The new yorker magazine made us look like geniuses. Some of us obviously are. Fuck shia pet hes such a cock fondling shit eater. Im so glad he got embarassed.
The new yorker magazine made us look like geniuses. Some of us obviously are. Fuck shia pet hes such a cock fondling shit eater. Im so glad he got embarassed.
Other urls found in this thread:
Finally we made it onto real news
Ahhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
>not posting archived links
sage and kys reddit.
He basically made a text biography.
Shia should do an "art project" where he actually debates people on ideas
Everything else he's done is being a mute retard while having people admire his famousness
XD We chased him off the interwebz. His next project is literally in a box, In a cabin, 1 cam, you can go visit him him finland lol.
Looks like an operative needs to be sent back into the field for an espionage and sabotage mission.
a funny gestalt of what happened.
if LeBoof had any sense of humor it wouldn't have gone beyond memes and wishes. that is one salty homeless man.
we arent geniuses. we are just really motivated. thats what makes all the difference. not being an idiot is an additional bonus
You're being too hard on yourself.
While some failed actor who somehow made Indiana Jones shit and his braindead mongoloids chanted into a camera and called it art, you fuckers weaponised autism and performed at a military level of intelligence.
Really proud of you guys.
Someone should go slip a picture of Pepe under the door.
>Weaponized autism
>basic cabins inside of the Kiasma Museum located in the isolated region of Lapland.
Kiasma is in Helsinki which is in the south, not Lapland.
I must go there to shout "PEPE!" or something else /pol related. I've never been in Kiasma because it's full of shit but this time I could do it for the greater good.
Will they stream it to internet or is it visible only to museum visitors?
I personally made the Washington Post during the Michael Brown GoFundMe thing, so yea.
I wish I understood performance art. I could think up a way to fuck his project up
How can I join Shia's campaign?
Bro! Take a drone, mp3 player, and bluetooth speaker. Drop the mp3 player off on the roof playing a loop of shadilay
Well, NY Daily News, but whatever
Some of those old Sup Forums threads in the archives are wonderful. Some of the best stuff to happen on this board.
Shitty fucking article from a shitty little cuck writer.
>New Yorker
>real news
Oh, honey...
Nail the door shut. Burn it.
I could just throw it to the roof but it's a slope so it will slide off. I could write /pol, kek, or pepe with permanent sticker on the cabin itself. Spraypaint would be even better but I would prolly get arrested.
Any ideas? I live almost next to Kiasma so I'm gonna check it out.
Finnish bros are up. What kinda hi-jinks does you lads got in you? The way it looks is there is a cam that they have inside the cabin, connected to the museum, so guests of the museum can speak to them. Via that link. But no direct physical access. Starts the 14th.
Pics can get torn up, music is better.
Bro, they don't even understand performance's not hard.
>he left out the part where user honked on the freeway
come on that was the 2nd best part
pick one
Stream on Twitch IRL and just chant "He will not divide us." You'll be a liberal hero and get hippie pussy.
Make a contraption that would semi anchor it to the roof without damage. No destruction, were not antifa. Just lulz.
>young, understimulated men whose main goal is to be the chaos they wish to see in the world.
You sad losers
I'm afraid that the cabins aren't real but just sound stages in a warehouse somewhere in Helsinki
Whats all this WE bullshit
At best it was one or two autistic fuckers and they most likely were from reddit
Man Sup Forums loves to suck its own cock
"We' feel like a "Team" and "We" never take solo credit. It's "Teamwork". At least that's they way "I" feel about it. No "1 Person" is responsible for all of anything. It's a team effort.
You understand this concept, yeah?
This piece is fucking incomplete what kind of god damn ending is that!?
Do you see anyone else steping up to suck it for us?
>Team work
How much of a fucking newfriend are you?
And shitposters like you suck on the balls.
Come together after we stomp on his flag
performance art is a performance something that sounds good enough to bitches in a bar or on instagram to fuck them
It was 100% Reddit.
It's always Reddit.
Should we give this real clicks, or archive it mates?
That's good publicity for pol, bump
>not Ebaumsworld
We all know they have it in for us.
checked, keked, and MS-Painted in 9000 hours.
>we made the news
in related news, water is wet, kikes kike, and its a day ending in -y
serously though, guys....
Can we get a remix of shia's famous "Just do it" speech, with imagery from Sup Forums's campaign against HWNDU?
Shit would be fucking epic as hell.
screencap this.
Why hasn't that remix happened yet? Dude went through all that trouble to say some scripted inspirational baloney as an art stunt why not have some more fun with it? hell throw in footage from that movie marathon thing Shia did
>Shia in a cabin
Watch out for the bear traps.
Its basically a variation of larping. At least in this scenario.
this youtuber made a good video about bringing shia down
Ahhhh shilo my friend, we kekistani's can fly
bring a walking stick to look like you're just passing by/hiking
btw someone already has video of the cabin fyi.
>Why hasn't that remix happened yet?
That's what I'm sayin.
This article is surprisingly close to truth, he actually put some effort instead of just copy pasting other shit
That's internet historian, he's kinda the man. Haven't seen this one yet, he does kill it. Him H Drone, and Spring Break all did really good vids. I like IH's flag 1 vid but H Drones kinda kills it
you really need to update your meme catalouge and work on your shitposting effort, kiddo.
This is getting embarrassing for both of us.
>real news
Does anyone have the montage version of this that was posted at the end of season 1?
Lol I remember that, CNN lightened up his skin and try to make him look white. It was from /r9k/ though, not Sup Forums
That doesn't have any of the things I said.
I live in Helsinki, should I pay a visit?
Most scum infested part of the city, area is is filled with gypsies and arabs
I don't know which one your talking about. There were alot of montages, but I don't remember the guitar chick being in them.
Your digits, say you must
I managed to find it in my Skype logs by going through every Youtube link.
I just don't get why you assumed I was asking for something completely different from what I asked for. That was not even a montage.
Shia's assault charges dropped
Wow. Actually a fairly fair representation of Sup Forums
What did they mean by this?
someone apply to do an art installation which is just a picture of pepe with shadilay playing in the background. have them place it next to shia.
He's in Finland, typing on a Finnish keyboard.
This really was some of the finer feats of trolling Sup Forums has ever done. Truly impressive.
Why did The New Yorker publish a pro-Sup Forums piece? Are they trying to flood us with normies?
>4chant TROLLS
Why not just say users? Sup Forums users, is it so hard?
If Shias anti Trump protest is art, then why our anti Shia protest isnt?
What we did took more effort, more organization and more time dedication form committed anons that this hack put into his "art piece"
Why not frame the article as an interesting clash of two opposing views?
Fucking mainstream media is such worthless trash, they just cant stop them self from including their degenerate liberal nonsense into the simplest of news articles.
1,000's of memes that made people of all corners laugh. I think the more they lurk the more they learn what they hear and what is reality is bullshit. At least they weren't like these evil white devil neo-nazi sexist like CNN and Buzzturd. HWNDU kinda took that away from them. They got to see that if that's true....there sure are alot of brown, black, latino, asian, neo-nazi, sexist.
I honestly think it's because Sup Forums really challenges the medias narrative on alot of bullshit. And they have a hard time giving adversaries any kind of positive credit.
I just don't like how were trolls but these guys aren't isis. (Pic related are "Protesters") but we were generalized as trolls. It just shows you how fucking biased the media is and how much research they really don't do.
Wrong pic
Be a mole for us , well give you gold.
post archives. don't give money to the jew yorker
use this link
>I'm so glad he keeps getting embarrassed
>Jew Yorker
I'm honestly amazed the original author of the article's portrayal of the investigative process that went into finding Shia's shit; that was both realistic & made those involved look as smart as they collectively were; was allowed to make it intact through the editing process.
Think about it; fucking Jew Yorker put out a piece painting Sup Forums in a far, far better light than a wealthy celebritard anti-Trump protesting.
Every single person involved in that op should feel very, very proud. Fucking kudos you magnificent bastards.
Troll ?
I aint a troll, is this 2010 again ? :trollface:
#ALONETOGETHER – commencing on April 12. The project will take place at Kiasma in Finland
and will last for one month; in which time the artists will individually stay in very basic cabins in isolated areas of Lapland.
LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner will have no phones, computer or access to the outside world – except via one video that connects to the museum. During this time the artists will only be able to speak to visitors of the exhibition.
Oh boy I wonder what Shia is going to be when he gets the cabin fever and Finnish autism from the art place.
Praise Kek!
Praise be unto thee
hoo hoo hoo :)
>During this time the artists will only be able to speak to visitors of the exhibition.
>only be able to speak to visitors of the exhibition
>no phones, computer or access to the outside world
Shia better hope he doesn't have enemies with the same or better resourcefulness as Sup Forums...
He would probably get pretty mad if someone would read 1488 for him + add a nazi flag to it and he would flip the fuck out.
Holy shit; I think fucking with Shia during this would break him in a very profound way. Far more deeply than he already is.
+ if we get the Finnish autism squad to go around Lapland with their reindeers. And if they find these cabins and start fucking with them Shia is probably going to have a complete mental breakdown.
>get the Finnish autism squad to go around Lapland with their reindeers
Just the mental image of this has me keking uncontrollably; this needs to be a thing.
He is here!
Praise Based Lord KEK!
Within hours, Sup Forums trolls had decided to protest the protest. Or, as one poster put it, “Shia Leboof and a bunch of libtards making an ass of themselves for 4 years live because Trump won. Sup Forums fucks with them.” At MOMI, a few trolls infiltrated the crowd, shouting about conspiracy theories and white supremacy.
Apex kek
Maybe go in teams to brigade the shed comms, but be subtle about it.
Pretend you are friendly toward him, and then feed him enough tinfoil to drive him mad.