Why did Nazi Germany lose, Sup Forums?

Why did Nazi Germany lose, Sup Forums?
I thought they were supposed to be superior.

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Your existence must be really pathetic to enjoy shitposting

Because it doesn't matter how good you are, if you take on the whole fuckign world, your bound for failure.

because of pearl harbor.

((somebody)) got the japanese to attack a port full of old ships, after moving the new ships out of course.

that doesn't answer my question

The Anglo is the master race

Fuck off leaf


hopeless outnumbered because the kikes already controlled most of the world

They shot down Benjamin Franklin's kite.

God Bless America!

>doubting his own experienced generals and monopolizing all military controls despite having so little knowledge about war
>suppressing the development of the first assault rifles and medling on the development of tank designs
>aiming his V1 Rockets at fucking England instead of dropping it on the enemy soldiers IN his territory. Only to miss without him knowing
>refusing to send the Panzers on Omaha beach
>attacking the Russians and investing so much on the unstrategic Stalingrad

>not superior

This. The worst part is that you didn't even kill all the kikes...

Hitler killed EVERY GERMAN soldier, he sent 5 million men and a handful of tanks to take over a continent , apparently he doesn't understand how to read a map and see the size of Russia.
Well not only was Germany bombed into rubble, all the abled bodied German men were now dead. Now imagine, if I asked you to kill every single German male in German in under ten years, you couldn't do it could you? Well Hitler did it. Genius.

They were just a bunch of cocksuckers

the soviet death count always makes me kek. Yeah at one point for months on end the kill rates were 5 to 1 minimum topkek.

Then i hope this does

Terrans are better than the zerg. But the zerg rush always wins.

Perhaps your teacher should have spent more time on the war instead of spending three weeks on the holohaux

At one point the Axis were facing an allied coalition of over 115 nations, comprising up to or over half the world's population.

It's a damn miracle Germany lasted as long as it did, let alone almost win the damn war.

Had Hitler massacred the soldiers at Dunkirk I think the Germans would have won.

Should they have attacked the Soviet Union?

He really shouldn't have tried to save Britain.

they forgot not to attack russia

it's simple really euros can play all they want in their sandbox, and even be king of the hill for a time but then they go east they end

Hitler's success in France and Poland made him think he was infallible. That was his undoing in Russia.

Yes because they were going to attack them

Read my post Bankers are jews and freemasons, they are still pulling the strings of politics and economics causing a perpetual state of war. Because war = money, stealing resources.

Hitler knew this and removed the jew and freemasons from power and stopped usury and central banking.

we should have taken over the anglo island first so they wouldnt be such loud mouthed faggots today. But fuckin adolf didnt wanted to take over the "brothernation" and hoped they would still agree to an alliance

They should have waited until they'd won the Western war before fighting an Eastern one.

it looks like the generals stopped listening to Hitler, not the other way around

You know if you invaded England we would have just entered the war sooner.

0% chance america would ever allow England to be conquered.


Spot on. I was talking to a fellow, he even said Hitler would be better than the garbage we got now.

we attacked russia in june and where at the outskirts of moscow by december, but muh stalingrad and not concentrating our forces on moscow costed us the victory

>At one point the Axis were facing an allied coalition of over 115 nations, comprising up to or over half the world's population.

Most of them only declared war on Germany in late 1944/early 45 so that they could join the UN. They didn't do shit.

The only relevant players in the war against Germany were the USSR, USA and UK, and to a lesser extent, Canada and France.

You really think America did anything in Europe?

We were talking about a hypothetical alternate course of the war where England was under real threat of invasion, try to keep up brev.

Because hitler was a terrible leader and general.

The fascist system is hugely inefficient.

Those who boast of German scientific superiority conveniently leave out the fact that Germany was already a scientific powerhouse in the early 20th century, long before the Nazis.

If anything, had Bismarck or the government of Kaiser Wilhelm II been in power in 1939, they would have won against the allies easily.

but without the ability to station your aircraft etc on britain an invasion of europe would be nearly impossible

Mainly due to mussolini attacking greece unprepared and hitler had to delay the russian offensive and help his ally, thus attacking in winter

In any case, we wouldn't have been able to repel Germany.

There's always Ireland. They would have let us do it if a united Ireland by treaty was in the offing.

To add, there were numerous accounts of German generals who were urged to invade Moscow by Hitler even though Generals had told Hitler that supply lines were short and that it would be best to hold off on the attack. And Hitler didn't listen.

Even stalin was not so arrogant and let Zhukov do his job.

Shut the fuck up if you dont know anything instead of spreading disinformation you shill

They were not. Sure they could roll over their neighbors, but they could not withstand any real opposition that was brought before them. This was in part to their shitty leader. There was actually a British plan to assassinate Hitler, but it was scrapped due to the fear that someone competent would take his place

if we had conquered england we would have definitely taken ireland and scottland too. And launching an coast landing over the whole atlantic ocean is impossible

The USA stole every dollar from Nazi Germany right out from under the Russians nose, the mine which stored treasures was on the USSRs side , but USA snuck over and stole it. All the money in Europe now belonging to the US.

The Merkers area of the municipality is famous for its salt mine, which is now exploited as the Merkers Adventure Mines visitor attraction. Here large amounts of Nazi gold, and many stolen works of art were discovered by the United States Army in 1945. General Dwight D. Eisenhower himself went into the mine in April 1945 in order to examine the find. Though this is the worlds largest Potash mine, thousands of visitors annually visit the "World of White Gold""

Tbf, Stalin was pretty arrogant at the beginning. He refused to believe the initial reports of a German invasion and didn't want his generals to react too swiftly. If there was a quicker reaction, I don't think the Germans would have even made it past Kiev.

WW2 was a manufactured crisis to cripple the rising German and Russian powerhouses, as well as to remove France from the world stage for good.

The Jews abhor success that is not their own.

if only stauffenberg succeded in killing hitler we would have probably been allowed to keep most of poland and parts of france in a peace treaty

It was a simple numbers game. Even if 1 German soldier was worth 5 Russian soldiers, they could not win as Russia had the numbers and the bakcing from America.

They tried to fuck with USSR

Supposing yourself to be superior intrinsically indicates that you are not superior. To know beyond all doubt that one is supreme is to be supreme. There is only room for superlativity.

Because socialism never works.

Because they went to war with too many enemies simultaneously.
If they would finish off Anglos before attacking USSR, they wouldn't lose this badly.

As a civic nationalist I can tell you Hitler was a cuck

How was Russia crippled because of WW2? It became the second superpower because of it.

stay mad faschy

truth is, wwii was his war to lose. he had every opportunity to win but his ego was too big, the system too corrupt that he ultimately lost.

a great leader doesn't have his top generals conspire to assassinate him.

and a great leader doesn't let his own people be killed by a rain of artillery when defeat is certain.

Hitler is scum.

The point is if you began an invasion we would have gotten in faster than you could say achtung. Invading England wouldn't have been a matter of simply rolling through like a continental invasion. It would have taken weeks, and that is JUST England we are talking about.

He was a megalomaniac who wanted to conquer the world, and got beat.

spreading even thinner would have been a great idea

Oh, you...

This. Its pretty impressive one country held out against the allies so long

Germany military deathcount: 5.3 million
USSR: 8.7 million.

>Hitler wanted to take over the whole world

Honestly, what do your world history teachers tell you?

That's true. But he was mainly shocked because Russia wasn't ready to fight Germany yet and he wanted to delay the fighting at least 1 more year. His aides recounted that he was physically stunned and threw fits of rage at the news.

Russia came within an inch of its life and lost like 10 million people, plus it did the hard bloody work of defeating the Germans. Two birds with one stone etc.

> Yes because they were going to attack them
And for what purpose? To get more terrirory, I presume

A 2.5 to 1 kill-death-ratio advantage but 1 to 3 economic disadvantage inevitably loses.

Fucking Jews.

at that point we still had air superiority and the submarines. I really dont think you would have been able to cross the atlantic without heavy losses

Stole? Afraid not. That was ours for the taking.

Russians and Jews are superior master race, Russian and Jewish immigrants are more successful than the native English or Americans, the western countries are jealous and always create plots and information wars to destroy our races. The Russian corrupted government is a puppet of the USA, they exist to justify existence of NATO and the military corruption in Russia.

Hitler invaded russia

>knowing this he went to war
>its the jews fault

its like going into Detroit screaming nigger and hoping not to be beat up by the end of the night.

All the jew shills itt

I hope youll understand one day

Youre all being misled by jewish media, history written by the winners

Allied with Italy. Sleep with dogs, wake up with fleas etc.

England was your staging post. Without it you couldn't really enter the war in Europe.

Think of the logistics required to invade France from the East Coast. The ships bombarding the fortifications would have done so under enemy air superiority. The transports bringing the first wave and all reinforcements and all supply would have to cross the Atlantik. With the U-Boot warfare going on and without the Royal Navy to help.

There is no US involvement in Europe without the UK.

You would have still won against the Japanese, but had made white peace wirh the Reich sooner or later.

How much damage do you imagine an invasion of the UK would have incurred though? You would have been staging an amphibious invasion at the same time you propose to be policing the Atlantic.

If it was realistic Hitler would have done it.

He underestimated how much the kikes had corrupted Britain and the US.

Based Italy destroyed the Axis from within.

The good guys usually only win in movies

>except that he regularly said that jews ran the us

u dont know history very well do you?

Historians agree that Operation Barbossa was logical as the Soviets was already planning to invade Germany. Germany's idea of dealing the first strike was incalculable in keeping their borders safe.

Hitler's mistake was being too aggressive about it, attacking on winter, refusing to give better arms on his soldiers, and of course, investing litterally everything on Stalingrad, which hold no major roads, no trading port, no decent airfield, not even political command. Nothing but hjistorical and cultural value that the Russians love
Hitler was warned about it and he did not listen

I read that at the end he thought the German people deserved to be pillaged by the Soviets because they didn't try hard enough, or weren't loyal enough, or something. He was crazy.

> Historians agree that Operation Barbossa was logical as the Soviets was already planning to invade Germany

For what purpose?

nah. history is written by scholars who have the benefit to evaluate truth.

stop parroting mw2 quotes u fucking idiot. you have no idea how modern historical research is conducted so fuck off. this isn't a propaganda piece, this is a scholarly endevaour. hitler's defeat in wwii is more researched than the collapse of rome and several universities and professors have dedicated decades to this topic.

the fact that you even dare to just spout retarded quotes as if u know any anything just proves how arrogant the average fascist joker is.

you guys deserve to lose and if we could replay wwii a thousand times, we'd win 1000 times because hitler is a JOKE.

Because they depended on Japan while fighting multiple other fronts against world powers.
And Japan threw it in.

What do you mean "lose"?

They kill 6 gorillian Jews before anyone could even stop them.

> Hitler's mistake was being too aggressive about it, attacking on winter,
My boy, June is a first month of smmer, and he attacked us in 22nd of it.

What are you talking about? Japan lasted longer than Germany. Italy fucked them up more than any other ally.

The British royals, which have German lineage actually funded Hitler's rise to power. Also US industrialists like Ford and IBM. They got their investment back through payments from the slave labor. Numbers in the camps were counted with IBM machines and Ford engines were in the German trucks that rolled into Poland.

Hitler was incompetent as a military strategist, he didn't let the competent generals call the shots.

Other key factors were the British radar which allowed the smaller Brit air force defeat the superior German one.

And the Allies breaking the German code machine

>10 million

>shitty commie tactics and disregard for life makes the Germans superior
No my dude

Germany's economy was highly dependent on their war-loots. The moment the war ended is the moment they shall collapse.
I don't know if Stalin knows about it but no decent leader would ever allow a military nation to grow bigger especially when it is right at your own borders

True, but he severely underestimated the upcoming winter and thought that everything would be over before Christmas.

Because the allies had 3 times the human capital and 6 times the financial capital of the Axis. Germany-Italy-Japan weren't exactly the most powerful countries on the planet.

well look at us now, we might have no kikes here but they have been replaced with sandniggers

Yes he spoke about the demise of the German people by Soviets in a sort of pseudo Darwinist manner. He actually tried to obstruct civilians from fleeing by having the SS and hitler youth troops execute fleeing men.

He didn't speak about America much. When he did, he spoke approvingly of segregation and eugenics, but admitted we were run by a Jewish oligarchy. FDR was against going to war and Hitler didn't think they would declare war.

Hitler did consider Britain to be a brother nation and figured that America would follow Britain's lead. Churchill really screwed us.

That's inciding 18 millions of killed civilians.

which is worse, jews or arabs?


ha ha ha ha i love rusky's humor

who even gave you sheepfucker the right to post in this thread? Only real nations allowed