United Kingdom of England and Wales new flag

When England and Wales emerge out of the Brexit negotiations in March 2019, what will be their new flag?

Surely it cannot be the union jack.

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why is everyone from the UK so fucking ugly

I'd go with this.


kys poo in loo

The black of the Welsh Saint David is fitting but it looks a little too edgy. I don't despise it though.

The real question to ask is why exactly Scotland owns the colour blue now. Who'll make us change the flag?

I'm a big fan of this design.

Alos a fan of this design also. It has an evil swashbuckling vibe to it.

This is the alternative flag of wales, the St David cross. It would fit better than our dragon since all the other countries use their saints cross. (George, Patrick and Andrew)

I like it!

Fit better on the Union flag that is. I still want to keep our bitching dragon for personal use.

Some other ideas.

We are island kikes.

Implying Wales is relevant. Ever.

Fuck off literally who Russian state

>Islamic green.
This is why you need us.

Raiders stole our beauty




At least we have fucking grass here Boris.

Doesn't work, the green and dragon implies we are all Celtic countries. Nice flag but it shouldn't be that.

I can really get behind this flag. It's got some God tier fashy empire vibes.

He is right though.

>implying Scotland is leaving

Call me mad... but can the UK introduce banking laws like the swiss?

Effectively making them a haven for foreign bank accounts?

>Everywhere outside of London is irrelevant
Fuck off you Paki clown.


I'm just saying Wales is irrelevant you mongoloid.

>implying we aren't that already just in a more roundabout way

t. paki

His was already discussed by our government once the Brexit vote had just passed, while the EU was having a shit fit and threatening our economic destruction, if I remember right they got btfo and shut heir mouths a bit.

It's more relevant the Ukraine though to be quite honest my dude


I never said it wasn't.

However Wales at least has its own history and culture.
Ukraine is literally Russia.

The fact that you think that by your reckoning everywhere outside of London must be irrelevant. Wales has as much culture as any part of the UK probably more so than whatever trash heap you come from pajeet.
>lol implying culture and language even matters
Again I tell you to get fucked you globalist cock gobbling shit eater.

Haha Englnd literally can't have a nice flag without Scotland.(green is a Muslim flag colour)

You mudshits are well and truly fucked

Can agree on that lads.

I struck a nerve ;^)


we will stay the uk cause no one is leaving

what will your flag be when we fuel catalonia uprising and that border town with portugal?

Union jack is more iconic than Scotland's existence. It's not going to change

st george killed the dragon,they dont get on the flag now lol

The welsh never had a choice and never will regarding their independence. It makes zero sense whatsoever to include them on the union flag.

>lol trolled
Very boring but since it's April 1st I'll let it slide pajeet.


Maybe it's only England then and you can keep using your racist Saint George's Cross

>Scottish flag

It's always you porridgwogs trying to disunite the Kingdom. Fuck you, you subhuman animal. Wales may not be relevant, but at least at it's loved in every true Britons' heart, unlike Scotland.

>Wales is more loved
No you are a traitor celt nation and your cuck partner England doesn't even respect you
Enjoy your rape love

Scotfag here, Scotland isnt going anywhere, one of the main arguments last time was how we could be like Norway and could bank roll ourselves with oil money but seeing as how the oil industry is fucked (literally no jobs in oil in aberdeen) ive yet to see how the snp plan on keeping this shitpit afloat.

Firstly, I'm English.

Secondly, treason is joining a union only to backstab it.

Treason is demanding privileges from a union, only to tell that union to fuck off.

Then again, I guess we're all traitors here.

I'm not sure about Scotland, still 50/50 whether independence would happen but NI has to go. The border plus the costs will very expensive. Trade across border will also bankrupt NI.

>spend 50% of countries wealth attempting to create an empire
>forget to supply colonists with basic necessities
>everybody dies
>now how to agree to union with england


I think you underestimate the power of feels. I think there's plenty of people in Scotland who would blindly trust Sturgeon and not think it through. I'm interested to see the campaigns though.


yeah but those idiots voted last time and still lost

That feel when Catalonia is slowly drifting off

will barca still play in la liga?

I'd assume so either that or they have 2 major football teams like Scotland


Are Scots actually fish? Has anyone checked?

This is my favourite so far.

Well, they are related to your ancestors.

I like this one

>Wales online
>Posts LAD Bible tier tripe
>May as well be called Cardiff Daily.
It's not a reliable news source mate.

It's great except can we have a daffodil instead of
>a fucking leek

this is good.
fuck scotland.

Looks like Ukraine just triggered your entire village

You guys don't have 2 taps? what?

the scots are not going anywhere, neither are the irish.

You're looking at this the wrong way.

You should be asking what Northern Ireland and Scotland will be changing their flags to. They surely won't continue using flags derived from the union jack.

>red background
>white cross
>inb4 being sued by the danish state

Scotland and Northern Ireland wont be leaving, Fernando. In fact, Aussies, Leafs, NZ and all of Ireland will be joining within the next 16 years.

Gibraltar is definitely staying though.

Being as Wales was part of the Kingdom of England, they should either become independent (LOL imagine it) or give up this recently invented notion of Welsh countryhood.

>The welsh never had a choice and never will regarding their independence.
This is incorrect but most of the Welsh don't want independence anyway.

yes, this is gonna be great

whats that webm from?

Can we det something going, too? I mean, I don't want to join with you guys, and we'd probably dominate the union, plus the FOUNDING FATHER have pretty much replaced monarchs in American minds, but I would like a really good kinda deal.
Except Canada will be joining us.

no idea m8, might have been a one off sketch during the referendum

what the fuck are these called
