorship finally lost something. This is why we were happy.

but the true God Emperor was a unifying master of strategy and science who opposed becoming a god. Trump only matches 1 of those

Daily reminder that

rhymes with
>cum dump


I am disappointed in his performance so far. People are jumping ship and he is doing nothing about it. I understand he is essentially cornered with very little political power and is actively being subverted by his cohorts.

I'm hoping he lays low, hooks up with Bannon and conducts a true purge soon to unify the white house.