Im a climate expert


Did the holocaust really happen?

Humans are beasts, who cares who killed who

when is the runaway greenhouse going to turn earth into a venutian hellscape? it seems like al gore might have exaggerated the direness of the situation a bit.


Did you know polar bears can swim?

Do you believe African blacks have lower intelligence, on average, than other races?

Why is noone ever anyone talking about how we currently are in the ice age and that it becomming warmer and colder is a natural progress and that if anything only the speed its heating up should be worrysome and not the heating up itself?
Its almost like they dont want people to think rationally and factual about it but only want to install fear into the peoples mind

>Its almost like they dont want people to think rationally and factual about it but only want to install fear into the peoples mind

Excuse me, but this entire theory has been debunked over and over and over, you're the one that is not thinking rationally, instead choosing to grip to this one thing so you don't need to deal with reality. That idiocy what is scaring the living hell out of the rest of us.

Once the arctic melts fully, we will see. If no surprises come, then runaway GW it will be. A surprise could be greenland melting so fast that it will preserve the methane under water


>doesn't give exact date


Remember when algore said all the ice will melt 10 years ago?

Because that is not what we are talking about, thats why nooone ever talks about it

What is your opinion on pic related?
I'm thinking if we can finally come to a consensus, mangkind will benefit greatly.

>Climate expert
>Went to Sup Forums

No such thing as a climate (((expert)))

when these two curves come together. Might be this year if things turn bad. When they meet, we will know if runaway will happen or not.

>No such thing as a climate (((expert)))
No such thing as (((Climate)))

forgot pic

How much do the jews pay you to lie?


climate change critics know they don't have a leg to stand on in the published scientific literature, so they want keep the actual findings of climatologists invisible and instead focus all attention on inconsequential garbage like Al Gore or a handful of sentence fragments within thousands of private e-mails. Anything except what's real, as long as the discussion can be derailed

wont happen. Ignorants will love the apocalypse

Aren't the polar ice caps aberrations that only appear during ice ages?

Are we unnatural because we formed as a species during an awkward cooling time instead of as a hot tropical climate master race?

Didn't it take over 50k years for the Permian extinction to actually kill the majority of life on Earth off? I know climate change is scary, but since it took 6 billion tons of co2 equivalent about 50k years, wouldn't that mean our 9 billion tons of Co2 equivalent would give us at least a few millennia, roughly estimating?

nice opinion you have of yourself

Is the global warming real and what is going to happen with the Earth? I don't want my snow to disappear for fuck's sake

Holy shit we're fucked.
How come Tuvalu still exists?

lie to who? I am not making propaganda

>Ignorants will love the apocalypse
You do realize Apocalypse means the revealing, right?

People tend to discuss things at their intelligence level. Things they understand. That is why they discuss simple shit. Discussing climate in a room of politicians would be for them like discussing integrals. They would go into childhood mode, when they didnt do the homework, and flee the room.

How much do governments pay you to promote theories which give them a basis to expand government authority?

what are all the factors that go into creating the climate?

How's the leather?

Looking back at the predictions made in the 1970s-1990s, don't you think you experts exaggerated a little bit?

I remember watching documentaries in 1990 that predicted that humanity would be extinct by 2010. I was a kid and this felt pretty scary.I remember they sad Florida would be underwater by now.

Solar insolation, albedo, aerosol concentration, concentration of greenhouse gases,

You can fool me I know all about the lies you and the jews tell us goyum

>Im a climate expert
I do not care about the climate.

>Whites are going extinct! Fuck whitey!
>Save the planet!

Since, chicks, niggers, and spics are taking over the world I hope the Earth burns to a crisp and kills them all.

When ice caps are large you call it ice age, where is the problem?

Your second question is not about climate

You dont need to compare yourself to something in the past if you have direct observations. The rate of extinction we have now is goddam fast, and can get faster a lot.

A gave you gold, you pizza.

You can take my Permian comparison to get that Nobel peace prize now.

Because the sea hasn't swallowed it yet. Melting of land ice swells oceans, not sea ice.

not a fan of religions. I will pack my engineering books when it comes, not the bible.

Isn't the rate of extinction due to encroachment of territory and tarnishing the food supply within the base levels of the food chain though?

I thought we were in the 6th extinction purely because of population proportion and land abuse

How can you be an expert on anything when we didn't even know how glaciers grow until just a couple years ago?

I dont promote, I live my life with knowledge, with a girl, prepping for tomorrow.

So the current position in the climate cycle is completely irrelevent to the predictions and interpretations, even though by far warner temperatures are completely normal during the course of history up to the point that completely melted icecaps are no anomaly as this marks the end of an iceage when the poles arent frozen the whole year. So all we should consider is that it gets warmer and should be worried, and ifnore the instances in the past that shows its completely normal so far. Gotcha

Sun, heat capacity of air soil and water, atmospheric properties when hit by sun rays, deposits of material that can be released, cycle of elements that allow life, experience and more...

But to make it simple, just check the arctic. Its the factor that tells you most, and fast, right now.

the comparable cases (where temperatures did shoot up within a relatively short interval of time) AREN'T normal, they're recognized in the fossil record as times of major perturbations, faunal turnover, re-organization of the carbon cycle and times when both terrestrial and marine ecosystems got kicked around.

If you would like to subject human civilization to that (which has so far only existed during the climatically very stable Holocene), then you're welcome.

Predictions were off in different ways. Some things are in fact much worse than predictions now.. If you want more accurate predictions, check the predictions produced today.

So when is the land ice finally going to melt? When is Tuvalu Going to disappear?

If you would respond that would be fucking fantastic.

I wish all non educated died

Ocean acidification due to carbon in the atmosphere will seal the deal. The title of this tale reads "anoxic event"

We are most likely not the first civilization
Furthermore i sayed if something the speed the warming happens with should be considered a problem, but not the heating up itself. Also when we consider its a relatively cold moment in the climate cycle it isnt as worrying when it heats up quickly, as when it doesn when we already have a relatively warm climate. So the current state of climate in relation to past temperatures is important yet never talked about

That is called being even more expert. Your education level is not measured against future knowledge

How long do we have and how are you going to prepare?

Are you talking about "anomaly" for a planet, or for our society?

If runaway gw kicks in, then you will live to see it for sure, and die of it too

If all the chicks, niggers, and spics die many of your man made climate change issues would be negated.

So I suggest all you climate gurus run your faggot asses over to China or any of the African/Asian/South American countries and tell them to be carbon neutral or they should die so you can save the planet.

Seriously, KYS. Fuck the Earth and all you kike agenda pushing puppets.

>Some things are in fact much worse than predictions now.

For example??

In terms of human adaptation, don't think climate change isn't a big deal? Human population is still growing. The prices of commodities adapted to the growing demand. We can still buy food. In fact, food has gotten cheaper for most people around the world.

There haven't been massive casualties that could be considered as threatening to our existence. Right? Can we agree on this?

Now back in the 1990s I remember seeing predictions that we would be living in a post apocalyptic world by now.

Earth will see 99% species disappear, the equators will sustain no life, and a few thousand super adaptable species will populate the poles. Nuclear plants, that need 20 years to be shut down, will blow up one after the other, so humans that will survive will be at the poles, under the soil.

Planet. For our civilization the climate change (not manmade climate change or global warming) might become a very important issue in the future, but it makes more sense to prepare for those changes, instead of trying to prevent the inevitable and normal

Learn engineering. You will survive if you will be able to build a functioning infrastracture for as many people as possible. If not, you will be outside an infrastructure, begging to get in

What is 'runaway GW'? Can you speak English without acronyms? I thought you came here to clarify our questions.

Can you post something that proves your expertise?

I hope to be ready before the next blow up of a nuclear power plant. In any case not more than 5 years. After that, you will have lots of anarchy to go through to grab a piece of land and starting to defend it.

Why can I pee without pooping, but I can't poop without peeing?

Rec books, please.

i think he means a runaway greenhouse effect where we turn into venus,

I push for depopulation, i dont believe humans can save the planet, and so thinks the planet.

how can you claim to be a climate expert when there's literally no such thing


Why haven't you committed suicide yet?

Interesting. If you're not a Jew I suppose we should try and cool down the Earth somehow. Thicken the ozone layer as well. I'm not a scientist but I'm sure it's accomplishable. It'd probably kill off the darkies that need a lot of UV radiation as a bonus.

>I push for depopulation
Start pushing the mass murder of the worthless chicks, niggers, and spics when you talk about climate with people IRL.

What color does a Smurf turn, if you choke it?

do you you prefer to poop first thing after you get up or later on in the morning?

Some things I see are already post apocalyptic. Things we did not expect: coral reef to disappear this year, amazon forest to burn down in 5 years, methane deposits under the arctic that will soon come out, 7000 crater explosions of methane in siberia... the list is very long my friend.

Human adaptation will happen, but only the smart will adapt. So yes, humans will adapt. No question about, but 99% wont, i hope.

>I push for depopulation
Have you.done a vasectomy? Do you have children? Be honest.I'm trying to understand what people who push for depopulation actually do to help their cause.

Also, if you push for depopulation, why do you care about policy? Just let clearly ok mate change kill everyone and the world will depopulate. Natural selection will take care of it.

So your plan is to build infrastructure to protect a great number of people near the poles in less than 5 years?

*Clearly ok mate = climate change. I'm on mobile.

Why do aliens abduct humans if we are inferior?

For what purpose?

>clearly ok mate

Sure. Earth has a deposit of methane that was built throughout the last hundreds of thousands of years. Global Warming (GW) is causing that methane to be released from the deposits (they are in the arctic mainly). When those deposits go off, then the atmosphere will be so filled in methane that it will be similar to the atmosphere of venus, which is a few hundreds celsius. That is ruanaway global warming, when you have to runaway from the planet.

no, i intend to stay anonymous

There is no point in doing anything maybe when temperatures are 3 degrees higher in 50000 years will we think to do something

Why do they rubbing alcohol & cotton swab someone's arm before a lethal injection?

Please answer

thoughts on siberia being much warmer with huge herds of wooly mammoths when NA was completely covered in glaciers?

Because the person is supposed to die from the lethal injection, not the lethal infection.

All basic sciences are a MUST. Then focus on water filtering and how to build an alternator that will produce enrgy. If you can produce water and energy, you rule the land in which you produce. Then focus on something you are passionate about. AVOID all books for preppers. The real books are in universities. Books for preppers get you into loser mode. You need the colonizer mode.

Why is it, when traffic is slowest, it's called rush hour?

Who predicted that the Amazon will burn down in 5 years?? How is this even possible? The Amazon is still huge. Sorry but this is laughable.

I asked you for examples of things that turned out to be worse than past predictions and you gave me another prediction!!!

After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?

Its too late to accomplish anything as humans. At this point the fastest route to global reset is that we just leave. Affecting climate takes little steps, in a century time, like we just did for the last century.

while the shower gets hot, so usually first thing

Can fat people go skinny dipping?

Ok thanks for clarifying it.

I hope climate change will kill all, i never said the opposite. I think the best thing to do now is give up and save your ass. Be comfy when the world burns.