04/03/2017 / CHIENNE GENERAL

Previous thread: Tldr: Japanese user (maybe FBI user) has been posting incriminating photos related to Mossad agents role in 9/11. He was an investigator for the FBI specifically tasked to 9/11. Might be about to go rogue. Photos are ALL unsourcable and tell a story. All to be revealed on 3rd April.

Previous archives with JapAnons stuff:

JapAnon claims to have been an investigator assigned to the first WTC bombing, and this led him to Mossad agents operating in New York, planting explosives within the towers over a long course of time, while posing as artists.
While this isn't especially novel, this guy's manner of speaking has a strange menace, and he is seemingly in possession of in-depth knowledge of Israeli culture and the architecture of the towers, and has a lot of violent anecdotes to share. You sort of have to dig through the threads.
If he is a LARPer, he's extremely dedicated, which makes it interesting on its own.

Some background: salon.com/2002/05/07/students/

Thread theme:

Help us, JapAnon, you're our only hope.

Other urls found in this thread:





uh... so since it's after March 15th who wants to be my jail waifu?




That fucking dog painting freaked me out in another thread and now I see it again. What is it and why is it following me?








oh great, another larp thread with 0 evidence and full of theories already floating around. we already know it was an inside job, fuck off.

Can you post the pics or point out which archives they are, the ones that got deleted?

I remember hopping in the first thread yesterday and as soon as I clicked on a few of JapAnons images they 404'd. Not all of them but I'm sure the ones that were important were.


Is that the Amytiville horror house/family?

looks like it

Seems like LARPing.
It is questionable how/where this Jap got these photos. Thought I've seen at least one of them before, the picture of the so called art students(Mosad agents).

Maybe these are floating around some balls deep 9/11 conspiracy sites, and they were modified just enough that reverse image searching doesn't work.
If the Jap really was a government agent then all his postings here would most definitely be known, so I find it unlikely hes a legitimate insider.


The black dog is an omen of death.
RIP user.




Here is my L4RP3R code: fjdkhvsaasks6hwdjd76kzkdjpqjdj37lbobl5woqueyd

I am interedt

Obama and Israel will both be implicated in high-end shit.

God Speed Sup Forums

You already know what to do.


It feels like the world is about to change

Do the world a favor and Nuke Israel and Saudi Arabia both until not even a sand flea is left.
If you're not going to do it then fuck off.

Don't buy into vague promises so readily.

Yeah the bottom pic is from the 1970 something movie.

In another thread he talks about the bad ronald technique in reference to how they where undetected.
Bad Ronald is a 1974 movie in which some kid hides behind sealed off walls






this is the most important happening right now.

the fbi 9/11 pentagon picture release, wikileaks vault 7 part 3 release, the reddit "6 million subscribers" fiasco, reddit's new MSpaint mmo - these are all distractions. Chienne deserves our full attention and support. I personally pray that the man behind Chienne will be safe and that he delivers us all from this hell on April 4th.

Link these threads in obvious sliding threads, and in threads of no value. Inform others.




That photo is allegedly surveillance of Israeli agents in the area.


a quick rundown. credit goes to another user.

Hadn't heard this in years, thanks user

wait what does the dog one mean?

>Obama and Israel


Obama was extremely anti-Israel.

The only time he was co-operative was subsequently after Republican fits

Literally fake and gay.


Everyone filter this kike faggot.

Spoopy thread guys, we've got to keep it up.

I'd have to read through the thread again, but I'm pretty sure the Jap claimed this dog killed an Israeli agent, and was shot in the face in the process. The photo apparently shows a scar from the wound.


This thread sure does make me sleepy. So sleepy. You're sleepy too, aren't you, user? You didn't get enough sleep last night. You should together about this thread, go to bed, and have a restful night's sleep. Goodnight.


based doggo

joos BTFO

Friendly reminder the tsunami and fukushima disaster were on 3/11, and the tsunami was artificial in nature. Induced by a nuclear weapon planted in the seabed, and a dirty nuke in fukushima so that glorious Nihon would have to buy oil from (((them))).

JapAnon is FBI?

a bump. don't let this be slid. it should be the #1 discussed topic on Sup Forums right now

Either is or was.


This is the first I've heard of any of this.

Can I get a quick fucking rundown? This could be big.



Found this in an archived thread. Can anyone tell me where to put the attention?

Gas kikes

you a faggot these threads is the only good shit on the whole board.

9/11 was such a rushed, sloppy, shitty false flag. The script reads like a fucking George Lucas prequel. Should have used a nuke... A big one. Blame it on a suicide carbomb Iranian nuke bought by the Russians, driven by an Iraqi and an Afghani. There, America's willing to go on a wild goose chase to the ends of the earth for "weapons of mass destruction". Iran and Iraq both fall. Eretz Israel. Nobody would accept that thermite was the true cause of the building's collapse; "It was a NUKE user (instead of a flying tin can), how could you say thermite destroyed WTC 7, a nuke went off! you wacko tinfoiler nutjob" All that shit, naw, instead they go with the highjacking so Marvin Bush can make some money on shorting/ controlling airline security.
For stupidity mostly...
>yeah yeah, treason

gas one

I've been here for 6 years..not one kike has been gassed

Let's have a discussion to keep this thread alive. Let's say JapAnon delivers, and on April 4th information is released which shows without a doubt that Israel/Mossad worked with the CIA to orchestrate the 9/11 attacks and allowed Saudi individuals to carry out the attacks.

How does Israel react? Would the mainstream media report it? Would Trump rally behind it and demand action? Would the Deep State, Israel, and Saudi Arabia work together to save themselves? I recall FBIanon mentioning how in a Israel+Saudi Arabia partnership, the USA would be their #1 target. If you don't believe that Israel and Saudi Arabia have anything in common, just remember: their religion is greed. They would gladly put aside their religious differences to protect their lives and their wealth.


Treason too...

Most of the WTC had no floors. It's the same with the new one. Nobody died in 9/11.

When the world finds out the truth about (((them))), they will be scrubbed off the face of the earth. The prophecies are coming true. Praise kek!


A nothing population percentage will continue to do what they do because why blunt force when you can argue about ethics in journalism

They would deny it and lie their way out of it like ever since the beginning.


In this is he referring to the graffiti and or something else, looking up "demon bomb" gives some interesting results.

>le démon était sous le bâtiment
>the demon was under the building

If I were Israel Ide go totally apeshit. False flag the dome of the rock (using ISIS of course, the Israeli secret intelligence service). Nuke Damascus. Nuke Beirut. Go absolutely apeshit. Otherwise theyll be force to have a... have a... *gag* "liberal" government.

because they'll be dead or homeless in the streets that their forefathers conquered.

Israel would of course deny, bring up the Holocaust, claim anti-semitism, etc.
If the preponderance of evidence was too large to ignore I could see Israel making a nuclear threat, maybe even Samson Option level of threat. Politically the entire world would be in turmoil, and our military would be mostly in disarray from the DOD being splintered irreparably. All of the "deep state" is pro Israel, and more than a few of them likely know the whole story, and condone what took place.

If things really did happen this way, I think it goes back decades. I think Bush Sr first hatched this plot with his Saudi Arabian friends. Israel being the last surviving non puppet state in the middle east, making the "Greater Israel" state. Israel and Saudi Arabia being the only financial powers in the entire region, with no one to threaten them.

>tfw you sourced these images months ago and dismissed it as nothing
Sorry bros.

The internet and the information age caused the false flag's story to age like milk. It was one of the primary oversights of the entire operation. The disemination of evidence, individuals questioning the narrative having a lasting impact on everyone who read the questions - even those who denied any possibility of a coverup.

The entire "Jet fuel can't melt steel beams" meme was perpetuated by the CIA and the Mossad to get people into a position of laughter when it came to 9/11. Now, on any discussion involving Saudi Arabia's involvement, thermite used in the towers, Atta's identification card surviving the crash and intense heat, etc, the typical response is "no shit". CIA/Mossad wanted people to come to terms with the false flag before it was confirmed so that their anger could decompress - then, when it was confirmed, they would be less likely to call for war.

nice dream

They're just going to fuck your women until you're gone but they'll be surrounded by third world literal morons so I guess you win

I suspect more than just our zionist politicians would attempt to shit it down. Such a reveal could cause a lot of unrest. I'm ok with this of course. The people responsible for this deserve to suffer come hell or high water.

Ooooo really?? You know who rahm emanuel is?


>The entire "Jet fuel can't melt steel beams" meme was perpetuated by the CIA and the Mossad to get people into a position of laughter when it came to 9/11

God damn it you're right

Reading this shit gives me chills

A big implication is disruption of social order among the military, law enforcement, any citizen with a gun. Lots of cucks are Israel worshiping heathens. Brainwashed by the whole biblical chosen people line of bullshit.
Some of these people would side with Jews no matter what, and if push comes to shove they'd have to be considered the enemy. Start shooting those people and their family/friends/partners/unit buddies/etc are going to be against you.

Its pretty likely that it might cause a civil war. If any foreign power decided to back a side then it'd be a total blood bath. Conservatives wouldn't be unified at all.


she was real

>Obama was anti-Israel
He upped their gibs, let Pollard go free, did nothing to raise awareness about their control of the US, appointed jews to SCOTUS, and turned a blind eye to everything they did for eight years. Listening to kikes kvetch about his passive-aggressive finale through UN abstained vote is insulting.

Well the question then becomes will the objectives of the conspirators even be achieved
>war with Iran
>war with Russia (dont forget about the sinking of the Kursk...)
>massive global depopulation

The way I see it its becoming far more likely to backfire. They might see the inside of a noose before they see the "new world order".

I could see the usefulness of an purposefully implausible false flag to mop up disloyal/ questioning citizenry. But as you say, the official story's a can of worms. Too many people know the truth now. What could they possibly do to stem the tide? Oh yeah...


What is this it's doing me a frighten

Whats happening April 4th?

Nothing most likely.

JapAnon/FBIAnon is releasing information regarding Mossad involvement in 9/11. Skim the thread and you'll get caught up to speed.

Yesterday i believe japanon said noys avons tout. That alone made me scared.

Are we going to be ok pol??

>9/11 was such a rushed, sloppy, shitty false flag.

Don't be naive user, this was intentional