Women are sluts, whores, worthless and should be treated as sexual objects.
Women are sluts, whores, worthless and should be treated as sexual objects.
>Note:This article is written for men, not intended for female readers. If you are a female, or a beta male white knight faggot, read at your own risk. You will be triggered
lol fucking dailystormer man
Buzzfeed is more reputable.
>I don’t expect to not take fire
This is the writing of pure autism
oy vey t. nu/pol/
ALL females are nasty, retarded, deformed, inferior to men, disgusting, worthless, revolting pathetic, deformed, hump-chested, penis-envying, lying, cheating,subhuman pieces of shit, especially the ugly, fat,feminist dyke piles of shit, no wonder why MGTOW is growing so fast and feminism is dying, I look foward to the day that Male supremacy becomes the dominate philosiphy on this planet and every female is rounded up and sent to concentration camps and are slowly tortured to death.....I look foward to slowly torturing and raping (just to inflict more pain on those nasty piles of shit more worthless than shit) the revolting, axe wound for genitals creatures known as females to death from newborn baby subhuman cunts to decripit, ugly, old bag elderly cunts of all ages and races (even white ones), every female is a disgusting, revolting, worthless, good for nothing, subhuman leech parasite that need to be slowly tortured and raped to death, especially all ugly pig feminists, SJWS and dykes, besides we already have artificial wombs and sex toys to replace these revolting creatures, why not just kill them already?
Wow people really think female HAPAs aren't just as fucking crazy?
Bet you she has a white daddy and he's a fucking beta cuck.
And Brad Pitt is just a dummy who managed to luck and fuck his way into stardom
Not surprised at all he's being taken advantage of.
I mean the dude can act but you don't need to be intelligent to do that (see Sean Connery)
>I mean the dude can act
Wow people really think female HAPAs aren't just as fucking crazy?
Bet you she has a white daddy and he's a fucking beta cuck.
And Brad Pitt is just a dummy who managed to luck and fuck his way into stardom
Not surprised at all he's being taken advantage of.
I mean the dude can act but you don't need to be intelligent to do that (see Sean Connery)
Should have changed "Note
to "Trigger Warning"
"A woman will adopt the beliefs of whatever powerful man she is under the care of, and as such, the only way to create “redpilled women” is for redpilled men to get normal girlfriends/wives, and to create a subculture that women are attracted to."
I've been saying this for years, his third point is the cold hard truth.
Or atleast have them as sex slaves to be raped daily and then torture them to death when they grow too old to be used and abused, females aren't good for anything else, so why not just have them as sex slaves globally if we can't have the gash bleeders tortured and killed anyway?
also if any cunts (the two femanons who actually use Sup Forums, despite the constant fem loathing) are reading this, How does it feel knowing women will be purged as the human race realizes it doesn't need you in a couple decades, as artificial wombs become a reality and your only unique purpose fades? Inferior gender in every way. LOL
wasn't this fake?
Always watch out for women named hanna or hannah. Dunno why, but that name is always trouble.
Nah, friend. The answer is to let humanity rot. We deserve it as punishment for our sins.
she's obviously a broken person and reprehensible, but i won't shed a tear for those soft faggots
Women shouldn't be rewarded for bad behavior.
Fuck the "just become alpha bro," stance. Men need to stand up and take away womens' human rights. The only sane societies treat women as objects to be bought and sold.
Imagine how much of a sperg you must be to even think of linking another anglin rant
Women don't deserve "rights"
jeez dude, women are mostly chimps but you got some serious issues over her, ted bundy. seek help you fucking weirdo.
At what point in history did women rule the roost?
You get biblical instructions about not letting women do X.
So that surely means that at some past point women did rule.
When women rule it doesn't look anything like how we expect ruling to look, because they don't create civilization, just tribal societies.
>This idea that every man needs to become the alpha male embodiment of masculinity just to get a girlfriend is totally insane.
Except you don't. You just need to not be a weird, totally unlikeable racist loser. Most men get girlfriends and sex, have OK relationships with them are are fine. Loners with other loners in internet echochambers create a false reality for eachother.
And yes it is possible not to be a weird racist loser without being an SJW tumblr caricature. The vast majority of people pull that off, too.
Get a grip you fucking failures. As for th article who the fuck cares. Hollywood people are trash and who the fuck really knows what is going on behind the scenes.
Stop man-shaming you peace of shit white knight scum.
Dailystormer has a 100% accuracy record about calling out fake crime hoaxes while the rest of the media blames phantom white Trump supporters.
ITT: sexually repressed gayboys
You sound like a triggered tumblr feminist. You aren't a man faggot.
Really Sup Forums, the dailystormfag etc are correct about modern society being "degenerate" but you don't realise you are a symptom of this degeneracy and one of the most telling.
I had a strange dream where someone had engineered a virus only men got. It very carefully changed brain chemistry, structure, and so forth so that men just ... lost sexual interest in women and stopped feeling like they needed to be automatically protected, etc. Like they were just short, high-pitched guys.
Men everywhere just slowly stopped giving a shit because women behaved like really defective men. Women started losing their jobs, or in female-dominated workplaces, men started very small, networked companies with just few enough employees that they weren't covered by EEOC.
(I have very weird dreams)
He can't help himself. He doesn't get along with men, he never has. At his core he knows it. The only people he gets along with are sluts -- the lowest order of humanity.
More manshaming. Honoring women will surely get you pussy, right? Or is it cuddling your after you lowlife.
At least I'm not putting down my own sex, by making women superior. To me, this is the same as putting down your own race/nation/religion.
Put that pussy on pedestal, right?
Good analysis, brother. Red-pill is growing exponentially and we're 100 times stronger than ever before.
Fucking kek. Says the loser with no friends that's never held a girls hand. Yeah dude I'm sure you get along with the other manly men at your gaming and weeaboo gatherings.
Fix yourself or kill yourself. Unless you're really, really ugly or something, in which case I have a bit of sympathy. But you should still stop being whiney and try and people happy in life.
>Honoring women will surely get you pussy, right?
It works better than posting bitter virgin rage online :^)
*to be happy in life
More example of why men have never trusted you. You'll be alone in the coming war, a rabbit to the slaughter. You won't get sympathy from me.
In the meantime, go back to sucking the warts out of diseased girlfriend's asshole -- that's where you're safest. It's like your new womb.
No one on the right is "shaming" any man for not "bending to the feminist agenda"
You are being criticized for shirking marriage altogether because "look at this sensationalist celebrity tabloid, it proves marriage is worthless!". It is fucking pathetic.
Part way through the article, it is becoming more and more clear that he is going beyond criticizing modern feminism and female behaviour, and going as far as to completely dismiss marriage as an option.
Marriage is still worthwhile as long as you marry the right women. People who actively discourage marriage are vile. There is no greater joy than marrying and having a large family, and its something that needs to be encouraged.
I'm not saying the author of the article is a Jew plant or whatever. He is just one of the growing number of guilt ridden men on the right.
Men who act like every single other person in this generation: partying, sleeping around, watching porn, and putting off marriage and family life for as long as possible.
But they also identify as right wingers. Traditionalist, conservative and concerned for the western birthrates.
This dissonance leads them to try and justify their behaviour by saying "No, even though I may look and act like a typical millenial, I'm really different because of these justifications. Please believe me!"
Look through the bullshit. Avoid loose women, marry a religious girl, and don't give into the temptation of shirking marriage and pursuing "freedom" and trying to justify it.
Women need to be relegated back to being property, they are mentally and emotionally equivalent to children.
>Look through the bullshit.....marry a religious girl
Kikkity kek.