Previous thread: Tldr: Japanese user (maybe FBI user) has been posting incriminating photos related to Mossad agents role in 9/11. He was an investigator for the FBI specifically tasked to 9/11. Might be about to go rogue. Photos are ALL unsourcable and tell a story. All to be revealed on 3rd April.
Previous archives with JapAnons stuff:
JapAnon claims to have been an investigator assigned to the first WTC bombing, and this led him to Mossad agents operating in New York, planting explosives within the towers over a long course of time, while posing as artists.
While this isn't especially novel, this guy's manner of speaking has a strange menace, and he is seemingly in possession of in-depth knowledge of Israeli culture and the architecture of the towers, and has a lot of violent anecdotes to share. You sort of have to dig through the threads.
If he is a LARPer, he's extremely dedicated, which makes it interesting on its own.
Some background:
Thread theme:
Help us, JapAnon, you're our only hope.