Out of curiosity, who do you really believe runs the world Sup Forums?
>inb4 hurrr durrr jews
>inb4 hurrr durrr bogdanoffs
>inb4 hurrr durrr lizard people
>inb4 hurrr durrr aliens
Conspiratards welcome but at least be original
Out of curiosity, who do you really believe runs the world Sup Forums?
>inb4 hurrr durrr jews
>inb4 hurrr durrr bogdanoffs
>inb4 hurrr durrr lizard people
>inb4 hurrr durrr aliens
Conspiratards welcome but at least be original
the british
Rothschilds, bilderbeg, soros, you name it
british zionist bankers
thats it.
The unqualified.
It's a mix of different interest groups. But right now the biggest ones are:
>Zionist jews.
>Western corporations
>Chinks and the CCP.
>>inb4 hurrr durrr jews
Fuck off kike.
A collection of people with the highest percentage of wealth, who happen to mainly be jews.
"dig to the bottom of any hell hole in the world and you shake hands with the British."
The eternal monarchy of Britain.
Soros, Rothschild, Rockerfeller, Bilderburg group and their pet.
Jews control the british
ding ding ding
>Sup Forums right once a-mutha-fuckin'gain
Explain dis
Profound fag
I do.
A handful of groups consisting of very powerful individuals, all of whom are internationalists. These groups have spheres of influence and no single group controls the entire world.
I would say a disproportionate amount of these people are Jewish, and more importantly, Zionists.
filthy potato niggers
ignorance applied to something that used to work, but does not belong to us.
this is a little more detailed
The US government more or less. Who runs the US government? Kind of Congress, kind of the president, but I do believe there is a kind of deep state that heavily influences the actual mechanics of the US government (including elections) made up of military/intelligence officials (or former), businessmen, other elites. It's not super controversial as the average person calls these people lobbyists or those that lobbyists represent, but I think one step further than that. I think these people have blackmail on some legislators/politicians and go so far as to threaten to use it/release it. I'm not really a conspiracy theorist, though I do find it likely (though not confirmed as there isn't any evidence) that JFK was killed by high level military/intelligence officials given their hatred of him and sudden gain with LBJ at the helm. Sometimes you get lucky, but I don't believe that was the case here.
Retards on Sup Forums
Genuinely believe it's a cult made of people who have been in power and people who aspire to power for power's sake.
I think their goal is to keep a hegemonic rule over the world, and that they were scared of Trump's victory. I think that they may have gotten to him with what obama told him right after he got the presidency. I was genuinely fucked up after seeing Trump's face then.
I hope I'm wrong. I think they're linked to 3301, somehow. When I have more time to be an autist I'll try to join if they still recruit. In all likelihood if I saw some shit I'd probably report it.
Also aliens are real. I know people who work in aerospace. they individually and privately broke their NDA's to tell me the same thing. It's not x-files tier, but it's basically that they're small. If they weren't so fucking vague I'd have more to tell, but I'm not going to pretend I know what I don't.
this 1000%.
likely just a revolving door of twats with money and some power trying to get their piece of the pie without much care of the rest of world as long as they satisfy their own interests.
Ai Master Race When?
Anglos. Jews are a red herring.
Sup Forums runs barter town
A bunch of Sun worshiping freaks who are descendant from Royalty.
Skull and Bones
Globalist and Zionist Jews
No one
There are several actors trying to shift the events of the world into their favor but no one has a monopoly on power.
I bet Xi Jinping doesn't even care about Soros and he is the leader of 1.3 Bn people and the second largest economy. Is Rothschild stronger than Xi Jinping? Probably not.
Various groups of rich and powerful people who are often Jewish, but sometimes just hateful. Hardly do they ever have any good intentions whatsoever.
I wish.
conspiracy theories just provide a mechanism whereby people can feel reassured that at least SOMEONE has a grand over-arching plan for humankind.
Better than the randomness of reality.
>scared of Trump's victory
dude they would assassinate him today if he was against them
Humans just lead short, boring, insignificant lives, so they make up stories to feel like they’re a part of something bigger. They want to blame all the world’s problems on a single enemy they can fight, instead of a complex network of interrelated forces beyond anyone’s control.
China is under the heel of Western finance. When China's inflationary bubble bursts the assets will be sold to Westerners for pennies on the dollar.
The man with the most gold
Satan is given authority over the world, except against those who have the seal of God in their mind.
Ironically the people Satan truly despises are the sealed, so he attacks them in a roundabout way, this is why you see so much passive agressive, petty evil in the world.
Ultimately it is God himself who allows all of this pain and disbelief, (the spirit of stupor) in order to teach everyone an object lesson about idolatry.
A decentralized group of elites. They're all in it for themselves, there's no grand conspiracy.
>thats why EU was begging chinese banks to bail out the euro in 2011
No one runs the World but there are groups/people who have a lot of power
I hope that your country will speak Spanish and be under the latin rule
Canada will speak French
This. The truth is, the train of mankind is headed for a ravine, but it's a self-driving train and no one's anywhere near the brakes.
Ride the tiger, families.
lobbyists and super PACs
Satan's eye is at the capstone of the illuminati pyramid.
aka Horus, Ba'al, Moloch etc etc
>Out of curiosity, who do you really believe runs the world Sup Forums?
Rothschild and their evil banks.
federal banks, most of them owned by the rothschilds.
Finally, someone who understands economics to know that China is about to get butt raped. China has made some very intelligent moves, but everyone has financial downturns, and when you are a controlled economy your downturns are bigger, though fewer. It's like using heroin because you're sad: when you eventually can't afford it you're going to have one hell of a bad day.
Please be joking, christcuck, Satan doesn't exist and neither does god. That is, unless you can provide evidence of existence.
What i find interesting is the common thread in globalist and their religion.
we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
international bankers it seems like.
quick rundown?
No one. God would, but he's busy chilling with aliens. They gather around at some intergalactic bar and Glazzar the Conqueror nudges God and says "hey, remember that time you made humanity?" The entirety of God's table laughs and God looks away blushing, saying "ah don't bring those fucking retards up again, can't believe I fucked up the dinos for those cunts lol." Then they all order a pint of slazzid juice and have rounds with the boys
Why are they evil?
Most influental members of capitalist class. But they do not have absolute control. Most of what is happening in the world is result of pure chaos. Intelligence agencies are worth mentioning too.
I agree with the list and add Rockefeller
CIA niggers
>inb4 hurrr durrr bogdanoffs
notice she capitalizes satan and not God
This, pretty much. Modern systems like democracy and capitalism basically run of their own volition with no one ultimately being responsible for anything. There's no getting off this ride until it crashes itself.
Harambe knew too much.
Nice spotting
The Jews
>Satan doesn't exist
You're an absolute fool, my dude.
I was once lost in the world too. Being foolish and arrogant is a terrible combination.
You're going to get your evidence when you die and Jesus raises you from the dead to be judged.
He, and it was because satan was the first word of the sentence. If god was the first word I would have capitalized it.
Some retarded think tank of notable celebs of science (niel faggot degrasse tyson, bill nye, vsauce maybe)
The Gnostics.
They operate on secret knowledge and fancy themselves "enlightened"
But it's the same false Gnosis the serpent offered Eve...
"You will be like God"
But Eve was already like God. Made in His image.
It's all a lie.
The full purpose of man will be realized during the 1,000 year reign of Christ.
After reading lots and lots of history books:
People don't realize the truth behind "money rules the world". In earlier times, this money was accumulated by monarchs and barons who owned the land and paid mercenaries to fight for him. Wars were wars between families with paid armies. While you had some non-aristochratic rich people, they could never rival the wealth of a monarch.
This changed over time and when the british revolution basically started the rise of liberal ideas in Britain (where it spread to Europe) in 1690, it also meant the the people with money had now more freedom to do what they wanted with it.
They god wealthier and wealthier and with their money and schemes, removed monarchs, created war (by owning the media and factories and paying politicians) and pushed for ever more liberal societies, because this liberalism masked as "human rights" simply means that the individual can mostly do what he wants with his money, which of course, is unimportant for non-rich people mostly.
Today I would say that the 50-100 riches people in the world (some of we don't even know probably) run the show. They have meetings and just discuss on what outcome they want and how to achieve this and as a result, the whole complex of media, industry, politics, education and war slowly starts to move, trying to implement change at a slow enough pace so that the average human doesn't think this change is unnatural.
That's why a society which restricts the use of money, where the leaders can just imprison people for their monetary schemes, is so hated on... and of course we are talking about NatSoc/Fascism here and only then in actually relevant countries. Nobody cares what would happen in a shithole like Venezuela, they have no power anyway.
And at least half of these influencial rich people are Jews.
It was after a coma, m'lady.
>Good goy
its satan, either symbollically or as real enthity. and we were send here as test to see if we can resist satan and his temptation and stay away from sin.
6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general. 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.
the (((jews))) which not are only jews, but nonjews as well, and not all jews are of the (((jews))) but many, and many of the (((jews))) are jews, but again not all. you could also call them "the financial elite" "the masons" "illuminati" etc. it all comes down to a bunch of rich guys controlling our politicians through bribery and blackmail which are doing satans work
>9Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you.
there also is somewhere a passage i now dont find that talks about how the jews were meant to teach us gentiles, and they it already talks about how they dont do it and use their knowledge to stay on top of us, and forsake their purpose and that the charges are already pressed quite literally from the highest council
Jewish bankers, money is power
>inb4 hurrr durrr jews
What is 2 + 2?
>inb4 hurrr durrr 4
The 1%.
>it was because satan was the first word of the sentence.
I'm not lost, I'm just not deluded enough to believe that I matter in the grand scheme of the universe. I may want to believe that I do, but I'm logical and able to accept hard truths. Therefore I can understand that in all likelihood I am a member of only one of many sentient life forms existing in the universe, and probably not even the most advanced one. Even our galaxy is insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe. Nothing either of us does will ever be of consequence, but that's ok. That's actually quite liberating when you think of it. Just take the red pill.
> You're going to get your evidence when you die and Jesus raises you from the dead to be judged.
Let me translate that for you: "I don't actually have evidence, but I want to try to scare people into agreeing with me."
> inb4 Pascal's wager
Well, I sure hope you pick the right god. Remember that most gods punish followers of other gods. It's not just believing in god vs. not; it's also about picking the right god out of all proposed deities in human history (not even including the possibility that the correct choice is a god that humanity has never heard of). Remember, you're almost as much of an atheist as I am and your choice of picking the right god and therefore earning salvation is functionally the same as mine (exactly the same when you consider that there are deities who reward logic and therefore agnostic atheism).
honestly, i don't think anyone does. humans love to feel like there is order and some deeper conspiracy or meaning.
its really hard for people to accept the reality that there is no big bad boogieman, there is nothing after death, and life is inherently meaningless.
if you look hard enough you can see the cracks in all the big "conspiracies" and realize the government isn't nearly as well equiped and plan oriented as we would like to believe they are.
the truth is the elites, and the government are powerless.
there is no life in the universe besides us, we are actually alone. deep down we all know its true.
Most from all countries think that the rich rule the world, then why don't we start an international socialist revolution and get the means of production? We should stand together and fight these exploiters even if they try to divide us with racism!
Wealthy persons of hebrew descent within the upper echelons of the global corporate-government complexes
Eh, good enough. It was meant to be a period, I miss-typed it. Kind of a moot point, though, because it really isn't of any consequence. They're both fictional characters.
The elite fear nationalist movements more than they do internationalist ones.
God the world was so much better when that was true.
The real answer is the liberal, socialist, globalist elite. Not that it is so much a conspiracy as just independent actors working in their own self-interest.
You're a fictional character.
That is, unless you can provide evidence of your existence.
International banks, which happened to be full of Jews.
Today, the jews.
Tomorrow after we have gassed them all with Zyklon B, the Aryans. Just a matter of time now, days actually, on my hands I can count them.
And I don't only think this, I know this.
Not evil. It's just business.
Most national movements work against the working class and are supported by the elite or are part of it (Hitler, AfD in Germany, Front Nationale or your Tea Party Movement)
The fact that I'm literally typing to you is evidence. At the absolute worst I'm an AI, but that AI is at least real because it is typing to you. That is far more evidence than the existence of god has ever had. Regardless, you still haven't proven the existence of god.
Women rule the world
Men work as slaves their whole lives to pay for themselves and their wives
Women have higher eq to manipulate men
Men are just robots wuth good memory that can do repeated tasks
Jews are smart, they made the American economy the best in the world.
The Demiurge, the Ennead, and the Archons.
Your post only proves that Jews a far superior to the narrow-minded savages with the primitive believes and simple generalisations like yours. If Jews are masterminding the plot to destroy you, they do the right thing.
the british monarchy
>The real answer is the liberal, socialist, globalist elite. Not that it is so much a conspiracy as just independent actors working in their own self-interest.
They have an interest in bringing the world in under control more. Some of them undoubtedly have good intentions, others, probably, not so much. The same for any large group formed from power, basically.
The jews (who are also known as the globalists/new world order).
The jews worship satan. Jesus even says that the jews serve satan and are his children. They are demons and their goal is to just fuck the world up, the more they fuck humans up, the more power and glory they bring to satan, the greater reward they get when they return to hell.
ONce I got you in a trench shooting to kill your brothers you wont be so fucknig polite,
"Wealthy persons of Hebrew descent" -
Lets wait till you in the trenches and then ask again, when its all to late by then won't it, then you will have a really good think.