Nazi Germany was not innocent

I understand half of Sup Forums's fetish for nazism (oh excuse me—"National Socialism") but invading every other country in Europe is a dick move.
Stormies claim that they're for the preservation of Europa. That we agree on, but they're hypocrites, because all the National Socialists did was tread all over every other European country. What about the Czechs? What about the Poles?
Why couldn't they have just stayed in their own damn land?

The “holocaust" is debatable, but even not counting that, the nazis have a pretty substantial non-battle body count. Discounting muh six goyrillion still makes it roughly 14,900,000—not as bad as the 150,000,000 that communism has killed, but it doesn't mean nazism gets a pass.
Anybody who thinks genocide is a good solution needs serious help.

inb4 (((who's behind that post?))), I give you some verification: I know all about the Bolshevik revolution and that communism was founded entirely by jews.
I know that Hitler tried to save his country from the communists. I guess you either die a hero or live to see yourself become the villain. I know the threat of white genocide, that multiculturalism is national suicide, and the importance of preserving one’s own kind (funny that stormies are concerned about that since the nazis bumped off a lot of other white Europeans).

I would side with the nazis to defeat communism if I had to choose, but thankfully, I don't have to. I'm a libertarian nationalist—aka a Trumpist. I’m for things like freedom of speech and gun rights—the nazis didn’t. No, that’s not jewish propaganda, the nazis did burn books and shoot people for having the wrong opinions. The deceptive part of (((hollywood))) is diverging away from the fact that the commies did that too and worse.

For the record, my role model is a Polish mercenary named Rafal Ganowicz (a real badass, look him up).

Sincerely, a half Pole/half Frenchman.

Pic related is a Polish mother and child being executed.

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off shill, everything the Nazis did was justified and that is fact. they were not the bad guys and they never will be.

In the trash it goes.

Did you even fucking read what I wrote?

USA bombed a school in Norway full of children.

no and I'm sure I don't need to if it goes against the word of the lord adolf hitler

>Rafal Ganowicz

Mah nigga,

Based Ganowicz probably did more to effectively fight Communism than the Nazis ever did (all they wound up accomplishing was enabling a Communist takeover of half of Europe).

Misleading image

There's a gentleman's agreement that NatSocs don't talk against other Europeans, and the others don't talk against NatSocs

Sometime you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet. All the major powers at that time knew that.

Nazi germany is always innocent


>communism is ok if you kill all Jews instead of just the rich ones
really makes you think doesn't it

Nazis are the pleb retards and inhumane brutes who dealt the killing blow to Germany, Europe and, in a way, Western Civilisation at whole. WWI, the collapse of the empires and the Russian revolution had already brought Christendom to its knees, but it was Hitler's merry band of fools that led it to its death bed.

Not to mention that even if the Nazis hadn't lost the most brutal war in human history and hadn't led to Germany's complete collapse and destruction, the world they would have created would have had no room for the Voltaires, Schopenhauers, Kafkas, and Nietzsches of the coming world.

Nazi Germany was nothing more than a pithy, pathetic artificial modernist war machine, based on a sham economy, irrational political doctrine and the worst traits of the masses, doomed to destruction from the beginning.

>posts irrelevant photos that I have never seen on on a single credible historical website on WW2 (I've only ever seen them on Sup Forums and stormfront)
>one relevant pid stills hows German soldiers murdering even more innocent people than the "fake"

WikiLeaks Reveals "Marble": Proof CIA Disguises Their Hacks As Russian, Chinese, Arabic...

George Soros collaborated with the nazis, so you're on the same side as George Soros.

person that made this photo is either blind or hopping others are
front sights are that of german mauser not you mauser

Fuck America and Israel.


>and the importance of preserving one’s own kind (funny that stormies are concerned about that since the nazis bumped off a lot of other white Europeans).

Whos fault was that? Why is it always the fault of the Nazis for fighting back, when the Allies could of accepted the terms and saved lives. The only reason Churchill forbid British ambassadors from communicating with the Germans, and Hess was imprisioned, was because he knew the British public would of accepted his terms, so fair were they. Why else did Hitler let the British army leave at dunkirk when he could have wiped them out?

>the nazis did burn books and shoot people for having the wrong opinions

The books weren't hunted down and surpressed, they were burned as a sort of rejection of the weimar and all it stood for, the filth that came out of it. The people they shot were communit agitators, think Antifa, but with balls (tiny ones compared to the nazis, but still)

Fair enough...fuck you too.

You are entirely correct. I'm a white nationalist too and I want to preserve and improve my country but I'd never call myself a national socialism nor do I want to have myself or my beliefs associated with it. National socialism is a failed ideology and one that is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of my countrymen. This is why it makes me sick to the stomach when I see Serbian neo-nazi larpers.

you're not half pole nor half french, you're 100% fat american with no ties to Europe

Okay, I believe the part about the books, but you're saying that over 14 million people (not counting muh six gorillion) were crazy antifa commies? That's pretty far fetched.

>have a military that can take on the entire world
>rest of the world wants to go to war with you
>nah dawg we cool
>Poland starts massacring germans in their city
>yeah nah fuck you Poland
>instantly annexed
>world war on

My mother is from France and my father is from Poland, you fucking meatball.

>Whos fault was that? Why is it always the fault of the Nazis for fighting back, when the Allies could of accepted the terms and saved lives.
national socialism is built on constant territorial expansion and elimination of people. Peace with Germany was impossible because they would have had to keep conquering or collapse

>how dare you post something that the kikes haven't already spoon-fed me.
Wew lad.

>spearhead invasion
>"Nazis fighting back"
the mental gymnastics

Hitler's Germany was an all-or-nothing deal. Yes, he fought communism, but he lost, thanks to International Jewry and its agents, namely Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt.

What exactly do you have against the Germans standing against Jewry? You are a fucking kike shill it seems.

I miss Bismarck


>>Poland starts massacring germans in their city
no nazi has ever posted a source for this

>one relevant pid stills hows German soldiers murdering even more innocent people than the "fake"
Wrong. See:Kike detected.

>le rifle doesn't match

M24 is literally a Yugo ripoff of the K98. Also, Yugoslavia was conquered by Germany and as was the case with Czechslovakia and other conquered territories, seized Yugoslav weapons were impressed into German service.

>le uniforms don't match

Jesus Christ, read a fucking book. The Einatzgruppen were not part of the Waffen-SS (the only German troops who used camouflage smocks on a regular basis), but part of the Sicherheitsdienst and were issued the standard German grey uniform.

Your post is literally nigger-tier

>Poland starts massacring germans in their city
do you have a source for that claim that isnt Der Sturmer or Greatest Story Never Told?

*I'd never call myself a national socialist

>Britain and France declare war
>Germany asks for peace dozens of times before 1941
>Churchkike refuses each time
>the Germans are somehow the bad guys

Good point, Hitler was great.

>Kike detected.

Classic response

It's irrelevant where they are from, fatso, when they went to America they abandoned their homeland forever and severed their ties with it because they wanted to be American, thus you are American.

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post.

I stand corrected on the photograph. I had no idea that it was fake.

Fuck off, you stupid shill. First your Polish kin genocide Germans and then get mad when Germans retaliate and reclaim stolen Prussian land.

>Nazi Germany was not innocent.
No shit.
>(oh excuse me—"National Socialism")
Do you have a problem with using the correct term? We don't call it Nazismus in German either, but Nationalsozialismus - because that's what it is.
>Why couldn't they have just stayed in their own damn land?
Why do you even make this post if you don't understand the motivation of Nazi Germany?

>Sincerely, a half Pole/half Frenchman.
Oh ok, so you're just a burger who keeps riding on about his European heritage and thinks this makes his opinion valuable in the matter.
This isn't identity politics, nigger.

The most basic tenet of NatSoc is that a man should put his nation above all else. It's not even like leftist international socialism in the slightest. Literally nothing wrong with it.

>First your Polish kin genocide Germans

>ignoring the post that proves you dead-wrong.
>instead focusing on the most irrelevant part of my post.
Wew lad. Classic kike argument techniques.

>fighting back

>recreate Wehrmacht, cause you need to defend yourself
>no problems
>re-militarize Rheinland, say you'll stop after that
>annex Austria, again say you had enough
>demand Sudetenland, and this is like last demand!
>no problems
>occupy rest of Czech lands with no German population
>please stop now
>invade Poland

And Hitler didn't SAVE BEF you fucking retard. Hitler ORDERED Luftwaffe to annihilate it after Goering told him he could do it by cutting off their supply and evacuation via sea.
Reason why German land forces stopped is because infantry was lagging behind and armor doesn't fare well attacking on it's own.

Learn history you retarded child, or stop talking about historical events with superficial knowledge. Refer to picture.

You're god damn right I'm American, and I'm proud of that, but I'm not going to throw away the heritage in my roots. I speak fluent French and Polish. When did you guys suddenly stop caring about taking pride in your own people?

The only answer

Literally Goebbels.
I guess Finns also shelled Soviets then, cause Molotov said so.

See my first post (the one that I responded to). Not sure why my ID changed though.

>immediately after the German invasion of Poland
so they killed so many Germans that their deaths echoed backwards in time to Hitler and justified the invasion?

Or is the fact that Germany invaded Poland on September 1st just Jewish lies

What is the "poles killing germans in cities before war" meme? I don't know where people even take this from, like what is the idea?

>"immediately after the German invasion of Poland."
Well no fucking shit. That's how Poles say "get the fuck out of me country reee"
You're not trying hard enough.

>The books weren't hunted down and surpressed
Tell that to my grandfather who was bitten by german soldiers for reading a polish book.

That's AFTER German invasion you cretin. Did you even read that article?
>The sequence started with an attack of German Selbstschutz snipers on retreating Polish troops and then was followed by a Polish reaction and then the final retaliatory execution of Polish hostages by the Wehrmacht and Selbstschutz, after the fall of the city. All these events resulted in the deaths of both German and Polish civilians.

Germans in Poland literally organized in paramilitary units and started attacking Polish army and civilians.

>invade country which had alliances with other countries
>those other countries declare war
>"WTF!! why do they persecute me so..."
(this happened in WW1 too, when Germany invaded Belgium, a neutral country, UK told them to get out within 12 hours or they would declare war, Germany didn't even reply but instead continued raping and pillaging)
>invades France
>tries to destroy all of Britain's defences by air for a future invasion
>they get fucking rekt
>sue for peace (with dumbtarded conditions)
>they say no
>"WTF!1!!!!!!!! the world is so unfair to us the superior German race who deserve lebensraum"

You have no understanding of the history and I have no inclination to explain it to you so stay ignorant for all I care.

Jak taki kurwa płynny w polskim, to dajesz, popisz się.

The Jews didn't deserve what they got.


For the guards

>Soccer team

For the guards

>Post office

For the guards

>Rabbit breeding

Doc Mengele's got to have something to do in his spare time

>Green house

*See about

>Horse grooming

For officers


For the guards


For collecting samples of inferior races


For the guards


Definitely for the guards, also blatant proof of the Nazis' hypocrisy of claiming to be fighting degeneracy while literally running a fucking whore house out of a concentration camp


For the guards


To prevent escapees from using a commonly traded currency to get around


Germans blew up the original

Try harder

First they claimed it happened in Gdansk, but then they were laughed at because Gdansk at that time had no Polish military presence and had local NSDAP party in power, so now they changed it to indefinite ''Poles killed German civilians''.
They are rabid cultists who have no issues with lying to push their ideology.

retards who think the Gleiwitz attack was real and not an SS false flag


90% of Sup Forums's posters would have been wiped out by the nazis should they have won the war or just ended as their slaves, specially the burguers. They were not even fascists and axis aligned.

They forget this little fact.

Trumps not very libertarian. He's allowing our privacy to be taken away when he could simply vetoe the bill.

>invading every other country in Europe is a dick move.
you do realize this was a necessary response after France and Britain declared war on them right? and Danzig was rightful German clay. Hitler tried many times to get a peaceful solution to the Danzig problem, but after the Poles got guaranteed by France and Britain, their governemnt just said fuck off to Hitler.

Italy gets it.

Picrelated is a Ukrainian Jew being executed by a Ukrainian soldier

Yes, the Germans lost the war. I don't really see how it's a failed ideology. When two monarchies fought against one another, was monarchism responsible for the casualties in a war?

>I speak fluent French and Polish.
doubtful. You speak shitty French and Polish, and if you went to either of your "homeland" nations, you'd stick out like a sore thumb.

damn i hope he didn't get rabies

>Pic related is a Polish mother and child being executed.
The fact that you think that picture is authentic only shows how little you know.

>Danzig was rightful German clay.
Using the same reasoning we can say that Coonstantinopole is rightful turkish clay.

Socialism is a retarded ideology in the first place, whether it's globalist or nationalist. Nazis are fucking stupid, but then again it doesn't surprise me that there are so many of them amongst yuropoors : they have been raised into socialism, indoctrinated since birth, school, TV, and everything else tells them they NEED the state, its police and military, its taxes, its healthcare, welfare, etc. And those faggots just can't imagine themselves living without that shit and actually be free to do whatever they want.
And since yurop has been full globalist socialist recently, with the influx of shitskins threatening their little artificial peace, people have turned to the only thing they know : another brand of socialism.

Please stop LARPing. It's really quite cringeworthy.
Muh heritage fags need to be purged.

>declared war on them
Refer to >Danzig
Was literally Polish for most of history.
So were rest of lands that Germans occupied in late 18th century and then demanded them again before WW2.
And unlike Gdansk those territories never had big German presence before Germans colonized them in 19th century by displacing Poles.

It was literally occupied Polish territory.

no one was innocent in war
history is written by the victors
holocaust was not what they teach you in school
youre like a kid

Wrong, again kikerino. Videos related.

I mean, it was tried and it failed. Germany had to go to war or else it wouldn't have been able to sustain itself. As the krauts learned two times, you can't go to war against half of the world and win.

No one is ever innocent in war, but German actions started both WW1 and WW2, and German prosecution of WW2 was atrocious by every European moral standard.
Holocaust is not the only crime of Nazi Germany in WW2.
90% of neo-Nazi narrative is outright lie.

after the invasion, broski. and yes, an atrocity, but definitively not a casus belli for war, concerning it happened after the war. and besides, the Jews and Poles inside German territory suffered much worse fates for the slights their people did against the Germans

I still have yet to hear a single one give a coherent argument why any remotely sane Polish strategist would think attacking their heavily armed neighbor with an army numbering in the millions and fully mobilized would be a good idea.

Ain't it?
Either way, the Versailles-treaty was shit, Danzig owed all of its cultural, architectural, business, blablabla developments to Germany. Because it was made by Germans

Ah yes, the one YT video against collective academia, how will historians ever recover.

This. Danzig is about German as Kosovo is Albanian tbqh. Same goes for territories such as Silesia.

Pic is not a german sodier. War is hell.

Excellent argument. Really convinced me.

No it's true. Germans were psychopaths.Look at all the crazy cannibal/serialkiller/murder stories from germany today.

Not an argument.

I've visit my family in France every year. Poland, I admit, not so much because all of my father's family there is deceased.
You don't know me.

Btw the shopping carts in Europe are fucking retarded, I tell you.


>Holocaust is not the only crime of Nazi Germany in WW2.

Nigga, they were just doing a dry run compared to what they had planned for Generalplan Ost.

because intelligence and special ops services are incredibly reliable sources when talking about their own actions, obviously

>implying I have to reiterate my arguments in every single post so that lazy buffoons such as yourself don't have to exert yourselves, highlighting my posts, and seeing the actual arguments I've made ITT.
Wewist of lads. Really fired up my prefrontal cortex.

Versailles was actually very lenient towards Germany.

Now compare Versailles with original French plans.

Of course not since you're mentally crippled schizophrenic.
According to standards of science and logic, it is an argument.