Im curious what Sup Forums thinks of space X and the future of privatization in an industry like near-future space exploration/tourism.
Sapce X
We need to save whites on earth first. These fucking kikes are looking to steal everything from us, why should we spend our dying breath on space travel if we won't be around? Fuck that. We race war now, space later
all hail Emperor Musk
idk but the first thought when the reused booster made it to MECO was of the arguments I'd had with people on Sup Forums who still doubted spacex in 2017. They're legit
Hopefully BE4 is a success as well, seems like the logical path forward is a ULA/BO merger for a stable duopoly but jeff beezers ego would never let that happen.
Careful, or you'll summon that space-travel-is-unfeasible autist.
why is the saturn 5 so fucking big?
Cause it's gotta carry the nukes, goy.
Tourism would be a very small niche like Everest climbing.
Exploration won't be manned, too slow, too expensive, useless.
Same for prospecting/ mining.
Colonisation why not, but only in the form of a rich sect, I don't see any state doing that (no reason).
To expand on that a little: ULA is an excellent launch services provider but their tech is aging. Too little investment, and it turns out reusability is going to be a major threat to their ability to compete for launches in the future. Their current plan to achieve booster reuse is garbage.
Blue Origin is nothing but a technology company.
SpaceX is integrating novel tech and launch services.
Space tourism is piss, BO will make very little money from it compared to lofting satellites and will probably kill someone. They'll stay alive as long as Jeff can keep the money flowing and/or they can sell tech to ULA.
Meanwhile, the cash cow Amazon has contracted hepatitis in the form of rampant fraud and counterfeiting while Jeff is off trying to be a spaceman.