>mfw when I realised climate change is a reality and it's exacerbated by human industry and agriculture
Mfw when I realised climate change is a reality and it's exacerbated by human industry and agriculture
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its worse than you know
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Start paying your carbon taxes you faggots.
where are you from exactly? what changes are you feeling? Northern Italy is facing a bad drought. Last year it was mild, and next year might be really bad. It all happened in 3 years, and now our largest river, the Po, is as good as dry. Its lower than last year in august, and now it should be full, with flood danger
I'm in queensland, we just had the worst floods from a cyclone in 100 years and it's only gonna get worse lmoa
carbon taxes failed, hopefully Mr Musk will actually follow through and make one of our states carbon neutral
>when I realised climate change is a reality
How did you realize that?
Texas went through a bad drought until a few years ago and now we good.
localised weather events aren't a complete indicator of climate change but when summarised the planet as a whole is having much more erratic weather patterns
Why is it that bleeding hearts who believe in climate change don't promote depopulation?
Instead they want to import 3rd world citizens to west so they can eat beef, drive SUVs and produce more waste. How does this make any sense?
Do you study in a related field to make that claim?
If not then gtfo. You speak only opinions.
I'm sure aspects of the climate have changed since the Industrial Age. But I'm not convinced they are catastrophic or irreversible.
People have been doomsaying for millennia.
The joke is that you people keep falling for it every time.
I actually hope for depopulation. Its the last stage of understanding the solution to climate change
It is very fucking real. However, the small things obongo has done and that Trump is repealing won't save the world.
The only countries that are making real efforts to combat global warming are China and European countries like Netherlands, Germany.
Nuclear fusion is our ace in the hole and other than that, we have no chance in hell.
the dictionary will tell you the difference between climate and weather. I am an expert, got questions?
>>mfw when I realised climate change is a reality and it's exacerbated by human industry and agriculture
You are lying to yourself, OP.
you need to be purged my friend
So the second worst flood was 100 years ago? Even before the post WW2 industrial boom? Really gets the noggin joggin.
Heh. I get a kick out of the people who complain about shitty air quality in massive urban sprawls. Acres and acres without a goddamn tree.
Fuck it, it's going to be delicious when people finally start to realize what's happening, want to do something about it and can't. You don't notice the waters boiling when you slowly put the temperature up, and when you fuckers notice how hot it's getting it'll be too late.
Let it burn, you're digging this grave so don't have a cry when you gotta si in it.
ITT OP reveals itself to be an easily persuaded, even naive faggot
>tfw I detail cars and do this to gas guzzling SUVs and customers I just don't like
Saving the environment and eating tendies. Feels good, feels right.
wtf why
dude just focus on saving your ass. that is plenty of effort.
God judges you senpai. For each and every sin.
lmao I remember that thread
So long as there's the smallest amount of life that can survive on Earth after the ecoapocalypse then it's fine, humanity could use a moment of hindsight, even if it would be the last one. So long as people know that they did this, and there's no one else to point a finger at, then I can die happily with everybody else, if it comes to that.
>worried about the climate
>not overfishing
RIP stralia
dude they will party
what happens during blackouts in cities? Sadness?
In a blackout there's the chance of the lights coming back on.
what happens is crime. Those who are ignorant now, will even benefit later, trust me. They will love the coming times of oblivion
and that is what smart people hope for. But do you think the poors hope for you to get your electricity back? Or think of isis soldiers who blow up. Do they come back? Do they not have fun? Trust me, ignorants will have fun blowing themselves up while the planet is in apocalypse mode
here, for those who want some info that will help them save their asses
you just being alive is making it worse
user hero now
Get fuken shredded mah man
lmfao aight burger, we are the frog in the slowly boiling pot, we won't realise till we're extinct from it unfortunately and people like you make it hard to take decisive action, Even the chinks understand this and have halted a lot of their coal imports from us.
yeah life will always survive no matter how bad the earth gets but humans sure as fuck won't unless we develop space travel or create weather resistant self sustaining shelters
It is and those who profit from it have known it since the 1970's. This is the level of evil that we are dealing with. Meanwhile you've got all of these faggots on Sup Forums who are nothing more than useful idiots and trolls rushing to tell you that it isn't true. Kind of makes you want to watch all of these faggots die in the coming turbulence, doesn't it? I mean let's face it, at least half of the fucking populace is so malicious that all you have to do is blame the right groups for a problem and they skate right past the people actually responsible.
So fuck, I hope that when climate change happens all the fucks who denied it wind up buried and their genetic lines ended.
arctic news on kikebook is your best source
day of the strainer is coming
You didn't "realize" anything, you just bought into the meme
those maccas motherfuckers discontinued sweet mustard in Oz. Ive never eaten them sine :(
>you need to be purged my friend
So, global warming "Science" isn't strong enough to withstand scrutiny, so anyone who doesn't believe it must be killed, eh?
>tfw climate change will drive mass human migration, lower crop yields, and spread disease
>tfw climate change is the biggest threat to humanity next to nuclear war, regardless of it being caused by mankind or not
>tfw the Republican party in the US is literally holding back the entire world on doing something about it because they are owned by oil companies
Shut your pie hole
I want to completely genocide niggers chinks poos and pakis so we can make giant nature reserves that cover most of the planet so we can save the ecosystems and wildlife
If we killed off most of the worlds population, we wouldn't need to use fossil fuels anymore because green energy like geothermal would be sufficient for human use at a low population
I want to limit the amount of plastic used in the world so we make stuff out of metal and wood etc so we don't pollute the oceans with heaps of plastic
RUN AWAY GREENHOUSE EFFECT dipshit. You want us to live in mudhuts to preserve the earth and delay the inevitable? Yes, this isn't the first ice age, in fact humans have lived through an ice age.
So Fuck you, full steam ahead
Holy Fuck I read this whole thread and every single one of you are dense.
I was a Trump supporter until I found out he didnt support Climate change because he is a racist.
Fuck Drumpf! Its time we start getting more democrats in office to turn the tables on racism and stop the evil Drumpf!
The planet can take care of itself, fool.
It's been here for 4 billion years, it can survive more than we can throw at it.
Amazingly progressive thinking there, user.
We need a right wing enviromentalist movement
>he didnt support Climate change because he is a racist.
So, not believing in climate change, despite no proof for it whatsoever... makes one a racist, eh?
Have you never heard of the carbon cycle feedback loop?
Or are you just shilling for the banks who are set to make trillions if this "Carbon Tax" thing is passed by western nations... in exchange for literally nothing?
The only way to save the enviroment is to ban fossil fuels and exterminate niggers chinks gooks poos and pakis
Read the whole post you fucking moron.
Proof that Trump is a racist since we have screenshots of his tweets saying he doesnt believe in climate change which would make him a nazi in anyones book.
idiot not an single sicentst supports this fact. coal is good for the environment and engery and it makes money for my family withch is an honorable tradition. my Famuly WANTS TO DISCOVER COLE and not work at snapchat.
We will be heading into an Ice age, deal with it.
>But muh global warming.
I'll lay it out for you, our oceans will absorb most of the heat rise, but during winter it can only absorb so much cold. Which is why Earth recycles Ice ages.
>But co2 traps heat
It also prevents heat from entering.
Livestock farming more than anything else combined
>>mfw when I realised climate change is a reality and it's exacerbated by human industry and agriculture
Who drew that retarded map, why is Michigan fucked up, and where is Indiana
Yeah man, thank God for Al Gore. Without his documentaries waking the world up we would be hopeless. He's a hero.
If you honestly believe that all of the manufactured shit we've been discarding, all the byproducts of industry that constantly get dumped, & burning hundreds of millions of years worth of fossil fuel buildup in one century have no effect on the ecosystem whatsoever; you're not nearly as smart as you think you are.
You might very well be, in fact, a fool.
>Read the whole post you fucking moron.
Pay your taxes to the world bank in exchange for nothing, you leftist.
>It also prevents heat from entering
Where the fuck do you get these "facts" from?
no one mentioned al gore muzzie
>If you honestly believe that all of the manufactured shit we've been discarding, all the byproducts of industry that constantly get dumped, & burning hundreds of millions of years worth of fossil fuel buildup in one century have no effect on the ecosystem whatsoever; you're not nearly as smart as you think you are.
Coming from you, that accusation means precisely nothing.
Do you know what the planet earth has survived in it's 4.5 bilion year history?
You fucking tool?
Where did you get your information?
Keep parroting the caliptalistic talking points arguing for communism, you shitstain.
>Absorb cold
>Do you know what the planet earth has survived in it's 4.5 bilion year history?
Was I saying the planet itself was in danger, dipshit? No, the planet will be just fine. Barely habitable if not outright uninhabitable for us; but still here & "fine".
>Pay your taxes to the world bank in exchange for nothing
I dont think you understand how this silly little game the bourgeoisie have played on you works bud
>Was I saying the planet itself was in danger, dipshit? No, the planet will be just fine. Barely habitable if not outright uninhabitable for us; but still here & "fine".
Who told you that?
The globalist bankers wanting you to pay a carbon tax to them, in exchange for literally nothing?
Fucking tool.
But please; let's outright dismiss the idea that we don't fucking know anywhere near enough to discount our negative effects on a very fragile, complexly intertwined system that supports life here, and carry on so our fucking pockets don't take a hit.
>nuclear energy could provide incredibly clean and cheap energy source that could power the world till the sun explodes
>Dems hate it because "muh proliferation'
>Gop hate it because it cuts into coal/oil industry's profits
I'm rather convinced that any talk about the energy sector is just showboating for special interests.
have fun buying bottles of clean air when your cities get so polluted that even something as gratuitous as air has to be fucking sold to you
>we don't fucking know anywhere near enough
And yet you keep talking like you know everything.
Sad... many such cases.
>mfw I won't have to drive from inland two hours to the beach anymore
Yes, I forgot; I'm speaking to someone who does, and knows exactly what will happen down the road.
Let's not even attempt to be careful, right?
oh shit sorry m80
I mistook you for being the other american you all look the same
What do you read and comprehend at, harry potter?
I'll spell it out for you, it is a natural phenomenon I am as right wing as it gets buddy. In fact I am so right wing I want you niggers out of my subverted ethno-state.
Is that hard for you to understand?
All good DR; figured that was the case. Sad that some people can't or refuse to see that caution in exchange for long term benefit is worth short term inconveniences.
>carbon tax
kek, missed this bullshit. A fucking carbon tax would not do a goddamn thing. But someone trying to profit from a snakeoil solution does not fucking mean there isn't a real & real serious problem.
Why do you have to make us all look autistic
>What do you read and comprehend at, harry potter?
The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri.
pic related, one of my copies.
Ford F1-50 most popular vehicle purchase across USA. Suck a dick you carbon tax faggots.
my mom died last January. If I respond to this post will you bring her back?
chckn me dubles.
Good fucking thing we're stuck here; we deserve to live in the shithole we're creating for ourselves. Not going to do the rest of the universe any good whatsoever.
I will do my best user, condolences.
I hate modern trucks. They're basically luxury SUVs with a tray in the back. And it's near impossible to get a smaller truck paired with a V8 let alone a manual transmission.
Japan has kids?
And you're still a nigger acting on impulse on something so simple you cannot grasp the foundation let alone the epicenter.
Although you do have the right Idea, deny it and let smart people prove you wrong. Chances are you're doing the right thing for once, nigger
i'm white, fool.
>i'm white, fool.
Just like all the ICE in the arctic that trapped your "Global warming" scientists.
its the goal of climate change
I'll make you a deal; let's take that f-150 up there ^^ into a smallish warehouse & leave it running with no ventilation for 8-12 hours. Then we'll go in & have a discussion about which of our individual opinions is more logical. If we survive to the end of it; I'll buy that multiplying them by at least a billion that get run on a daily basis globally may not have a negative effect on the environment, and I'm probably wrong about other stuff too.