>2017: Year of the ANTIFA civil war
>Doesn't own a gun
Nice to know you don't value your life or your race
>2017: Year of the ANTIFA civil war
>Doesn't own a gun
Nice to know you don't value your life or your race
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And most of the people that own guns don't have much ammo. It's sad.
If you own a gun and aren't physically fit you don't deserve to use a gun.
That goes to all of you /k/ browsing anime patch wearing manchildren.
>owning a M&P Shield Bodyguard
Good luck when that paperweight doesn't work or malfunctions and something significant breaks
>not having a rifle
that little pocket rocket is a civilian weapon not a war weapon
Believe me OP, I want one. Not quite 21 yet though.
If you get into an urban scuffle it's much more practical.
nigger I got a black belt in jew jitsu and I've balanced my yin and yang.
come @ me with your guns
nigga just hunker down and wait, theyll destroy themselves.
What's it like to have freedom?
>tfw the government has no clue about a dozen of your 4 dozen guns, yet all are legally owned.
>hundreds of magazines, tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition all delivered to your door.
feels good man.
Just make sure you don't implicate yourself via text/messenger/social media posts when it comes to your displeasure with Antifa. If you ever actually shot and kill one of those dipshit anarchists you better hope it's a clean shoot otherwise bet on everything you've ever said about Antifa being used against you court.
Literally have a small arsenal of legally purchased items... And some souvenirs from my pop's wartime antics.
I'm good, and waiting of chimpout.
Post loadout
Those ammo pouches... If someone was packing that It would make me extremely nervous from previous encounters with individuals packing them, just look at 1991-1995...
I prefer my stanag mags neatly packed on my british surplus vest ;)
Schlocking her with the Glock
I have an M1 carbine with 1,000 rounds and 10 magazines and I live in California. I'd like to see the commies try to pull their shit in Tulare county beacuse I guaran-fucking-tee that shit would NOT fly here.
What's a good amount of ammo to hoard? No upper limit? Now that I have a fairly sizeable safe, I intend to start hoarding ammo.
The other day, I ordered 1000 rounds of 5.56 and 1000 rounds of 9mm online. It was all shipped directly to my home.
Freedom feels really good.
How quickly did the green hats go?
fellow calicuck here, ~5000 rounds and I think I need more
>neck deep in SJW territory, but at least I get a front row seat for the happenings
fucking kek you fit every sterotype
oops pic
I had a whole arsenal but sadly they were all lost in a horrific boating accident involving my wife's son.
5k rounds of what calibre for what gun?
The M1 Carbine I bought wasn't my first choice when I was looking for a semi auto rifle. I was going to buy an FN49 in 8mm Muaser at my local pawn shop but someone bought it before I could get the money to buy it.
At least .30 carbine is dirt cheap and you can actually buy spare mags on eBay.
Is that what they call a "gun muff-ler"?
It's too bad I live in commie-fornia, but at least I still have my assault spork (for now).
>Live in Commiefornia
>Still have more freedom than a Britbong
I'm honestly shocked that CA has no knife blade length limit for carrying. I could EDC my 6" Ti Lite if I wanted to.
Imagine the UPS or Fedex guy knokcing on Your door. What could it be? Oh thats right its the 1000 round bulk package of xm855 5.56 ammo you just bought
>the government has no clue about my guns!
>posts about them online
have you not been paying attention?
At least we have guns and licenses to carry
2700 7.62x39
1100 5.56
I'm glad I managed to snap up the Garand last fall. I heard the CMP will run out of them in two years
>Sup Forums show off their guns
>it's always cheap plastic shit
I'm lmaonoguns and even I know how pathetic you cucks look.
I have a m&p shield 9mm compact. It's a great ccw gun. I also have a wasr 10/63(ak47), AR-15, S&W SD40VE, 2 12 gauges and a moist nugget.
>still being datamined
baka Sup Forums you should all know better.
Lemme guess: SKS. I almost bought a Norinco one in 2015 but I needed the money I had at the time for other shit.
I thought the CMP had already run out of Garands. I fucking hope they import the ones from Korea and America enters another golden age of cheap milsurp.
Can a non citizen order one for export via an FFL willing to do so ?
>he doesn't know that polymer is superior for firearms
I'm going to buy mine in second hand. How do I know if the gun is still of quality and not too used? If I already know about the brand and model.
Awwww! Did Abbos huff all your petrol again? Is that why 'Straya is so cranky tonight?
Talk to your local Croatian gun dealer.
Not bad
My emphasis was on the cheap m80
Look at the barrel. Make sure there is no rust, and check the action a few times. What gun are you buying BTW?
>polymer is cheap
Simple answer is no...I have an import permit and have been ITAR cleared before as I've ordered some controlled stuff from the states, just that my FFL i worked with has gone into reirement.
I have a ww2 era M1 numbers matching, but i want a special from the CMP lineup.
>Antifa Civil War
Literally zero chance of this happening
Those potato ergonomics... Never again.
i dont think the maga hat can realy conceal your ak47
Have you ever carried a gun? I would prefer my polymer m&p to a full metal gun everyday.
>all polymers are the same
Bet you'd buy a gun made from PVA if I told you it made you look cool, although you'd probably just eat it.
What did Kek mean by this? I guess Antifa won't fall apart though infighting.
Find another FFL in America I guess. Do they usually work with foreigners?
I didn't even know you could import guns in Eurocuckistan.
That is a AR, Hans. C'mon I'm German, get your shit together for the Reich.
from a nigger. Guns are illegal in Belgium
what mean "check the action a few times"?
WTF are you gonna do with that piece of shit pea-shooter when I smoke your head clean off at 1000 yards?
after the 1st shot was fired those antifa faggots would drop their weapons and run like bitches.
I had some talks with Johnson from Miami but the conversation went blank...
We have our own sick and twisted laws and will not be re-adjusting to the EU laws until i think 2020 or something like that.
But as the shit is smelling currently by 2020 we're all gonna be dead or separated again.
Mate i get to have full auto guns made before 1991 if i play my cards right and do the yearly physical and re-issuing of the permits.
Cycle the bolt a few times to see how smoothly it works. If it locks up the gun might need cleaning.
>he doesn't own guns
Nigger you can buy AKs in South Auckland
Pull the trigger (without any ammo loaded) and look and listen.
I own a few guns, but where is your rifle Op?
They fucking should. Cheap m1 garands and carbines are American rights
I use my diplomatic skills as a weapon
Kek meant that antifa and people who support antifa make up around 1% of the US population. They're a very vocal minority. If they actually tried to start a "revolution", it wouldn't be lefties vs righties or pro trump vs anti Trump. It'd be people who want the country to continue existing as it has for over 200 years vs far left literal communists who want to uproot the government and install their own. It wouldn't be a "war", it'd be a slaughter that the national guard could probably put down themselves within 48 hours.
Doesn't every town in the Balkans have a stash of full auto shit left over from the Yugoslav wars?
My buddy has plenty. I also know a guy with a tank
What'd you pay for it?
Pictured is my toy BB gun, I just got a Fort Knox gun safe so I can submit my firearms licence application now.
i'm a melee/stealth class irl
The fuck you need a bunch of ammo for if you don't hunt? The race war isn't happening. A land war on US soil isn't happening. You cucks fantasize about this shit and you'd be the first to go in such a situation since firing your weapon will simply attract the ire of a couple molotov cocktails. Won't be shooting much if your "base" is on fire.
>Implying a gangster will let you inspect it before you pay up
He meant cycle it and pull the trigger a few times to make sure it works reliably.
You can buy 5 to 10 ak's for the price of a garand.
that is clearly an FNP90 you stalinist
p.s. first of april you simpleton :)
$6000 USD. Got from a friend. He paid almost $8000 for it ( he got it brand new ). Mine is not a BB gun.
Nah we're the best demilitarization cuck from the Balkans... Read up on action Mir i Dobro if you can find something in English.
Then again... About those cellars and attics, we are ready for most of the shit that could come our way.
Kek. I still want them to try. The sheer amount of memes Sup Forums would get from a spectacle like that would be amazing.
I know. My M1 Carbine set me back $600 or so (after extra commie fees and taxes) but it was a civilian replica from the 60's without a bayonet lug or a sling hole in the stock. I fucking wish actual USGI ones were that cheap.
why do you use this 80 year old piece of garbage mp5
nice gun user. top of the line commie killer.
Thanks. I enjoy the shooting sports. I have at least 3,000 + rounds for each caliber I own.
i want one of these but it would be kinda annoying if i spend all that money and never get to kill anyone with it
>Americans own 5 rifles each on average
>5000+ ammo
>War comes and they get an average of 3 shots off before they're killed by shrapnel
>Enemy uses each American home as a re-arming station like a damn video game
You're free to do it if you like. Overarming yourself is fucking pointless though.
Too expensive for me, around $10-12k here
I was thinking of getting a Remington 700 and putting an accuracy international stock on it.
Should be do-able for under $3k
Thats not the point. I want to own a piece of my countries history.
There are some in Korea and Vietnam I believe
why do burgers think trump will attack them?
The only reason I paid so much for mine is because it's the REAL deal AI, I know the entire history of the gun and the friend I got it from went to school for gunsmithing, so I knew everything was 100%. Not a wanna be 700 with the AICS. You can get into a similar set up for much cheaper than what I paid. If you can, shoot an AI and a 5R 700. Once you shoot the AI, you won't want to touch a Remington. Trust me.
>cosplayer detected
Not so much Trump as we thought Obama would. He had a hard on for killing the second amendment
I don't. I "used" to own guns but I can't anymore cause I was a naughty boy. I love guns cause they are fun.
What is Sup Forums's opinion on the Kel Tec KSG? I really want a compact shotgun and I have tax returns just begging to be used.
>i've never been outside of devonport
Mostly Korea. There was a shitstorm a couple years ago because Obongo blocked their import to the US. But now we have shot of getting them to the States if congress delivers.
I hope you are. Shit looks like it's about to get real bad with Turkey.
CMP Garands are a nice bargain if they get those in stock.
I paid $780 for mine, and the second hand market is $1500 and rising
Kel tec pf9 is a good gun but I have zero experience with their shotguns.
True, I'll do a load of research when I get my licence betwixt my fingers
You can. Just not legally. Fly under the radar. Do 80% AR ( no number, no checks ). Trust me, on the day, it's gonna be better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
I'm honestly more worried about Islamic terrorism and leftist groups stirring up shit now than I am about the Feds coming after my guns.
Looks like garbage.
I used " " for a reason.
Bruh don't spend that much money on a pump. Get a vepr-12/w folding stock. I have a 25 round drum with mine.
God I hope so
I know I just checked gun broker
hahaha. Gotcha. I am tired. Sorry lol. (y)