Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
How many Polish guys does it take to screw in a light bulb? Five: One to hold the bulb and four to turn the chair.
How do you get a one armed Polack out of a Tree?
You are the butt of jokes across the entire world. Go fuck yourself .
Did you hear about the polock that locked his keys in the car? It took him 2 hours to get his family out.
Gib money from bank pls
Did you hear about the guy of the Polish persuasion who walked into a bar with shit in his hands and said, "Looked what I almost stepped in!
Just ask the Arabs Princes vacationing in London to approve the transfers and we'll send it right over.
This did not even gently rustle the leaves of my almond tree.
How did the Nazis take over Poland?
They walked in backwards and said they were leaving.
What do you do if a Polak throws a hand-grenade at you?
Take out the pin and throw it back.
Op mad lol
t. polish immigrant
Sure thing...
Being a man is not about looks
You're alright, Swissbro
Yea ok that's just what ugly men say
This is why polish women prefer foreign men
Dear Switzerland; your nigger-genocide based diamond & death squad funded economy along with your unbelievably invasive totalitarian-toddler-having-a-tantrum tier residential aesthetics laws and the fact that you still eat dogs, makes you the butt of the world's jokes. Literally nobody outside of your chicken pussy "we're too cool to fight the nazis" country rips on Poland so why don't you go carve yourself a meticulously detailed clock before your appointment with the front lawn inspector.
You're alright, Swiss Bro
>Chimpanzee most intelligent of apes
>similar lips like whites
>gorilla big stupid brute
>has a nigger face/lips
Really twists your neutrons.
My toilet ain't going to clean itself Piotr.