Hi Sup Forums. Could you please Redpill on Serbia. From what I can gather you guys think they're great but I'm not 100% sure on that.
Hi Sup Forums. Could you please Redpill on Serbia...
Serbia is a backwater pisshole. If there's a stereotype about Slavs it either came from them or they adopted it. They're backwards monkeys who are the niggers of Europe and it's a legitimate argument to be had if they're worst then the Kebab they removed.
But what about remove kebab? They got that right didn't they?
Well yes it's true, but something to remember is that the kebab they where removing was mostly white Muslims.
When a Serb and a Bosnik/Albanian/Kosovar kill each other, the winner is the rest of the world because whoever wins still leaves less of both for the rest of us to deal with.
>muslims chimp out
>proto russians chimp out
>usa chimps out
>nato bombs them and protects the muslims
dumbest war ever.
The serbs try to parachute onto one of the airbases held by Canadians, and we just sat their shooting them out of the sky like floating jelly filled donuts.
Serbs are retards and can't into war.
I forget which one that was (we had several incidents where they went full retard and threw their men at the wall), was that when we where there as peace keepers (and god do I hate how the myth of the Canadian peace keeper was made to justify intervention. 20 years later people still believe it) and thus wouldn't have even been an issue if they didn't shoot at us, or was that after we said "fuck it" and wanted to finally play war?
No idea, some army dude was telling me about it while laughing his ass off. I think it was in bosnia.
>white muslim
nice oxymoron, leaf
it's shit, but could have been based had some faggots not interfered
>Whites change race if they convert
Look I hate them as much as the next guy (two of the past three terrorist attacks in my country have been by race-traitor converts) but race and religion are only intertwined in a few rare cases of ethnoreligions that are mostly in East Asia and Africa these days.
Were not great we are a shithole like the rest off the Balkans also get ready for our butthurt neighbours
Leaves should be fucking banned from posting. Seriously, this level of retardation is spiraling out of control
>white Muslims
The only thing worse than a muslim is a white muslim, I prefer my enemies color coded.
the digits...
there's so much diaspora in these threads
LOOK AT MY FLAG and know that i hate every fucking bit of it
Actually your flag is funny to me because it reminds me off EU and both off you are going to collapse sooner or later Osman
but this is the best version brat
>not evangelion
Into the trash
I never understood whats so special about that anime it's just one guy crying and bitching the whole time
im on episode 25 and its painfully average
The ending and the exploration of the human condition
Are we at the point where the niggers of Europe will stop chimping out once and for all?
Apparently Belgrade is the center of the Universe.
If there is no major war in future borders wont change 100 %
we are proud off our title
But I never really understood the ending it's just some flash backs and some acid trips
The peaceful dissolution of Bosnia is the only solution. Covic treci entitet n shiet.
>The serbs try to parachute onto one of the airbases held by Canadians, and we just sat their shooting them out of the sky like floating jelly filled donuts.
never happened mate, literally (((fake history)))
>Serbs are retards and can't into war.
yeah that's why it took 28 (((nato))) nations to bomb us from the safe distance for nearly 3 months to protect the "precious" muslim subhumans
every time any empire fought against infinitesimal serbian army, it had to hugely relly on sheere brute force and ovetwhelming numbers of troops in order to compensate our skills and courage
it's the onnly way (((they))) could have won
so get rektd you fucking manlet kike faggot leaf
The only "peaceful dissolution" I can think of was that of the USSR, I doubt Bosnia can do the same.
Here, a Serb from Canada will explain it to you.
Serbs can't fight for shit. You lost 4 wars in 10 years.
Their chance of removing kebab is the same as the quality of that video
>inb4 raid yourself
If only Westerners would fuck off it would off been fine
>t.Janissary mut
shiptar we literally won won every war in the balkan in the last 28 years against anyone we fought including bosnian kebabs, albanian subhumans and croatian savages
we only lost to due to the overwhelming military firepower and political pressure from (((ZOG usa))) and (((nato)))
we literally raped entire aggressive nations who advanced aggainst us before sucumbing to ultimate USA boss
>oh noes, you called a precious PoC the n-word, blasphemy!! thou shall be hanged
>heheh those slavs are literally white nigger amirite fellow progressives?
retarded as fuck
The second most betrayed country in the world after Poland. They got bombed because they were fighiting for their land and have been blamed for things they hadn't done.
>pic related is a polish article about how the west has fallen for croatian propaganda and Serbs were actually the good guys in Yugoslavic war.
seljdzuk subhuman zerg nigger
after we owned you at the Kosovo battle in 1389, killing both of your rullers, decimating your entire army and removing you back the fack to Anatolia
after that the Ottomans neede another 134 years to came back to Serbia and after dozens of zerg rushing and exausting battles with your "drown in our blood tactics" we failed under your rulle for a limited time
mind you that a that time:
Ottoman population: 17 000 000
Serbia: 700 000
Yeah the far left are pretty big hypocrites.
You people are still niggers though.
This is some pretty bad brainwashing. I've seen burgers try to downplay Vietnam but most people at least admit it wasn't worth it and a waste of time. Do Serbs literally think every battle they end up losing is actually a win? Or is it just underage retards?