Brit/pol/ - Raven Master Edition

>Outrage as Spain and EU accused of using Brexit to take back Gibraltar, as MPs say Britain will 'not be bullied'

> Gibraltar angered by Spain's EU 'veto'

> EU offers pre-Brexit trade talks, tough on transition

> The invoking of Article 50 was necessarily cordial. What follows may not be

> Northern Ireland parties to resume talks to save devolved rule

> 'Trump Tower London Opens' As The Donald Buys Walkie Talkie Building Politics&utm_hp_ref=uk-politics

> The European Council pulls its punches in its draft Brexit plan

>The EU’s Brexit strategy, full text

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Other urls found in this thread: Politics&utm_hp_ref=uk-politics


Nobody is awake. Too late for the late night posters and too early for the normal people.

Ah well.

The EUs fate is sealed

Not true I've been shitposting for at least an hour

Wait so that bird they want back

Did you steal a Raven? Give it back or we're doomed

Weird. I was getting Error 504 gateway timeouts and a simple deleting of my internet history fixed it.

>>> 'Trump Tower London Opens' As The Donald Buys Walkie Talkie Building
> Politics&utm_hp_ref=uk-politics
Oh that is fucking sick.
I don't have a problem with the Walkie Talkie. I know a tonne of people hate it, but I'd rather it than a box skyscraper.

.... speaking of London:
These are the kinds of wacky designs that are being built around the Battersea powerstation as part of that big renewal project.

>Walkie Talkie
I think it is hideous, don't know what the Don sees in it.

Nigger tongue my anus

My eyes.

They say they want experimental modern architecture, but if I designed a huge imposing black gothic death spire it would get rejected.

It's all namby pamby feel good neutered shite boxes.

Fuck that

Get a short wave mate.

Maybe you can't transmit with it, but you can dial around to find out what's up when the com drops.

Honestly if we are gonna talk about birds why don't we talk about peta finding milk to be legit nazi supporting?

God bless 'er Majesty

Only if you're unemployed

> start work at 0600 every day
> do ablutions and breakfast in time to shitpost on Sup Forums by 0900

post your local news' aprils fools article

War against Spain when?

Can't believe he is hooked up with an SJW mulatto.

>>Economy dependent on importing raw materials from the EU and selling the made products to EU.
>>Leaves EU.

So long, and thanks for all the fish&chips.


Milk is pretty awful mate.
Cows get raped to get pregnant
When the child is born it's taken away immediately, the mother crys and gets depressed for days
If baby is girl it's put into the cycle of rape
If it's a boy it's murdered as veal within a few days
The cows are hooked up to machines 6 months out of a year at best which still leaves them bleeding at the nipples (which is why blood is present in all milk)
The cows body eventually gives out and the collapse, these are called downers, and they are usually dragged out the stalls by rope and tractor and dumped into a van to be taken for slaughter for cheap meat like hamburger and pet food

Try soy milk or almond or oat. Personally I love almond milk for cereal but I'm still trying to find a decent replacement for tea

croydon tradition. Not joking we are coalburner central .


That's the kind of wank the Soviets used to build. Trump would never buy that.

Morning lads


The almonds aren't treated with a lot of respect either. Pumped full of all kinds of growth chemicals, with selective breeding based on our own perspective of value while for all we know we could be cultivating more and more crops that develop with chronic depression.

Ceded to Great Britain IN PERPETUITY. You would think they would have gotten used to it by now since 1713.

cuase his other buildings are such marvels of architecture

Lets return to the borders of 1713 Europe wide, how fucked is everything?

What is the likely fall out from all this? The EU cant just give the island to Spain surely?

>>That's the kind of wank the Soviets used to build.
Erm.... noo....

just got my gas bill in. fucking brexit!

Trump scored big with the trendy leftwing/progressive architect critics with his hideous buildings, if nothing else. They hate him anyway, but still.

I wish they'd leave architecture to the architects.

I don't know what their exact plan is, because Gibraltar have rejected joint rule before and it is a hypocritical position for the EU to take (on the one hand prioritizing the Northern peace process and on the other back some kind of land grab of the rock). But I can't blame them really, it is a weakness to exploit.

what's that one building where it melted cars when it was sunny

brb Checking EU4 to find out.

Not being able to have empathy for another living animal is a sign of being a psychopath and serial killer.

But I'm not surprised that as an immigrant you have no soul


here is my twitter:

pls r8

I voted Leave but it looks increasingly likely, due to the impossible timeframe, the Tories will deliver one of two things:

1. Associate membership - we continue to pay, we remain under ECJ jurisdiction, we remain EU members in all but name.

2. We crash out with no deal. We become a "third country" and our imports/exports to the EU grind to a halt until some kind of customs agreement is formed.

Either of these two outcomes will destroy the Conservative Party.

That's the walkie talkie. It was due to it's concave shape, or something. Like so.

this ugly piece of shit

They're trying to get the uk to hand it over.
But they haven't gotten the memo of how stubborn we are and how much the people of Gibraltar hate the Spanish government

and Trump bought it? Is he planning on burning people with it?

Hopefully he demolishes it as a gesture of good will to the Queen.

What gets me most is the architecture is the same globalist shite everywhere in the world. Diversity my arse.

How is this issue with Gibraltar any different than Crimea?
Very hypocritical of the Eu!

Well a transitional arrangement has more or less been confirmed (estimastes 3-8 years).

Is this actually legit? Jesus christ I had no idea...I guess I never thought about the fact they need to be pregnant in order to produce milk.

Frankly i want the UK to go 2 ways:
>Balkanised nations which leads to unification of the entire Isles under a strong leader about 50 years down the line

>Federal, under the Crown, with Ireland back in the Union

But rather than becoming something like Norway, whereby we'd only implement around 25% of EU law (which we could veto via the EFTA court), and apply an emergency break to limit immigration, we're going to get "associate membership". That means open borders and implementing all EU law without any say.


Gibraltar war when?

Pretty, much I suspect thats what the Government will have to sell to leave voters.

So just because I have empathy for MORE than just animals, you're calling ME a psychopath?

You think that you're better than other people because your anthropocentric misgivings about reality.

Also I'm not an immigrant, neither was anyone in my lineage.



There won't be one, it would be very stupid on Spain's part.

"Oh shut up you woman!"
Said the reptile
with a grin
"You knew darn well I was a snake,
when you took me in."

And we give this gender the same voting rights...

I hope the doggo got out okay

Mfw people are taking the obvious april fools seriously

Trump hasn't bought the walkie talkie building.

I have my criticisms of May but she at least seems to realise that most leave voters voted because of immigration. She knows that if our post Brexit future resulted in similar EU migration to today then the whole thing will be a waste of time. We might as well have stayed in the EU. Given that the muh 48%ers won't vote for her anyway she doesn't want a large chunk of the 52% going to UKIP or even the lib dems if they think if they can't avoid the downsides of the EU while being out of it they may as well be in it.

>the sensible one
>married an ageing, ormer-coalburning chav

>what happens when women make decisions

Aw snap! I fell for it. I hate this day.

Ssssh, lad you're no fun.

I fell for it at first then realized the day, then I saw cunts fooling for it here and kind of started to think maybe he was an absolute madman.

Me too kek

Guardian writer attempts to slate Brexiteers and inadvertently ends up revealing his own autism:

"Recalling a trip to see a cousin in 1924, my mother might say, “Her mother had our tea waiting for us when we got off the train and then Kathy and I went to the pictures. I could never stand that Harold Lloyd.” But of the train itself there were no details. “What about the train, Mum? Did the engine have a name? Did you go by the LMS or the LNER? Did you change at Carlisle?”"

Do you think he calls Cheryl mummy and sucks on her nips?

>Have millions of pounds
>Have women throwing themselves at you
>Knock up ex coal burner Cheryl Cole

Was that vegan bias then to you?

With an arse so tattood from behind you'd think you were bonking a Polynesian midget

The sensible one, top kek. Rubber up kids.

Lads who else looking forward to daddy Charles being our king and finally bringing in sharia law like we well and truly deserve

testing that I can post desu

I can't help but think the Homeless in the UK put themselves into their state outside of major cities


She's not an ex coal burner. Once a coal burner, always a coal burner. She's just a dormant coal burner.

Burn the coal, pay the toll...the toll being marrying a multi millionaire pop star apparently...

What a tragic waste.

>we would never hold a 2nd referendum
>we would never vote to leave the EU
>we would never trigger article 50
You are here.
>we would never recover economically
>we would never be able to hold onto Gibraltar and the Falklands
>we would never be able to hold onto Scotland, Northern Ireland, and even Wales
>we would never solve the migrant problem
>we would never gain the respect of- and trade again with- other European countries
>we would never grow to be a rich, prosperous, strong and creative country again
>we would never re-establish the British Empire
>we would never seige all tyranny and bring about a world wide British democracy
>we would never drag humanity into the era of Human 2.0

she wants to be black so bad, she's tattooing herself.

Charles will never be king.

It's not perfect....

I was wondering if today was the day, they shut fullchn down 2 be frank desu.

That's fucking disgusting.

Shame. I always thought Cheryl Cole was hot. Especially with the whole "uplifted from an estate" feel she had going on.

Love me an Eliza Doolittle.



Has anyone read Submission?

Christianity is dying in Europe. There's a case to be made that Islam will win the battle for hearts and minds as an alternative to our secular, multicultural, materialistic shallow way of life.

>put a load of washing on
>masturbate to susanna reid
>bacon and eggs for breakfast
>organise going out later to watch the football

a great and british start to the weekend

Just a list of "we would never" the left and media will spout at us, as we tick each item off the list one at a time and while they keep moving the goal poasts further back ot the next 'oh but they couldn't ever...'

>put a load of washing on

Thanks for reminding me lad. I need to wash my bedding.

The Leftwing establishment will easily submit to Islam. They cannot muster themselves to stand up to it, because that would make them nazi genocidalists like the evil rightwingers who have been opposing Islam for decades.

Ah right, I thought you mean't me personally.

I agree. He'll probably change it to be called Sultan by then inshallah