>be American
>didn't buy obongo care
>pay 670$ penalty
Top kek muh freedum
>be American
>didn't buy obongo care
>pay 670$ penalty
Top kek muh freedum
Other urls found in this thread:
> be english
> healthy
> £1,109 per year to nhs
> get cancer when old like everyone does.
> have already payed about 100,000 in through taxes so its 'free'.
Ha, richfag...
I didn't even make enough money to qualify for the fine...
beats usa hands down
> drugwatch.com
$141,000 for the first 12 weeks of treatment and $256,000 for a year of treatment,
My income was only 15K.
Eleven hundred pounds aka approximately $1700 a YEAR would be fine.
We pay $1,300 a MONTH for my spouse and I. And hardly anything is free; a doctor's visit is fifty fucking dollars, for example.
Fuck this shit.
Fuck America and Israel.
i know they fleece you in america. thats only for the average earner though, someone on about 26000 pounds, less than that you pay less it just comes out of income tax, so if you make less than 10000 you pay nothing and its like 400 or something if your on like 10000-15000
in uk i mean
Fuckin bullshit.
>be German
>never ill
>always on time
>work like robot
>have to pay shitload of money for "free healthcare" every month
>My income was only 15K.
My income was below the poverty level after working near 40 hours a week for an entire year.
>be german
>get shot by muslim terrorists
>it's my fault
After submitting the the tax report and choosing the option "no" for the health coverage on TaxSlayer I was presented with the option of buying an (((affordable coverage))) for 140$ a month or facing a double penalty next year.
Why the fuck is it so retarded?
>You HAVE TO PAY our very expensive healthcare
>Oh wait, you don't have money for it?
its the same here don't worry ameribros (although the healthcare is not as expensive and most of the costs are subsidized by the country)
Congratulations, user. You just sent some shitskin bastard to the hospital and it didn't cost them a thing.
In the UK I have private healthcare but still spend a reasonable percentage of my £110k salary propping up the NHS. In no way is it free.
you left out "die of cancer because socialism is bad at curing cancer"
Then you were working wrong, dumbfuck. Why are you proud of it?
Because we let a Dindu in the White House. Policy was the Gibs, or else pay a fine for the Gibs
>""""""land of the free""""""
>have highest incarceration rate in the world
>lying over the internet on an anonymous site about your wage
There is no way you're paying that much for healthcare unless you're a retard who doesn't have a subsidized plan with your employers or have a stupidly big healthcare coverage for shit you wont need.
i just put on taxes that i had coverage all year
wow that was hard
below 40k is poverty line dipshit, you make as much as the down syndrome people they hire at wallmart
>insurance from from 960 a year to 3600 even though I have never used it
free market :^)
It's not a free market when the government has its hands in it.
Doesn't that get reported to uncle sam?
Tell one of your jihad buddies to start blowing up government buildings and we may not support bombing you.
tfw government thinks I'm a single dad with 6 kids making 75k a year.
>pay 670$ penalty
Maybe next year you'll adjust your withholding better.
>Owed $100 refund
>But $670 penalty
problem solved
GuysI think there is a way to File your taxes and avoid the penalty.
Member back in January when Trump signed an executive order on healthcare? Well I think that that made the individual mandate obsolote. Look at this link:
I think that means you can file and just skip the healtcare questions about wether you had insurance or not and the IRS can't decline it for that reason
Okay he's just Spam in this remove him
>republicans bitched for 8 years and now that they have the chance they're leaving king niggercare alone
fuck the freedom caucus and fuck the RINOS