On a serious note. Is it even possible to convert a liberal? I've tried red pilling friends who voted Hillary but they're literally to stubborn too agree with me.
On a serious note. Is it even possible to convert a liberal...
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You guys converted me
My GF brought me around to gun ownership and the idea that a bunch of immigrants from the mid east may not be the best idea for our society (my caveat being we need better assimilation programs, but none the less)
No, they will always have leftist tendencies even if they claim to convert sides, because their genetics are r-selected.
Present straight forward facts, but I say that knowing they'll deny it anyways. If that fails just try to keep politics out of it.
Sometimes, stuff like this converted me. I wasn't a liberal, just kinda conservative. Now I'm 14/88
Same story.
My wife is heavily invested into NatSoc ideology. I was a full libtard back when we've met.
I'm still a meme centrist, but i remember getting triggered by her '44 German cup she uses for tea. Silly younger days ;^)
>Awkward asberger riddles dorks from Sup Forums scream at their friends about how their opinions are wrong
>Shits in his hand and presents "facts" trying to convert anyone
Maybe just slowly bring up news that might make them raise an eyebrow. Like a normal person.
Literally just look bored and be like "whoa holy shit have you seen this??" to plant seeds of doubt.
no its who they are
it would be like you listening to a brand new genre of music and clothing
the only thing to do it since there weak liberals already is charmingly be superior know your right and have them go lol here we go again
Ya'll never present straight forward facts though. you wear your bias on your sleeve. You also argue from pure mechanical efficiency while failing to see that for us libfag types we exist in a world of feeling. Check out Tennessee Williams Streetcar for a good example of this dichotomy.
[CENTER][B]AIPAC Protest March 26th 2017 Exposing Israel & Jew World Order Control Of America In Washington D.C.[/B]
Featuring: Chris Dorsey, Kyle Hunt, David D., John S.
Aka the only four Self-Respecting European Americans who showed up.
Download & Reupload this!
There's a download link under the video.
Direct Download Link (.MP4) is available at the Archive.org link above.
No one cares faggot.
Yes, but it takes your knowledge and their experiences, either witnessing it or themselves being the victim.
who are you trying to convert, what do they believe, what do you say to them, and what do they say to you when you try to convert them?
why is he so perfect lads?
they are too far gone you can't help them. better to take out back to the cuckshed and put a bullet in them
Entirely possible. You have to do it emotionally. It's literally the only way. Facts are nice details, but it's the emotional impact that matters. You don't convince them you're right, you make your way feel good, and they convince themselves.
That's not quiet right. You are close. Ultimately we libfags try to encourage unity and consensus. Your goal here should be to to prove your ideology creates the greatest peace and prosperity for all.
And then someday emotions swing them back the other way. These are people incapable of principle. Only God can change them.
>he fell for the rational debate meme
Fuck off with your nihilist bullshit.
if they get mugged, home invasion, witness any number of things such as seeing the people they welcome to their country not being servile and appreciative
it's impossible, because their brain is on a reset, and everytime you redpill and prove them wrong in their arguments, they go on youtube and see some jerk circle liberal rhetoric and believe it again
no, its not.
if circumstances allow, they will come around on their own.
you can't force the redpill. everyone must take it for themselves.
Perhaps try a more rogerian approach, a little compromise goes a long way.
Give her that Right-wing Gorilla dick my man. She'll convert in no time.
Same. Post pic of cup, so I can l find similar one for my gf.
Yes, I've gradually redpilled a friend of mine who used to identify as a full-on Socialist who got most of his news from TYT.
As of today, he supports very lightly-regulated but otherwise free market Capitalism, border control, Nationalism, Trump's travel ban specifically, and is anti-globalization. He's also anti-feminism, though he's always sort of called that bullshit out to some extent, and is now generally skeptical of "hate crime" reports. This is almost entirely my own doing, but you're going to need someone who is at least open-minded enough to be willing to listen to opposing points of view.
On this note, does anybody know of any good red--pilling resources they can share? I'm talking mid-level stuff. Like the step before the sort of things Black Pigeon Speaks might talk about in a video.
The only way to convert a liberal is by marrying one. She will take on your political views over night. Women just wing it politically until they find a man and then they believe whatever he believes.
>hey guise Trump is totally a Jew puppet
>u guise fucked up u totally should have voted for the other Jew puppet
>lol now u guise r fuked u elected a Jew puppet for president instead of a Jew puppet
t. not a Jew puppet, I swear
Everyone here is a disenfranchised liberal whether theyll admit it or not
Were living proof.
true for me
was a bernout..
such disappointment
yeh i was a bernout
anyone else experiencing posting issues?
>associating with liberals in this day
Only ones that possess rationality and the ability to hold open minded dialogue.
Extend all their ideas further, Who pays for that? Why should they pay for it? What does that do the economy? What are the negative consequences?Who manages it? What happens if it becomes corrupted? Is it based in objective reality?
Liberal arguments fall apart under further questioning. Right-ists arguments all have a firm economic background and foundation.
i've never done it successfully. you have to want the redpill. i'm trying desperately with my gf she's gotten to the point where she gets annoyed if i try convincing her whites are under attack. liberals are just like us they just can't stomach the truth.
Haha that's like literally saying that you can take the nazi out of the third reich.
But you literally can't even take the third reich out of the nazi.
You fucking subhuman facist faggots are so far up your own ass you can't smell the shit in there anymore.
Are you so stubborn to realize that russia literally gave babyhands the election?
The right is never right!
awesome post man keep up the good work
I am a converted liberal, so, yes, it's possible.
The trick is to finesse them. Drop little pills here and there until they become more receptive to what you're saying. Impress them with your knowledge.
If you try to blast them with it all at once, their programming kicks in and they fall back to calling you a "RAYCISS MUH SOGGY NIST HO MO FOBE."
Gain their trust, demonstrate your genuine knowledge, drop little pills here and there and work your way up to big pills.
This. I voted for Obama twice and prior to 2015 I pretty much considered myself liberal, most people I've spoken to here have said something similar. I think most intelligent people grow out of being liberal eventually, unless they either were born into money and take it for granted or have never lived among non-whites. The key to turning the tide is going to be redpilling younger generations so they don't become liberal in the first place.
Yeah I've been getting connection errors all night. Sup Forums hasn't worked properly since gook moot took over.
You can't go too far all at once with most people dude. Gotta gradually break down that liberal bubble they've surrounded themselves with.
>friends who voted Hillary
People who actually voted for Shillary are beyond help. I was super-liberal for 20 years (the Muslim invasion of Europe in 2015 finally woke me up), but even then I knew the Clintons were corrupt-as-fuck corporate puppets akin to Bush or Obama.
I can't even imagine the levels of self-delusion it must take to convince yourself that Killary is a "good person" and not a murderous sociopath.
Shillary supporters are so cucked, they believe every word of the MSM and never question a single thing in their entire lives. They have no critical-thinking skills.
have you redpilled anyone?
>people say altruism and kind naïveté is the mark of the blonde beast of the northlands
>people also say these are the marks of weakness despite them being prevalent in men who conquered the world
I want to help, but I hate niggers, but then I want to help them, but I don't want them in white society, but then I enjoy their company sometimes, but then some of them do stupid shit, sometimes I think they should all be removed or destroyed, other times I think they should be taught and rehabilitated so as to live peacefully in their own communities.
This friendirino gets it
Never go full 1488.
Catch them younger. Show them Mr Chang hwndu vids.
Yes, See
Don't use facts. Don't push facts.
You must use storytelling.
Play with their natural tendencies, habits
Be honest OP, if somebody presented an argument to you that proved that your closely held beliefs were wrong, would you accept them and change your beliefs or would you stand there and argue?
It's human nature to be resistant to new ideas.
Just this evening I had a friend listen and ask questions about the Nazis and holocaust for about 3 hours.
I said nothing untrue, provided proof, and have always been trustworthy with this person.
The were totally receptive and I belive convinced that Hitler was a great man and a hero, and that Jews are,and always have been, satanic villains.
I have, a true success story
My roommate started as a Bernout and he ended up voting Trump, now watches Hitler speeches
Hes almost entirely full blooded German, once he got his 23andme results back I was in there like swimwear
I started him out with uncle Jared Taylor BTFO an entire college, waited patiently for his programming to fall to the wayside, then asked him if his parents ever talked about life in Germany. Specifically, did they ever mention WHY Hitler killed all those Jews?
The rest is history famalam
You set them up and let them figure the rest out on their own. Just like if someone were to try and force their beliefs on you, theyre no different, it wont work.
You can't force a redpill. It has to make sense to the person you're delivering it to whether they're a logical person who listens to reasonable information or a nitwit who requires explicit appeals to their sensibilities.
I don't even accept most of the "redpills" you roleplaying faggots dispense, but now and again you drop a good one that I carry into my real life. For instance, you faggots go off on Jews all the time, yet occasionally you make a valid point, like Israel allowing a private company to survey the Golan Heights for oil- A nice, empirical redpill where actual jews are out to drink some syrian milkshake.
There is no reason to LARP around like a neo-nazi fuck because that is very easily used as fodder to discredit your opinions whether their reasoning is sound or not. It is better to behave like a normal person and simply tell people to fuck off with their huffpost, vox and vice horseshit.
As far as race- statistics speak for themselves far louder than anything else and citing them is far less likely to land you on some antifa hitlist than spouting "nigger" left and right.
You can't convert a liberal with logic and words, they just tune it out. You gotta convert them through memes and humor.
Stop being a faggot and forcing your views on people. Revealing your powerlevel and "Let me tell you about the joos" Isn't dropping red pills. You just alienate people and push them further to the left.
You need to be subtle about it, ask soft and safe questions. Act like you agree with their views, but point out that one little flaw that sticks out. Don't act like it's a big deal, just something you've always wondered about. It's when they begin to question it themselves that they open their eyes. Let them come to their own conclusion and find their own answers.
there's a difference though, I bet most people here were "liberal" 8 years ago for Obonga, meaning we were like 13 or 14 years old at the time, so it's pretty meaningless to designate children and teenagers were followers of a certain ideology, since we were young enough that we would believe anything without much thought
Look at Sup Forums. It's full of redditfags that are ex-liberals that got redpilled. The blatant hatred of white men and the mountain of scientific evidence for race realism and evolutionary psychology are the red pills that can convert the non-retarded liberals.
Bernouts are actually really easy to redpill, at least on certain things.
Yes, with those who utilize logic and reasoning to come to Liberal viewpoints. Cognitive dissonance shows itself on the Left and the Right though, so realize that even though the Left is currently the "feels party", the Right has a serious conundrum of accepting reality as well. Not trying to say "weal bodth sides du it 2", but it is entirely plausible to convert someone on either side to the other.
that's awesome. my gf has dual US/German citizenship, so i've tried coming from that angle but it doesn't quite work. she's conceded that it's reasonable for me to think that the german's had every right to kick out the jews, but doesn't believe it herself. she also thinks there should be an english language requirement for immigrants.
i spent 3 years redpilling myself idk how to get someone else to do it. i was always the most openly racist person i knew to begin with.
post link to jared taylor video?
Underrated comment. Alpha dog that shit. Eventually your friends will look to you to grow successful, or you will grow apart.
God damn thats an effective weapon, thanks friendo Ill be using this one
Bernouts and Trump supporters are proof of horseshoe theory, theyre mainly pissed about the same things they just have different ideas about how to solve them is all.
Fool me once...
>If You Are Not a Liberal at 20, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 30 You Have No Brain
People are easily influenced, but at the same time, it's very difficult to convince someone that what they think is wrong with a single or a few conversations.
You can only influence people in the long term, leave imprints of yourself on them. But if someone's entire entourage has some set of beliefs they exert a greater influence, it'll be very difficult to counter that.
When discussing the American election with my sister she literally screamed at me and slammed the door when I brought up Hillary's role in the Honduran military coup that overthrew a democratically elected leader and led to death squads killing dissidents. Hillary supporters aren't motivated by reason.
Nice digits
I have to admit this video is a pretty heavy dose of redpill for someone just starting out, but he was pissed about some dindus rioting and attacking white people so it was prime time for truth bombs
Be patient, wait for an opening and then attack
As a former liberal, I would say it's very very difficult to persuade a liberal through an argument or so-called redpill memes. You can plant seeds of doubt or show gaps in their logic, but ultimately it is they themselves who change their minds.
In my case I didn't need persuasion, I got redpilled naturally over the course of events. It all began when people began treating Michael Brown as some sort of innocent martyr and justified rioting, destruction of property, racist statements towards whites.
>Is it even possible to convert a liberal?
Yes, but it's difficult, I'll give you that.
You have to be smart as fuck to pull it off.
Although, I have a single image that can redpill anyone to death.
Don't ask me to post it, you masochists.
All great conservatives were once liberal. I remember being a young man and thinking I would always be a democrat.It wasn't until I got older that I realized conservatism was supremee.
Stop. Many Hillary supporters were like your sister but many also weren't fueled by feelings. A lot of individuals looked at the two candidates and said they'll vote for the least worst. Obviously the choice goes two ways and people try to rationalize which pick they decide upon, but many Hillary supporters begrudgingly voted for her even though they didn't like her. You can definitely rationalize with an opposing viewpoint, but if one is too rooted in ideology there is no way at all.
This one is a bit more informative.
>Don't ask me to post it, you masochists.
This is why:
Yet Bernie still supported Hillary like a cuck
Watch it starting from 1:08:19
Every time I get on Sup Forums you make me see this whore's pasty face, is there a way to filter worst koreans?
He didn't want to spite the party and he legitimately thought Hillary was better. She obviously wasn't but if he didn't endorse her she would have lost even worse, perhaps even the popular vote. Bernie still sold out, but understand why he did first.
There are 4 types of people in terms of Globalism and Kikery
I'll spell it out for you
>Purposefully against Globalism
Donald Trump, Andrew Jackson, John F Kennedy, Le Pen, Nigel Farage.
>Incidentally against Globalism
Bernie Sanders, Anarchists, assorted types of communists, North Korea.
>Incidentally in favor of Globalism
Most libtards
>Purposefully in favor of Globalism
George Soros, Rothschilds, Hillary, etc.
Yes, he did. But he also believes that open borders would be an inherently bad thing for the US or any other nation. Hopefully you can see the value in the fact that Bernouts obviously look(ed) up to the man who holds this belief, but who might not even be aware that he does.
Can confirm
I have never had a heart
Beta Orbiter Korean, Ciara doesn't know you exist nor would she care if she did know. She is a parasite that would only us you. She's damaged goods.
>you faggots go off on Jews all the time
Read culture of critique
>Ciara doesn't know you exist
Nice little redpill youve got there friendo, mind if I swallow it?
Swallow away. It's worth mentioning that the people who are incidentally against globalist kikery, would eventually be in favor of it if they got their way.
>bitches about out-of-touch, ivy league snob, over-intellectual Hillary supporters
>puzzled about the inability to fool them with Trump bullshit
the mindset of a conservative
no wonder they're "winning so much"
nice moar
Bout as easy as converting pagans into Catholics english.cbck.or.kr
Wow what an ID.
Far too many voted for her because of feelings though, and they're just as good of a target, they just need to be approached very differently, and they'll take longer.
The thing about ideologically voting for Hillary is that she doesn't have an ideology, other than vague neo-liberal globalism and self-service, so chipping away at whatever the actual ideology of the voter is, with how Hilldawg contradicts it, is a slow but sure way to begin to turn them around.
Bump for bug fucker
Yes, theres this ugly chick that tries to be my friend or something, she told me she supported bernie. Then i showed her rape statistics, murder statistics and shit. And now shes reconsidering her choices
arguments don't work for many. you have to address their emotions and really make them feel
Anything for Bug fucker
Almost everyone starts off Liberal. School brainwashes people for their entire lives. Most people learn at their own pace at their own time that propaganda was jammed down their throats. It just takes time.
Yeah I agree. I was super liberal growing up. That's the millenial generation for you.
>convert a liberal
Oh boy I can imagine that
Did you know the Jews run the banks
>That's so fucking racist
But they do. And many jews push hate for white people and want third world countries to flood white countries
>So what of it?
Don't you think it's a little weird in perspective?
>I can't even
>Let's agree to disagree